nihal soul group

1 - Read the brief description about the trais of every Starseed family to have a better idea about your origin WebA hungry soul will look with hopeful eyes at anything that promises to satisfy its hunger, anything, even a fake one. She brings all these tools together and combines them with her natural psychic medium, clairvoyant and clairaudient gifts. WebA Soul Group is comprised of a single person or group of people that your Soul energetically resonates with on a mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual level at any given moment. This constellation is aptly named because the definition of phoenix is, a person or thing of unsurpassed excellence or beauty; a supremely beautiful, rare, or unique person or thing; a successful completion of a process. The reason being is that God created Ankaa first and therefore it is the oldest planet/realm in, April 4, 2021: The Cepheus Constellation is where the Alderamins, a starseed soul group of origination that I previously discovered and blogged about, are located. The Akashic Records indicate that one of the reasons why they decided to move from one place to another is related not only to the evolution of the soul itself (that the Higher Self decided to initiate a cycle of incarnations on Earth to move forward) but for the desire in addition to serving as protectors against, among other things, the incredible number of Dracos (see below) that were beginning to reach our planet. I am told that these benevolent beings are super excited to be re-introduced to Earth and her inhabitants. There is a large number of people on our planet whose origin is marked in this star system. This group is for Nihal starseeds seeking other Nihal souls to share the energy with and learn from each other about being from Nihal and what that means we Erin was so spot on with so many things it was uncanny. He is currently the Chairman of Lalin Michael Jinasena & Co. and the former Chairman of Loadstar (PVT) Limited, which was the largest export company in Sri Lanka. Hello Mam, I have purchased your Starseed DNA course from Udemy. They relate from non-judgment and compassion, can see life with perspective and remain in neutrality. They were among the first groups of souls to come to our planet to assist in its evolution. WebVill du veta mer om din sjl, vad ditt syfte r och kanske om du har ngon speciell gva att dela med dig av till vrlden? Another part of its population was very spiritual, and its mission was to achieve the evolution of the planet, but they did not get it, so after losing the planet they decided to continue incarnating in other places where their experience and advice is needed, always dedicated to peace and to the development of the spirit. Spica is the brightest star in the constellation Virgo. July 2, 2021: Alchibans are the souls who had their initial and foundational lifetimes on the planet Alpha Corvi in the Corvus Constellation, otherwise known as the crow. The respect, support and thorough explanations made it a complete and comfortable experience.. The beings that inhabit this realm do prefer the name Beta Pegasi over Scheat. This makes you susceptible to your energies. However, it was around 100,000 to 50,000 years ago, so no one on, March 29, 2022I was first introduced to this soul group about a year ago while researching a clients Akashic Record. These souls come here mostly to contribute these progressive energies and ideas to our world, but they also come here to learn. Nihals are good at being in the present moment. Nihal Starseeds are very creative and they love music, art, poetry, or anything else that makes them feel inspired. The planet on our star maps is called Alpha Crateris located in the Crater Constellation. Within the group of starseeds, information about people presenting this system as a place of origin is somewhat scarce. According to the ancient alien theory, the blue star Kachina are aliens. Gamma Nihals are not a subgroup of Nihal, they are their own unique realm Starseed souls who Even someone has touched you inside, like an old resonance of belonging. The Sextantians tell me that they are happy to be known by us on Earth but want to make it clear that they dont differentiate themselves from any other Sextantian beings. They are always expressing their opinions and thoughts, and if they dont, they are blocking. They are spiritually simple, so they have a very physical and material perspective on life. They are dreamers and visionaries. Everything resonated with me, and I enjoyed the way she detailed the information she provided me. Schedule Now " Biggest takeaway (650) 263 Shes a certified Akashic Record reader and researcher. Origin Mintakan, incarnated as Andromedan, Nihal, Spichan, and Hadarian , Beautiful work Karen stay strong, mix of andromedans and sirians for me which is confirmed on the sirius side when I worked in the light chambers in ancient egypt and atlantis. Nonetheless, some very experienced and powerful Ruchbahian souls have been incarnating on Earth to help with our liberation in. They are good artists, writers and actors. They are young and less experienced souls, because they have only incarnated on Earth. People