troglodyte niger etymology

Etymology of troglodyte. See troglodyte in the Oxford Advanced American Dictionary. This perfected biological experimentation manifested as, 'The Paleolithic Man' (Pale-face), or Neanderthal. Sopdet (Spdt, Sepedet) is Sothis in greek. When the Spanish came to America they found the Indios (Indians), the black people who are with God.. The white man just reversed histories, traded places and projected his own history onto other people and used the other peoples history for themselves. In this way the word for dark was likely taken from these dark peoples belief in Meru and the corresponding Egyptian MR. Richard Merrick then tells us that: We can say the same about Meru as a name in India. Every man and women are born from Mount Meru (Mother Mary), because everyone was born through the womb of a woman. Was Jesus a Dragon? There is also two sets of Moors. Philadelphia at that time was the nations capital as a result of the Treaty of Peace and Friendship between Morocco and the UNITED STATES established under the sacred Elm Tree of Sagamore Tamanend. How to play as a Trog. Yes, the intent of the design of the District of Columbia was to have the Washington Monument (the phallus) at the center, penetrating the Virgin (Virginia) Mary (Maryland), since Washington DC sits at the center of two states: Virginia and Maryland. The presence of the troglodyte and the lake dweller within civilized man might signal a social or psychological degeneration, a regression to a more primitive state. This Hieroglyphic looks like a human eye (supervision) too, so the eyes and the mouth are related. Online Etymology Dictionary. Etymology of troglodyte. Online Etymology Dictionary, In the movie, Maleficent referred to herself as Queen of the Moors (the land). Harper, Douglas. This is a very ancient symbol, because it was taken from the William Niven Tablets found in the Valley of Mexico, which was a find dated to be over 50,000 years old. Troglodyte Niger Cave Man. For Example, Amaur-ka, (T)a-mer-Inca (America), Amen-Ra-Ka, Al Morocco (Al-mer-Ra-Ka), Al-Mauri-khan (American) Ameru-Ka, Amexem (Mexico), and etc. 42 Release Year: 2016. The Washitaw Moors were direct descendants of the Olmec Moors, whom were from the Americas, since they were survivors of the Atlantis disaster. This is a satellite image of Timbuctoo, New Jersey from Google Earth. This is the whitewashed goddess Columbia wearing the US Flag and the Moorish Flag. You can't do that today, fellas, 'cause it might come off. As you can see, this was a Blackamoor king. All of the so-called founder fathers of the Country had a Holy Quran and it was Morocco, Indiana that first recognized the UNITED STATES as a nation. slang, trusty trout was used in a sense of "confidential friend." ecdysiast (n.) Polaris is also religious figures like: Lord Brahma (Abraham of the Bible), Dhruva, Christ & his 12 Disciples (the zodiac), Meru (see image in this post), and the Tree of Life in the Garden of Eden are one and the same. The owl (the Eagle or Phoenix) and the draco (dragon or serpent) are a husband and wife team (Hermetic marriage) that work together as our Kundalini system, which created and maintains our physical bodies. In the visual arts, "with no colors but black and white," it is by 1870 of sketches, 1883 of photographs. Check pronunciation: troglodyte. Gods sun/son is born or rather re-born every year after the Sun stops on the Tropic of Capricorn for 2 days and on the third day rises from death and is reincarnated into the world. Yes, the intent of the design of the District of Columbia was to have the Washington Monument (the phallus) at the center, penetrating the Virgin (Virginia) Mary (Maryland), since Washington DC sits at the center of two states: Virginia and Maryland. To the Masons, the Square is the female aspect, since a woman has four dimension and is the foundation of civilization. (Anthropithecus troglodytes or Troglodytes niger) which approaches more nearly to man, in most respects, than any wild man troglodyte niger woodwose cretin are just a few names that europeans were called prior to moors experimenting with them value in Gematria is 10763 Page 4 Meaning of wild man troglodyte niger woodwose cretin are just a few names that europeans were called prior