a judicial order asking correctional officers to produce

A correctional agency should provide community-based transitional facilities to assist in this reintegration process. B. (e) A prisoner should be informed if correctional authorities deny the prisoner permission to send or receive any publication or piece of correspondence and should be told the basis for the denial and afforded an opportunity to appeal the denial to an impartial correctional administrator. (e) Consistent with such confidentiality as is required to prevent a significant risk of harm to other persons, a prisoner being evaluated for placement in long-term segregated housing for any reason should be permitted reasonable access to materials considered at both the initial and the periodic reviews, and should be allowed to meet with and submit written statements to persons reviewing the prisoners classification. (b) Governmental authorities in all branches in a jurisdiction should take necessary steps to avoid crowding that exceeds a correctional facilitys rated capacity or adversely affects the facilitys delivery of core services at an adequate level, maintenance of its physical plant, or protection of prisoners from harm, including the spread of disease. This agency, which should be permitted to be the same entity responsible for investigations conducted pursuant to Standard 23-11.2(b), should anticipate and detect systemic problems affecting prisoners, monitor issues of continuing concern, identify best practices within facilities, and make recommendations for improvement. Correctional officials should be permitted to impose reasonable page limits and limitations on receipt of bound materials from sources other than their publisher, but should not require that items be mailed using particular rates or particular means of payment. the prisoner has the right to a hearing before a felony trial judge. Specialized equipment may be required in larger facilities and those serving prisoners with special medical needs. Visitors should not be excluded solely because of a prior criminal conviction, although correctional authorities should be permitted to exclude a visitor if exclusion is reasonable in light of the conduct underlying the visitors conviction. (c) The mental health of prisoners in long-term segregated housing should be monitored as follows: (i) Daily, correctional staff should maintain a log documenting prisoners behavior. Officials should provide a clear rationale in writing for any censorship decision, and should afford prisoners a timely opportunity to appeal the decision to a correctional administrator. (e) Correctional officials should encourage and accommodate visits by judges and lawmakers and by members of faith-based groups, the business community, institutions of higher learning, and other groups interested in correctional issues. (a) If a prisoner with a disability is otherwise qualified to use a correctional facility, program, service, or activity, correctional authorities should provide such a prisoner ready access to and use of the facility, program, service, or activity, and should make reasonable modifications to existing policies, procedures, and facilities if such modifications are necessary. (a) Correctional officials should implement procedures to identify prisoners at risk for suicide and to intervene to prevent suicides. (b) implement effective policies and procedures for: (i) investigation and resolution of complaints and problems; (ii) fair and rational decision-making; and. Conditions of extreme isolation generally include a combination of sensory deprivation, lack of contact with other persons, enforced idleness, minimal out-of-cell time, and lack of outdoor recreation. Procedures should exist for identifying individual prisoners who did not participate in incidents that led to the lockdown and whose access to programs and movement within the facility may be safely restored prior to the termination of lockdown status. (b) Prison officials should provide programs for the education and training of prisoners who can help other prisoners with legal matters. (b) Prior to long-term involuntary transfer of a prisoner with a serious mental illness to a dedicated mental health facility, the prisoner should be afforded, at a minimum, the following procedural protections: (i) at least [3 days] in advance of the hearing, written, and effective notice of the fact that involuntary transfer is being proposed, the basis for the transfer, and the prisoners rights under this Standard; (ii) decision-making by a judicial or administrative hearing officer independent of the correctional agency, or by an independent committee that does not include any health care professional responsible for treating or referring the prisoner for transfer or any other correctional staff but does include at least one qualified mental health professional; (iii) a hearing at which the prisoner may be heard in person and, absent an individualized determination of good cause, present testimony of available witnesses, including the prisoners treating mental health professional, and documentary and physical evidence; (iv) absent an individualized determination of good cause, opportunity for the prisoner to confront and cross-examine witnesses or, if good cause to limit such confrontation is found, to propound questions to be relayed to the witnesses; (vi) counsel, or some other advocate with appropriate mental health care training; (vii) a written statement setting forth in detail the evidence relied on and the reasons for a decision to transfer; (viii) an opportunity for the prisoner to appeal to a mental health care review panel or to a judicial officer; and. The black letter Standards and accompanying commentary have been published in ABA Standards for Criminal Justice: Treatment of Prisoners, Third Edition 2011, American Bar Association. Prescription drugs should be distributed in a timely and confidential manner. Prepare an unadjusted trial balance, in correct format, from the following alphabetized account information. (a) Governmental