whose origin is Mintaka have an extraordinary talent: they are able to see the light in everyone, however little it exists, that is, they only see the good part of the people. At the beginning of incarnation, some of them had physical and even neurological problems, due to their high vibration, and getting used to this third dimension meant they died young, since their DNA was difficult to adapt. Var med i detta live webinarie p sndag 2/12! The Blue Ray Beings are an ultra-sensitive, empathic soul group like the Indigos that came from many different ascended planets and light realms to enlighten the By having your Akashic Records read, the reasons of why you know what you know becomes clear and your life purpose becomes even clearer. Nihals cannot stand being around negative energy so they will put up a shield of protection. They find it difficult to be practical in daily life and it takes them a long time to realize their goals. Having a Draco in the family or at work can be very harmful since they are only able to survive (on an energy level) thanks to the absorption of negative emotions collected in others. From that moment on my life became completely different as I became aware of my entire spirit and a feeling of calmness slowly filled me. WebOn my team was an amazing young group of superstars and friends including Rama Husamddine Nour Abdelhamid Renato Conde Matthew Engele Hira Waseem and Dr. Mario Rossi, A.S.L.A. Maschenfein knitting inspiration There are lots of similarities between the two groups but also some vast differences. Having this connection and this awareness often gives us relief and a sense of deep belonging to a place other than our current reality, a place that really feels like HOME. WebNihal Arthanayake was born on 1 June 1971, [1] to Theravada Buddhist, [2] Sri Lankan parents. December 31, 2022: I encountered these beings through client Akashic Record readings a while ago, but since they show up so infrequently, it has taken me a long time to get to know them. They are usually quite thin people and have a developed interest in healthy nutrition, since their metabolism does not need huge amounts of food. However, I must note that. it's a tough and competitive world out They are rebellious with the physical world and they get a constantly bad feeling to be governed by the external and artificial rules of this planet. Also a spicans. The name that the Hopi gave Sirius is the blue star Kachina. Nihals also have a strong The totality of previous lifetime experiences and various trainings make us who we are today. I immersed myself into the density of this reality and lost touch of my spiritual path. Nihal souls remain very youthful at any age (they even seem to physically age slower than the rest of us) and have a bright, fun energy about them. During myresearch exploration I came across the term akashic Records. Nihal starseeds might be the ones who can see through your facades and figure out if youre lying or not without even trying. Gamma Nihals will incarnate on Earth whenever an opportunity arises where they can learn their desired lessons. 2. These beings are the first humans in the galaxy. Nof is far away from Earth and it is located near the border of our Universe. I was intrigued, but left it at that. it's a tough and competitive world out Knowing that we have incarnated here with a mission, which goes beyond our daily struggle with material obstacles. Patch 13.4 Stay tuned to ETimes for more devotional songs like 'Vinuthintu Vignapathi' and play most popular religious songs, bhajans, aartiyan, chants, katha, kirtan and other collection of meditative & soul-stirring music. A little history according to the states of divination of the Hopi Indians, is that when the blue star Kachina appears in the sky, the fifth world can emerge. But true freedom comes exclusively from within. Starseed souls that have had their formative lifetimes on planet Alpha Cassiopeia in the Cassiopeia Constellation belong to this group. This race of beings is well-known and a common starseed soul group found on Earth. It is important that you observe it and do a little meditation to get more details: just take a deep breath and stay blank for a few minutes to see what that resonance wants to tell you, you can still get perceptions of previous lives that take you to the origin of your Soul. One of its objectives is to help protect and free the planet from negative influences of other races, although without a specific objective, which can make them feel disoriented as to what they have come to do exactly here. They are usually quite artistic and are very connected to their body, and use it to connect spiritually by dancing or doing physical exercises. They tend to have knowledge of a wide variety of areas, as well as talents and abilities, and are very creative. It is a very distinct feature of theirs. For this reason they are considered progressive, since the feminine side is more understanding and respectful. Younger brothers Ernie lsley (guitar) and Marvin Isley (bass) joined the group along with Rudolph's brother-in-law, Chris Jasper (keyboards). So it can take a long time to reincarnate. He belongs to a musical family. Their body is scaly, green, with very large eyes, only 3 fingers on their hands. It has been a hell of a ride, starting off with an amazing journey leading the delivery | 187 comments on LinkedIn Please try it again: Thanks, Hello, My name is Walter Spivey. I decided that this was something worth investigating. Mars ceased to be habitable with the explosion of Maldec and thats why they came to Earth. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. When expanded it provides a list of search options that will switch the search inputs to match the current selection. Those who are Sirius starseeds tend to be very concentrated and very determined. They may not realize it, but it is their way of acting and relating to the environment. If, when consulting our Akashic Record or when making a guided meditation to find the origin, more than one comes out, the rest will be conditions of your personality, abilities, and mission, but not as strong as the first. All the complexities of society, such as the economic system, conventional education, cultural norms or religions, seem totally foreign to you. Log In. Although someone is really 99% negative, the Mintakans will still say that the person is 1% positive. April 30, 2021: Six months ago, I stumbled upon the Ankaan starseed soul group and Spirit mentioned that these souls frequently incarnate on Alderamin and vice versa. The description could not be more on point, and I had even began go question the legitimacy of NIHAL STARSEEDS and of NIhal in general, but after reading this, I am convinced my Akashic Reading was not mistaken, because if the above are the defining characteristics of those with Nihal Soul Origins, then my soul definitely originated from or on Nihal. However, this planet is so small that it is often overlooked on our current star and constellation maps. Alphirk is a physical realm much like here and it has a lot of natural beauty. When not channeling information from the Akashic Records, you will find me planning an international adventure, gardening, being in nature, or spending time with my husband and animals. Lyrians can be found on Earth, in human form, or at other higher levels of density. If you think you may be a Nihal or a Gamma Nihal starseed soul, have your Akashic Record read by me. Starseed souls who have their foundational lifetimes on Gamma Leporis have been coming here longer than their neighbors, approximately 50,000 years. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Copyright 2022 All rights reserved. Nonetheless, the souls tend to be more intuitively inclined in an earthly body than the Nihals (in my experience). Like the Hopi Indians, they are closely linked to nature and water. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Nihals are not impressed with the glamour of any elitist establishment, they have a deep belief in truth and honesty that most cant even comprehend. Benevolent for the Chinese or Maya traditions, or terrible for the Europeans like Sant Jordi and the dragon, San Miguel and the dragon or Lucifer (the bearer of light). Late summer - the perfect time for knitting: airy shirts, transitional jackets and the first warm sweaters. It has been my pleasure to assist others from around the world by enlightening them to their true past and why their life is both structured and experienced the way it is. However, they prefer to be called by their planets Arabic name, Alchiba. Nihal beings are humans that look just like we do but more perfect. It took me some time to figure out the energetic differences between this soul group and their already well-known neighbors, the Nihals. I am told their DNA is a cross between the Lyrans (also feline beings) and the Nihals. They do not like new customs, they love their old customs with nature. Akashic Record Readers have been working with these clients for decades. I have not found the Nihal souls that I have read for to be more intuitively gifted than other clients with different soul originations. These starseed souls come from a planet far away from Earth located in the Sextans Constellation. Her experience in all things spiritual helps to bring a full understanding of self and soul to her private clients and readers. The Isley Brothers have released four double platinum, six platinum, and four gold albums. These souls usually have a moderate amount of experience on Earth, with an average of 35 lifetimes. My passion is to make the spiritual world easier to understand and to uncover who we are at the soul level. Those who have Vega as their origin are usually intuitive, understanding, respectful and wise people who emit a soft external energy and an aspect of strength and capacity. You dont get involved in negative conversations and gossip and try to avoid social situations, because they make you feel uncomfortable. Originally this star was a place of deep clear waters where the war did not exist, for this reason, the Mintakans have a strong connection with the water (or they adore or hate it, they do not support the deep dark waters) and they have a very strong longing for their origin, thats why they are very homely and like to work from home. WebDiscover songs like Apna Sa Laage (RVCJ Originals) by Rohan Rohan and generate your dream playlist on Chosic! Some, through dreams or revelations, remember that they lived a great war, the pain, frustration and helplessness that caused them the experience of losing everything and the anguish of having to start over. The mission for Blue Rays Souls is the same as it is for Indigos and all Starseeds and other soul groups. As more people begin to awaken they will see life differently and begin working together in unity instead of following an elitist system. They described it as a library that contains records of all past present andfuture lives of a the soul. US Hip hop producer Bohemia talks with Nihal about his new release, Rooh. Since the negative Dracos work 100% with energies based on fear, their form of survival is based, when they are incarnated as people, in provoking all kinds of situations that generate emotions related to this frequency: anger, jealousy, depression, chaos, extreme agitation, confusion, etc. It is a strange soul group to find incarnated on Earth, since there these souls were embodied in bodies of light, and not in a body as dense as ours, third It is a strange soul group to find incarnated on Earth, since there these souls were embodied in bodies of light, and not in a body as dense as ours, third dimensional. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Keep continuing your mission. Based in Brooklyn, New York, theyre led by singer, Sharon Jones, who was born and raised in North Augusta, South Carolina, and whose mother knew James Brown. Privacy Policy |Web Design and Direction. These cookies do not store any personal information. Are you ready to discover the journey of your soul. This 3-star resort offers room service and a 24-hour front desk. Thus, people with this origin usually have a part of fighter against injustices, they are usually very mental (this is always seen), analytical and magnificent problem solvers, talents that on the other hand, make them be somewhat more distanced from their emotions. Shes a certified Akashic Record reader and researcher. I was identified through Akashic Reading that I am NIHAL Starseed a while back, but at that time I could not find any details or expanded information on the subject! Draconian Starseed - Traits and Mission On Earth, Blue Ray Children - Easy To Mistake For Indigo. away, so they are like our closest galactic neighbors. However, this indigo affiliation could come from that these beings have large indigo eyes. I agreed to assist Ken and see if I could communicate with them in any meaningful way to obtain more information. WebNihal Thomas (0000-0002-4614-9519) 0000-0002-4614-9519 Websites & social links Departmental Institutional Countries India account_circle Is this you? Susan was born with spiritual gifts and is a master of many metaphysical techniques. These souls discussed in this blog are from the fixed star called Scheat or Beta Pegasi located in the Pegasus Constellation. Nihal starseeds are also very intelligent, they have high IQs so Nihals generally do well in academics or any other type of learning, Nihals pick up on things quickly which makes them quick learners. They want to have fun and not take life too seriously. Listen to the latest devotional bhajan 'Bahe Ankhiya Se Lor' sung by Anuradha Paudwal. We are all born with gifts and the Akashic Records have identified certain gifts They are sensitive and endowed with various powers such as telepathy or psychism. That is why Nihals are the ones who will go out in public to protest for what they believe in because it feels like an important thing to do when someone else might not even care enough to take action. The sirian starseed abilities are: They are good at expressing themselves with the opposite sex. WebThis button displays the currently selected search type. Nihals are very intelligent and quick learners. He was consequently invited to record some of his raps over the duo's existing tracks. Im ready, I want to schedule my reading. Nihal is the Arabic name for these planets and the beings from both these worlds prefer the Arabic version. Hey Jenny, thanks for your comment! The reading Erin provided resonated deeply in my soul. In fact, most of them feel disappointed how people behave, even their parents. It is an unknown planet/star to us and therefore is not a part of any known constellation. Orions can feel overwhelmed because people does not let them make their own way. In relationships Nihals need someone who can see how special they really are, there is nothing more than this soul needs than to be unconditionally loved. I am not sure if these two groups were simply lumped together with no differentiation made or not. January 20, 2022 The Proxima Centaurians are a starseed soul group I recently discovered and since have read for several clients who come from this realm. January 6, 2022 When I first encountered these beings they were uncomfortable being known on Earth. The passage to a cycle of incarnations on our planet has to do as always with two things, the desire on the part of that Higher Self to learn on Earth, but also the impossibility of continuing to evolve in Hadar. They can also take on different