to moors experimenting with them In online Gematria Calculator Decoder Cipher with same phrases values search and words. Good work. By bringing together top experts and authors, this archaeology website explores lost civilizations, examines sacred writings, tours ancient places, investigates ancient discoveries and questions mysterious happenings. Mora /mora/. In The Lamentations of Isis and Nephthys for Osiris, Isis calls herself Sopdet. Yes, family and friends the original symbol of America was actually a Moorish (black) Muslim (Moslem) women named Columbia: This gold coin was approved in 2017 as official US currency. Troglodyte and its related adjective troglodytic (meaning "of, related to, or being a troglodyte") are the only trgl offspring that are widely used in general English contexts, but another trgl progeny, the prefix troglo-, meaning "cave-dwelling," is used in scientific contexts to form words like troglobiont ("an animal living in or restricted to caves"). Answer: Europeans are Paleolithic / modern man -'Hybrids' or 'Androids'. Polaris is short for Pole Star/North Star, and it is the highest star that is at the center of our Galaxy (see image of the zodiac wheel, which resembles a Swastika). (by extension) Anything that lives underground . This is the Indian (Creek=Greek) goddess Columbia. [count] : a person who lived in a cave in prehistoric times. In Libya, this unique type of house can be found in the Jabal Nasufah (. Here is more evidence: This is the original Statue of Liberty, aka, Lady Liberty. Troglodyte definition: A member of a fabulous or prehistoric race of people that lived in caves, dens, or holes. from the GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary of English. Also, Washington Monument is near by, which served as a tool to transmit the wireless free energy generated from these type of cross or X structures to the Tartars or Moors in the area of the land of Virgin Mary, which is Virginia and Maryland. The Virgin Goddess Columbia was just a old manifestation of the ancient consort and virgin mother of God. Also compare nigra. The troglodyte would have clubbed Darling, and later, if the lady played tricks, he would have ended her in the same way. I believe so, because he was a magi (magician) and he referred to himself in the book of Psalms as a Worm, which translates as Dragon/serpent. Besides these names, the same aspects of any Goddess can be found in: Aphrodite, Ishtar, Black Madonna, Mary/Maya, Goddess Athena, Goddess Astarte, Anunit, Astarte and Atarsamain, She was the light-giver at this season of the year and was called Khut, As the mighty earth-goddess her name was Usert, As the Great Goddess of the Underworld she was Thenenet, As the power which shot forth the Nile flood, she was Sati, and Sept, As the embracer of the land and producer of fertility by her waters she was Anqet, As the producer and giver of life she was Ankhet, As the goddess of cultivated lands and fields she was Sekhet, As the goddess of the harvest she was Renenet, As the goddess of food which was offered to the gods, she was Tcheft, and lived in the Temple of Tchefau, As the great lady of the Underworld, who assisted in transforming the bodies of the blessed dead into those wherein they were to live in the realm of Osiris, she was Ament the hidden goddess. Accessed $(datetimeMla). Archaeologists have been able to take a closer look at one of the United Kingdoms most famous shipwrecks. Online Etymology Dictionary. Yes, these kings had wings because the Virgo (virgin) Mary (Saint Sara [Saracen]: Mary Magdalene), whom these Kings descend from had wings (see the golden image of the virgo Mohur/ Maur/ Moor female Empress). We have Tangut listed in North America on several old-world maps. In 1959, at age 23, De Ruggieri and his older brother founded a cultural club to salvage Matera's past, called the Circolo la Scaletta, the Circle of Stairs. Please avoid, the hijack because Morocco, Indiana was the first Morocco, since America is the True old World and the Birthplace of civilization. Genetic evidence supports the upper Nile origin for the Niger-Congo speakers. 26. ", in OED Online , Oxford, Oxfordshire: Oxford University Press, September 2003. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. 1550s, "member of a black-skinned race of Africa," from Spanish or Portuguese negro "black," from Latin nigrum (nominative niger) "black, dark, sable, dusky" (applied to the night sky, a storm, the complexion), figuratively "gloomy, unlucky, bad, wicked," according to de Vaan a word of unknown etymology; according to Watkins, perhaps from PIE This page was last edited on 25 February 2023, at 11:53. Negro is a chattel brand name, which was, with disorienting intent, contemporarily applied to Moors for 'straw-man' - corporate adhesioncontracting, and deceptive 'nom de To save this word, you'll need to log in. None of them have been studying long enough to be in the category of real scholars. The Latin word also was applied to the black peoples of Africa, but the usual terms were Aethiops and Afer. As you can see, the Statue is Dark and it reflects the features of a Moorish Woman. On the os penis of the chimpanzee (Troglodytes niger) and of the orang (Simia satyrus) by Crisp, Edwards, 1806-1882; Royal College of Surgeons of England. Isis was as powerful, if not more powerful, than Osiris and Ra. Pan troglodytes troglodytes, Central Chimpanzee [English] Author(s)/Editor(s): . Tameri was an ancient Name for Egypt. Move". Harper Douglas, Etymology of nigger, Online Etymology Dictionary, accessed $(datetime), Mauritania was a stronghold for the Moors and it also means, Tameri or the land of the Moors (Maryland). State v. Logan, 344 Mo. . This is a satellite image of Timbuctoo, California from Google Earth. Amazon, the Amazon logo, AmazonSupply, and the AmazonSupply logo are trademarks of, Inc. or its affiliates. WERE THE MUURS REALLY THE BIGGEST RACE TRAITORS AND SELLOUTS OF THEIR OWN RACE? I am a big advocate for us having our own schools. ism / -dtizm / n. The Oxford Pocket Dictionary of Current English troglodyte As an adjective from 1590s. SNOW in April! This makes sense because in ancient times societies were matriarchal and ruled by women. In this blog post is an image of a gold coin, valued at $100 US dollars, of the original statue of Liberty, aka, Lady Liberty. Latin troglodytae, plural, from Greek trglodytai, from trgl hole, cave (akin to Greek trgein to gnaw, Armenian aracem I lead to pasture, graze) + dyein to enter, Theme music by Joshua Stamper 2006 New Jerusalem Music/ASCAP. This country was not founded on Christianity, per the Treaty of Tripoli, Article 11: As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion; as it has in itself no character of enmity against the laws, religion, or tranquility, of Mussulmen (Muslims); and as the said States never entered into any war or act of hostility against any Mahometan (Mohammedan) nation, it is declared by the parties that no pretext arising from religious opinions shall ever produce an interruption of the harmony existing between the two countries. . Therefore, the first mint facility was built there. Mors/mors/. The Seed a philosophical treatise on the seed, by Amunhotep Chavis El-Bey. Simply put.. The powers that be love to tell the truth about history through art and film. Columbia is signifies the Statue of Liberty. Our open community is dedicated to digging into the origins of our species on planet earth, and question wherever the discoveries might take us. Sopdet was also connected to the goddess Satet at Abu (Elephantine). The troglodyte sites of Dordogne Prigord Since the prehistoric times, the Prigord cliffs have sheltered Cave dwellingsThe Dordogne is a region with an impressive natural architecture, sometimes in the state of simple vestiges visible here and there during your travels, some sites are remarkably preserved and can be visited.Discover the selection of of the most beautiful sites . Rosa et al, in a paper discussing the y-Chromosomal diversity in the population of Guinea-Bissau, noted that while most Mande & Balanta carry the E3a-M2 gene, there are a number of Felupe-Djola, Papel, Fulbe and Mande carry the M3b*-M35 gene the same as many non-Niger . Their origin is the 'Heterogeneous manifest' of the 'Troglodyte Niger Anthropoid', cross-bred with the 'Human' specie. Gods sun/son is born or rather re-born every year after the Sun stops on the Tropic of Capricorn for 2 days and on the third day rises from death and is reincarnated into the world. The cave was populated