authorities should allow prisoners to produce newspapers and other communications media for the dissemination of information, opinions, and other material of interest, and to distribute such media to the prisoner population and to the general public. Prisoners should receive credit against any disciplinary sentence for time served in prehearing confinement if prehearing conditions were substantially similar to conditions in disciplinary segregation. (c) Correctional authorities should whenever practicable allow each prisoner not in segregated housing to eat in a congregate setting, whether that is a specialized room or a housing area dayroom, absent an individualized decision that a congregate setting is inappropriate for a particular prisoner. (c) Correctional authorities should prevent co-mingling of restrained and unrestrained prisoners either in a correctional facility or during transport. (a) Governmental and correctional authorities should facilitate programs that allow crime victims to speak to groups of prisoners, and, at the request of a crime victim and with the consent of the prisoner, appropriate meetings or mediation between prisoners and their victims. In February 2010, the ABA House of Delegates approved a set of ABA Criminal Justice Standards on Treatment of Prisoners.These Standards supplant the previous ABA Criminal Justice Standards on the Legal Status of Prisoners and, in addition, new Standard 23-6.15 supplants Standards 7-10.2 and 7-10.5 through 7-10.9 of the ABA Criminal Justice Mental Health Standards. (c) The handbook required by Standard 23-4.1 should advise prisoners about the potential legal consequences of a failure to use the institutional grievance procedures. The provisions of this Standard applicable to counsel apply equally to consular officials for prisoners who are not United States citizens. A correctional facility should be subject to the same enforcement penalties and procedures, including abatement procedures for noncompliance, as are applicable to other institutions. In their interactions with prisoners, they should model fair, respectful, and constructive behavior; engage in preventive problem-solving; and rely upon effective communication. (d) Correctional authorities should allow prisoners to acquire personal law books and other legal research material and to prepare and retain legal documents. Correctional officials should annually review and update the handbooks provided to prisoners to ensure that they comport with current legal standards, facility and agency rules, and practice. (ii) ensure that all health care treatment and medications provided to the prisoner during the term of imprisonment will continue uninterrupted, including, if necessary, providing prescription medication or medical equipment for a brief period reasonably necessary to obtain access to health care services in the community; providing initial medically necessary transportation from the correctional facility to a community health care facility for continuing treatment; or otherwise addressing the prisoners serious immediate post-release health care needs. brutality and inhumane living conditions. A prisoner should be informed of the consequences for the prisoners parental rights of any arrangements contemplated. Physical features that facilitate suicide attempts should be eliminated in all segregation cells. (d) When appropriate for purposes of evaluation or treatment, correctional authorities should be permitted to separate from the general population prisoners diagnosed with mental illness, mental retardation, or other cognitive impairments who have difficulty conforming to the expectations of behavior for general population prisoners. (iii) implementing policies and programs that facilitate healthy interactions between prisoners and their families, including their minor children. (b) A correctional agency should allow a prisoner to examine and copy information in the prisoners file, challenge its accuracy, and request its amendment. Any prisoner in segregated housing who develops serious mental illness should be placed in an environment where appropriate treatment can occur. (b) Correctional authorities should make appropriate accommodations for prisoners with special dietary needs for reasons of health or age. (c) Prisoners should not be required to demonstrate a physical injury in order to recover for mental or emotional injuries caused by cruel and unusual punishment or other illegal conduct. (f) Correctional staff should monitor and assess any health or safety concerns related to the refusal of a prisoner in segregated housing to eat or drink, or to participate in programming, recreation, or out-of-cell activity. (a) Correctional authorities should implement a system that allows each prisoner, regardless of security classification, to communicate health care needs in a timely and confidential manner to qualified health care professionals, who should evaluate the situation and assess its urgency. Disabled prisoners access to facilities, programs, services, or activities should be provided in the most integrated setting appropriate. (i) Governmental authorities should not exempt correctional agencies from their jurisdictions Administrative Procedure Act, Freedom of Information Act, or Public Records Act. In order to implement appropriate classification, housing, and programming, correctional officials should: (a) implement an objective classification system that determines for each prisoner the proper level of security and control, assesses the prisoners needs, and assists in making appropriate housing, work, cellmate, and program assignments; (b) initially and periodically validate an objective classification instrument to ensure consistent and appropriate custody and other decisions for each correctional facilitys population, including prisoners assignments to multiple occupancy cells or dormitories; and. (a) Each correctional agency should employ or contract with a sufficient number of qualified medical, dental, and mental health professionals at each correctional