personalities depending on the situation which is why Nihals often change their outward appearance for certain events. There are a fair amount of Nihal souls incarnated on Earth at the moment and they have been coming here on average for 17,000 years. It was a civilization that had a very warrior, mental and emotional part of its population and its own technology caused them to destroy themselves in the most important war in their history due to the chain explosion of their nuclear bombs. Knowing where our Essence was born (on Earth or in outer space) can be very clear to understand what nature moves us and what we have come here to do. It is discovered only by building self-love and inner spiritual being. However, it took awhile for me to eventually read forstarseedclients who had this soul group as either their primary or secondary place of origination due to their rarity. Nihals are deeply caring souls, but since they are naive about societys rules makes their social life very challenging. May 25, 2022 I was recently introduced to these beings in an unusual way. The Anlkkols call the planet Beta Phoenicis in the Phoenix Constellation, home. As they love to communicate, they are usually interdimensional information channels and a lot of information can be channeled from them too. It is the closest star system to the Sun, about 37 billion km. The more planets the older the soul, the more reincarnations it has been evolving. The reading was done professionally and with kindness, so that these revelations could be processed and understood in the context of my present being. Gamma Nihals are very friendly, free-spirited, and curious people with good senses of humor. When I talk about soul groups of origination, it is traditionally the place/realm where a starseed has their first 19 to 26 foundational incarnations. Come home to yourself. WebThis button displays the currently selected search type. In general, Polarians are the people who keep the groups together, loyal to friends, jobs, people for years, even when it is no longer convenient for them or they need to change to evolve. In those situations you understand that everyone has their own pace of evolution and can not make anyone run, because they will encounter strong resistance. Society is very different on Gamma Nihal; this is a more natural realm that is calmer. According to Zecharia Sitchin, one of the most prolific authors on the extraterrestrial origin of Humanity, dragons or reptiles joined humans in Sumeria a few thousand years ago, and hence all current mythology and religion were derived, and all civilizations. Syrians have great consideration for honesty and integrity, dont expect to be your friends too quickly. Souls who began their incarnation journey on planet Mylo belong to this starseed group. The purpose of this website is not only to provide Akashic Record reading services but also as an educational hub with new information found in the records. Nihal la Ouf (Mouhi fati Nihal ) See Photos. These beings were more than happy to chat with me and show me their realm and this is how this starseed group came to be known. There are slightly fewer Gamma Nihals currently incarnated on Earth than Nihal souls. I started unfolding a bit of information given by Erin slowly, as there is much to learn once we begin the work of inner self. They are neighbors to Spica with whom they have a good relationship. This mega explosion affected the habitability of the surface of Mars and turned the Earths axis. It is not that it is anything bad, that is, the Alpha Centaurs have developed these enormous analytical and problem-solving talents because they need them (we need them) and it is part of their contribution to the planet, of course in their individual lives, they need balance it a little more with work on the subject of emotions and feelings. They feel the emotions of others very easily. Introducing the Anlkkols: Masters of Manifestation and Crystal Technology, Introducing Mylo: The Happiest Reptilians in the Universe, The Hadarians: Love and History are Important, Introducing the Nofs: Enforcers of Universal Law, Introducing Schedar: The Most Psychic Realm in Our Universe, Introducing the Beta Sextantians: Friendly Insectoid Beings, Introducing the Kregs: The Universal Blueprint Creators, Introducing the Gamma Phoenicians: Realm of the Dragons, Introducing Beta Pegasi: A Realm of Art, Science, and Collective Trauma, Introducing the Ruchbahians: Beings Who Embody Unity and Acceptance, Introducing Proxima Centauri: A World of Natural Beauty and Free Expression, Introducing Regulus: A Realm of Alternating Existence, Introducing the Gamma Nihals: Feline Neighbors to the Nihals, Introduction to Alkes: The Realm of Creation and Energy, Introducing Alchiba: An Isolated Soul Group, Zavijavans: An Introduction to The Masters of Enlightenment, Introducing The Alpha Doradians: Creators of our Suns, Introducing the Ankaans: Beings Who Work With Source Energy, The Alphirkians: An Introduction to This Soul Group of Origination That Inhabits A Stunningly Beautiful Planet, Alderamin: An Introduction to These Spiritual Masters.

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nihal soul group