by albino scorpions, blind salamanders, and other troglodytes. AFRICAN AMERICANS AIN'T AFRICANS-. TROGLODYTES Meaning of TROGLODYTES in English. All of the Avatars and Manu come from Polaris, seeding the root races on the Earth planes. seem to have used black (n.) and, after the American Civil War, colored person. What is the origin of the legend of the Christed Son who was born of a virgin on December 25th? Charming Steel Plate Engravings with Water Colors Applied by Hand, 1833 measuring 4 x 6 3/4 each, $50. Polaris is the First Blue Ray, and its vibrations are felt by those on the higher path to spirituality. Publication date 1865 Topics Hominidae, anatomy & histology, Penis, anatomy & histology Publisher [London : s.n.] The hollywood movie Maleficent is based off of the concept of the Virgo Mohur female. The variant nigga, attested from 1827 (as niggah from 1835), is found usually in situations where blacks use the word. These wrens are around 1113 centimetres (4.35.1 in) long. each shipped in the USA. (Blacks Law Dictionary 4th Edition) There have been no Olmec heads found in Africa, so the Olmecs were native to the Americas. The major goddess of the Egyptian pantheon, she had many of the same attributes of other mother-goddesses found all over the world. No other tribes I know of in North America followed that cultural path. The Troglodyte Niger - Paleolithic Man (Hybrid) Occidental. The Pole star or North star is the first star and the highest star that created all of the rest of the stars; therefore, this star is the first thought (seed) that created all life. 1. The reclamation of the word as a neutral or positive term in black culture (not universally regarded as a worthwhile enterprise), often with a suggestion of "soul" or "style," is attested first in the U.S. South, later (1968) in the Northern, urban-based Black Power movement. troglodyte; Nearby words. Throughout Peru, Bolivia and southern Brazil numerous findings have substantiated comparisons to ancient Egypt. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. English. The term is a Choctaw term which means Big Arbor which represented the Grass thatched arbor homes that the people lived in. 2023. Niger Niger, officially Republic of Niger, French Rpublique du Niger, landlocked western African country. This Symbol is also the Key to Universal Movement. The mouth can start wars and end wars too. (e.g. This image shows you the zodiac wheel (the Swastika) that revolves around the Pole Star, aka, the great mother. ies. George Washington Chairman of the Continental Congress of 1774 is documented saying: If we would agree to take the Fezzes, and Turbans off the Moors Heads and remove the sandals from their feet and enforce it with severe punishments, and also swear a death oath between ourselves to religiously, and faith fully not allow anyone to teach the Moorish Children whom they really are or who their forefathers were. In Libya, this unique type of house can be found in the Jabal Nasufah ( As Greek mythology goes, the universe was once a big soup of nothingness. Old world bust of the back of an Olmec Headdress and you can see several tassels, which indicates a Fez. Nigger heaven "the top gallery in a (segregated) theater" first attested 1878 in reference to Troy, N.Y. Nigger-shooter "slingshot" is by 1876. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. chapter 1: title page chapter 2: five books of exploration and travel by richard burton chapter 3: first footsteps in east africa; or, an exploration of harar. 1 What does it mean when you call someone a troglodyte? These example sentences are selected automatically from various online news sources to reflect current usage of the word 'troglodyte.' Setenil de las Bodegas is a town located in Cdiz, a province in the southern part of Spain. Now, you know why, because the Human form is Mount Meru. 1550s, "member of a black-skinned race of Africa," from Spanish or Portuguese negro "black," from Latin nigrum (nominative niger) "black, dark, sable, dusky" (applied to the night sky, a storm, the complexion), figuratively "gloomy, unlucky, bad, wicked," according to de Vaan a word of unknown etymology; according to Watkins, perhaps from PIE *nekw-t- "night." 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