facility to render preventive, routine, urgent, and emergency health care in a timely manner consistent with accepted health care practice and standards. Governmental authorities should make every effort to house all prisoners in need of secure confinement in publicly operated correctional facilities. (e) Governmental and correctional authorities should strive to meet the legitimate needs of prisoner mothers and their infants, including a prisoners desire to breastfeed her child. Correctional authorities should not stigmatize prisoners who need protection. Prisoners should be entitled to observe special religious practices, including fasting and special dining hours. (a) A prisoner should be placed or retained in long-term segregated housing only after an individualized determination, by a preponderance of the evidence, that the substantive prerequisites set out in Standards 23-2.7 and 23-5.5 for such placement are met. (ix) prompt review of the classification committees decision by correctional administrators. (b) A prisoner suffering from a serious or potentially life-threatening illness or injury, or from significant pain, should be referred immediately to a qualified medical professional in accordance with written guidelines. All prisoner living quarters and personal hygiene areas should be designed to facilitate adequate and appropriate supervision of prisoners and to allow prisoners privacy consistent with their security classification. Correctional authorities should assess and make appropriate accommodations in housing placement, medical services, work assignments, food services, and treatment, exercise, and rehabilitation programs for such a prisoner. A suicidal prisoners clothing should be removed only if an individualized assessment finds such removal necessary, and the affected prisoner should be provided with suicide resistant garments that are sanitary, adequately modest, and appropriate for the temperature. (e) Correctional authorities should be permitted to use canines inside the secure perimeter of a correctional facility only for searches and, except in emergencies, only if prisoners have been moved away from the area to be searched. (a) For all staff, correctional administrators and officials should integrate training relating to the mission and core values of the correctional agency with technical training. In deciding whether to assign such a prisoner to a facility for male or female prisoners and in making other housing and programming assignments, staff should consider on a case by case basis whether a placement would ensure the prisoners health and safety, and whether the placement would present management or security problems. Correctional authorities should employ strategies and devices to allow correctional staff of the opposite gender to a prisoner to supervise the prisoner without observing the prisoners private bodily areas. (b) Correctional authorities should not discriminate against a prisoner in housing, programs, or other activities or services because the prisoner has a chronic or communicable disease, including HIV or AIDS, unless the best available objective evidence indicates that participation of the prisoner poses a direct threat to the health or safety of others. Correctional policies regarding electronic communication by prisoners should consider public safety, institutional security, and prisoners interest in ready communication. (c) Correctional authorities should assign to single occupancy cells prisoners not safely or appropriately housed in multiple occupancy cells, and correctional and governmental authorities should maintain sufficient numbers of such single cells for the needs of a facilitys particular prisoner population. (v) to enforce an order after a prisoner has been immobilized or a threat has been neutralized. a judicial order asking correctional officials to produce the prisoner and to give reasons to justify continued confinement is called a writ of _______________. Exceptions to confidentiality should be explained to a prisoner prior to any conversation or course of counseling in which confidentiality is promised, explicitly or implicitly. Salaries and benefits should be sufficient to attract and retain qualified staff. (c) No disciplinary sanction should ever be administered by other prisoners, even under the direction of correctional authorities. (d) Correctional authorities should review the classification of a prisoner housed in a prison at least every [12 months], and the classification of a prisoner housed in a jail at least every [90 days]. (d) Correctional authorities should not subject prisoners to retaliation or disciplinary action based on their constitutionally protected communication and expression. The plan should include an assessment of the prisoners needs, a strategy for correctional authorities to assist the prisoner in meeting those needs, and a statement of the expectations for the prisoner to progress toward fewer restrictions and lower levels of custody based on the prisoners behavior. The plan should describe the course of treatment provided the prisoner in the facility and any medical, dental, or mental health problems that may need follow-up attention in the community. Sanctions should be reasonable in light of the offense and the prisoners circumstances, including disciplinary history and any mental illness or other cognitive impairment. (d) In the event of a lockdown of longer than [7 days], a qualified mental health professional should visit the affected housing units at least weekly to observe and talk with prisoners in order to assess their mental health and provide necessary services. To go to a particular black letter Standard (without commentary), click on the relevant Standard in the Table of Contents, below. (v) No prisoner should be allowed to participate in behavioral or biomedical research unless that prisoner has given voluntary and informed consent in writing in accordance with an approved protocol which requires that the prisoner be informed and express understanding of: A. the likely risks, including possible side effects, of any procedure or medication; B. the likelihood and degree of improvement, remission, control, or cure resulting from any procedure or medication; C. the uncertainty of the benefits and hazards of any procedure or medication and the reasonable alternatives; D. the fact that a decision to participate or to decline participation will not affect the conditions of the prisoners confinement; E. the ability to withdraw from the study at any time without adverse consequences unrelated to any physical or psychological results of such withdrawal; and. (f) The term correctional official means an individual with responsibility for facility-wide operations and management. (d) The location and storage of firearms should be strictly regulated. (a) Correctional authorities should conduct all searches of prisoner living quarters and belongings so as to minimize damage to or disorganization of prisoner property and unnecessary invasions of privacy. As the situation improves, privileges and activities for the affected area should be progressively increased. D. The contract should facilitate the contracting agencys on- and off-site monitoring by giving the contracting agency access to all the information it needs to carry out its oversight responsibilities, including access to all files and records, and to all areas of the facility and staff and prisoners at all times. Work assignments, housing placements, and diets for each prisoner should be consistent with any health care treatment plan developed for that prisoner. G. the time a prisoner spends meeting with counsel should not count as personal visiting time. (d) The handbook should specify the authorized means by which prisoners should seek information, make requests, obtain medical or mental health care, seek an accommodation relating to disability or religion, report an assault or threat, and seek protection. (a) Governmental authorities should authorize and fund a governmental agency independent of each jurisdictions correctional agency to conduct regular monitoring and inspection of the correctional facilities in that jurisdiction and to issue timely public reports about conditions and practices in those facilities. (c) All prisoners placed in segregated housing should be provided with meaningful forms of mental, physical, and social stimulation. (b) Correctional authorities should implement policies and practices to prevent any such discrimination, harassment, or bullying of prisoners by other prisoners. (v) access to radio or television for programming or mental stimulation, although such access should not substitute for human contact described in subdivisions (i) to (iv). A correctional facility should store all prescription drugs safely and under the control and supervision of the physician in charge of the facilitys health care program. This Standards can also be purchased in a book format. (b) Correctional officials should promptly and thoroughly investigate and make a record of all incidents involving violence, and should take appropriate remedial action. A facility that confines female prisoners should have on duty at all times adequate numbers of female staff to comply with Standard 23-7.10. A prisoner who lacks the capacity to make decisions consenting or withholding consent to care should have a surrogate decision-maker designated according to applicable law, although that decision-makers consent should not substitute for the protections specified in Standard 23-6.15. (d) Correctional officials should minimize technical requirements for grievances and should allow prisoners to initiate the grievance process by describing briefly the nature of the complaint and the remedy sought. According to experts cited in the text, which of the following distinguishes a well-run . (v) At least every [90 days], a qualified mental health professional should perform a comprehensive mental health assessment of each prisoner in segregated housing unless a qualified mental health professional deems such assessment unnecessary in light of observations made pursuant to subdivisions (ii)-(iv). (ii) Several times each week , a qualified mental health professional should observe each segregated housing unit, speaking to unit staff, reviewing the prisoner log, and observing and talking with prisoners who are receiving mental health treatment. (e) At intervals not to exceed three months, correctional authorities should afford a p risoner placed in protective custody a review to determine whether there is a continuing need for separation from the general population. which of the following is NOT one of the 3 steps most corrections systems use when handling the inmate grievance process? (c) If a classification decision has an impact on a prisoners release date or ability to participate in facility programs, correctional authorities should provide the prisoner an opportunity to request reconsideration and at least one level of appeal. Complaints of dental pain should be referred to a qualified dental professional, and necessary treatment begun promptly. Correctional authorities should not conduct searches in order to harass or retaliate against prisoners individually or as a group. (c) Correctional authorities should provide prisoners, without charge, basic individual hygiene items appropriate for their gender, as well as towels and bedding, which should be exchanged or laundered at least weekly. (a) Contracts with private corporations or other private entities for the operation of a secure correctional facility should be disfavored. (d) Laws, policies, administrative rules, standards, and reporting requirements applicable to publicly operated correctional facilities of similar security levels in the contracting jurisdiction, including those applicable to staff qualifications and training, freedom of information demands and disclosures, and external oversight, should apply in substance to a privately operated facility either as a matter of statutory law or as incorporated contract terms. Government-funded legal services organizations should be permitted to provide legal services to prisoners without limitation as to the subject matter or the nature of the relief sought. (b) When determining whether a pleading or other court filing has stated a legally cognizable claim or complied with other requirements, courts should take into account the challenges faced by pro se prisoners. E. The private provider should assume all liability for the operation of the facility, should be prohibited from asserting immunity defenses, and should provide adequate insurance coverage, including insurance for civil rights claims. (c) In an emergency situation requiring the immediate involuntary transfer of a prisoner with serious mental illness to a dedicated mental health facility because of a serious and imminent risk to the safety of the prisoner or others, the chief executive of a correctional facility should be authorized to order such a transfer, but the procedural protections set out in subdivision (b) of this Standard should be provided within [7 days] after the transfer. To promote occupational training for prisoners, work release programs should be used when appropriate. (a) Independent governmental bodies responsible for such matters as fire safety, sanitation, environmental quality, food safety, education, and health should regulate, inspect, and enforce regulations in a correctional facility. All other information should be disclosed only upon the prisoners written consent unless: (i) a government official specifies in writing the particular information desired, the officials agency is authorized by law to request that information, and the disclosure of the information is appropriately limited to protect the prisoners privacy; (ii) the material is sought only for statistical, research, or reporting purposes and is not in a form containing the prisoners name, number, symbol, or other information that might identify the prisoner; (iii) the disclosure is made pursuant to a valid court order or subpoena, or is otherwise required by law; or. Correctional authorities should prepare a complete file for the chief executive officer of the facility, including a report, any recordings, and written statements and medical reports for both prisoners and staff. (c) Each state legislature should establish an authority to promulgate and enforce standards applicable to jails and local detention facilities in the state. (f) Correctional officials should, to the extent reasonable, make resources and facilities available for religious purposes to all religious groups and prisoners following sincerely held religious beliefs within a correctional facility, and should not show favoritism to any religion. (e) Correctional authorities should not retaliate against a prisoner for that prisoners lawful communication with a member of the media. Correctional authorities should inform prisoners that their conversations may be monitored, and should not monitor or record conversations for purposes of harassment or retaliation. (c) The handbook should contain specific criteria and procedures for discipline and classification decisions, including decisions involving security status and work and housing assignments. (d) Vehicles used to transport prisoners to and from medical facilities should be adequately equipped with emergency medical equipment and provisions for prisoners with special needs. (o) The term long-term segregated housing means segregated housing that is expected to extend or does extend for a period of time exceeding 30 days. The record should identify the circumstances of the search, the persons conducting the search, any staff who are witnesses, and any confiscated materials. (a) The term lockdown means a decision by correctional authorities to suspend activities in one or more housing areas of a correctional facility and to confine prisoners to their cells or housing areas. In February 2010, the ABA House of Delegates approved a set of ABA Criminal Justice Standards on Treatment of Prisoners. (v) forbid the use of electronic weaponry in drive-stun or direct contact mode. (l) The term counsel means retained or prospectively retained attorneys, or others sponsored by an attorney such as paralegals, investigators, and law students. (b) Prisoners access to the judicial process should not be restricted by the nature of the action or the relief sought, the phase of litigation involved, or the likelihood of success of the action, except if like restrictions, including filing fees, are imposed on non-prisoners. If such enterprises are for-profit firms, prisoners should be paid at least minimum wage for their work. Correctional authorities should offer prisoners expected to be incarcerated for more than six months additional educational programs designed to meet those prisoners individual needs. In addition to the limitations itemized in Standard 23-3.7, sanctions should never include: (ii) conditions of extreme isolation as described in Standard 23-3.8(b); (iii) use of restraints, such as handcuffs, chains, irons, strait-jackets, or restraint chairs; or. Any visual surveillance and supervision of a prisoner who is undergoing an intimate medical procedure should be conducted by correctional officers of the same gender as the prisoner. A decision to retain a prisoner in segregated housing following consideration by the classification review committee should be reviewed by a correctional administrator, and approved, rejected, or modified as appropriate. Except in highly unusual circumstances in which a prisoner poses an imminent threat of serious bodily harm, staff should not use types of force that carry a high risk of injury, such as punches, kicks, or strikes to the head, neck, face, or groin. Individual with responsibility for facility-wide operations and management in a book format for-profit firms, prisoners should consider public,. E ) correctional authorities after a prisoner has been immobilized or a threat has been neutralized publicly operated correctional.. 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a judicial order asking correctional officers to produce