can someone else drop off my ballot pennsylvania

Other states allow you to give your ballot to anyone you choose. The film also pointed to cellphone geolocation data, which experts say is not precise enough to identify whether someone used a drop box or simply traveled near it. Dropping off someone else's mail-in ballot at a mailbox or drop box could result in a fine or jail time, Lehigh County District Attorney Jim Martin reminded voters Tuesday. (1) Unexpected absence from the municipality during the entire time the polls are open on election day; (C) A designated bearer shall not deliver ballots to the county clerk for more than two (2) voters per election; and For example, some states, like Arizona, only allow caregivers, family members or household members to drop off a ballot for someone else. 100% remote. For each state below, you will find a brief summary of key points of mail ballot return laws, direct quotes from state laws with more detail, and links to the full laws, where available. Nebraska allows a voter to appoint an agent to obtain and return their mail ballot. The law says, "[A]t the request of a voter whose mail ballot has been prepared by or on behalf of the voter, a person authorized by the voter may return the mail ballot on behalf of the voter by mail or personal delivery to the county clerk, or any ballot drop box established in the county[.]"[9]. A voter is eligible to receive assistance in marking the ballot, as provided by this subchapter, if the voter cannot prepare the ballot because of: (1) a physical disability that renders the voter unable to write or see; or. Monday, October 24, 2022: Last day to register to vote. That election was overturned. External Relations: Moira Delaney Hannah Nelson Caroline Presnell (a) A voter who receives the ballot by mail, as provided in subsection (a) of section ninety-one B, may return it by mail to the city or town clerk in the envelope provided pursuant to subsection (d) of section eighty-seven, or such voter or a family member may deliver it in person to the office of the city or town clerk. Alabama law allows only a voter to return their absentee ballot. After the 2020 election, a discredited film claimed without evidence that a multistate network of Democrat-aligned ballot mules were paid to illegally collect and drop off ballots in five states. C. To a 3rd person who already has been issued 5 absentee ballots for voters in the municipality, until the 3rd person has returned one of those ballots; or [2011, c. 399, 23 (NEW).] Click here for more on support and opposition arguments. It shall be unlawful for any person not the voter or a person authorized by the voter to take the ballot and ballot envelope of a voter for deposit into the mail unless the ballot has been issued pursuant to application by a physically incapacitated elector under Section 3-3 or a hospitalized voter under Section 19-13, in which case any employee or person under the direction of the facility in which the elector or voter is located may deposit the ballot and ballot envelope into the mail. An agent may deliver or mail the return envelopes of not more than three voters in any election. (c) The ballot must be returned in the return In Pennsylvania, a voter who qualifies for an emergency absentee ballot may authorize in writing a representative to return their ballot. The clerk is required to provide assistance if you are unable to return your absent voter ballot as specified in (a), (b), or (c) above, if it is before 5 p.m. on the Friday immediately preceding the election, and if you are asking the clerk to pickup the absent voter ballot within the jurisdictional limits of the city, township, or village in which you are registered. However, in 2020, when the use of drop boxes spiked because of the coronavirus pandemic, some criticized the practice. A 3rd person shall, unless good cause is shown, return an absentee ballot to the clerk's office within 2 business days of the date that ballot was provided to the 3rd person or by the close of the polls on election day, whichever is earlier. An absent voter ballot received by the clerk or assistant of the clerk after the close of the polls on election day will not be counted. WESA Voter Guide How to vote by mail and return your mail . The AP is answering your questions about elections in this series. A. For example, some states, like Arizona, only allow caregivers, family members or household members to drop off a ballot for someone else. A voter can also designate a representative to return an emergency absentee ballot. signature by mark. After the 2020 election, a discredited film claimed without evidence that a multistate network of Democrat-aligned ballot mules were paid to illegally collect and drop off ballots in five states. III. Laws allowing ballot collection make voting more convenient, but they have been criticized by some who say they increase risk of voter fraud. Voting by mail is a two-step process in Pennsylvania. 6.87(4)(b)1 provides that electors must place their ballot in an envelope and follow certain procedures. As of May 2022: [1] [2] 25 states and D.C. permitted someone chosen by the voter to return mail ballots on their behalf in most cases. But the Wisconsin Elections Commission should make clear that it is the responsibility and right of voters, not third parties, to request and submit ballots. The Ballot Bulletin tracks developments in election policy around the country, including legislative activity, big-picture trends, and recent news. The following quotes briefly summarize some of the most prevalent arguments for and against restricting who may return mail ballots. 722.1 A duly registered voter may apply for an emergency absentee ballot, through a duly authorized agent, at the office of the Board from the sixth (6th) day prior to any election to the time the polls close on Election Day, under the following circumstances: (a) The voter is physically unable to be present at the polls as the result of an illness or accident occurring after the deadline for requesting to vote absentee by mail; (b) The voter, having expected to recover from an illness by Election Day and vote at the polls, finds that after the deadline for requesting an absentee ballot by mail has passed, he or she is physically unable to vote at the poll on Election Day; or. [12], On June 22, Vebber sent a letter to the election commission stating, "I am writing to you regarding the Absentee Ballot Return Options Memo you sent to municipal clerks dated March 31, 2020. A few states require designated agents to sign a document confirming they have the authority to deliver someones ballot. [3]. Am I allowed to drop off a ballot for someone else? In most states, the answer is yes but there might be restrictions. (4) An incapacity or illness that has resulted in the voter's being unable to leave home or a treatment facility. The former vice president has become the Democratic front-runner with primary victories across the country. Drop boxes special containers for voters to drop off absentee ballots in sealed envelopes have become more commonplace in the last decade, and are an efficient and secure way to return . [14], WILL's website says it seeks "to advance the public interest in the rule of law, individual liberty, constitutional government, and a robust civil society."[15]. Justice Neil Gorsuch filed a concurring opinion, joined by Justice Clarence Thomas. Heres how to double check your registration status before you head to the polls. The law states the following: "Any elector applying to cast a vote-by-mail ballot in the office of the supervisor, in any election, who requires assistance to vote by reason of blindness, disability, or inability to read or write may request the assistance of some person of his or her own choice, other than the electors employer, an agent of the employer, or an officer or agent of his or her union, in casting his or her vote-by-mail ballot. It establishes the collection of early ballots by anyone outside those groups as a class 6 felony. (1) (A) An administrator may deliver to the county clerk an application for an absentee ballot for any voter who is a patient of a long-term care or residential care facility licensed by the state and who authorizes the administrator to obtain an absentee ballot on his or her behalf. ; If you are already registered to vote, you do not have to register again in Pennsylvania unless you changed your address, changed your name, or want to change your political party. 13-35-703. In most states, the answer is yes but there might be restrictions. TV Q&A: Is a Pittsburgher writing for CBSs East New York? They point to a 2018 congressional election in North Carolina, when a Republican political operative and his staff illegally gathered ballots and forged signatures, as one of the few instances of voter fraud related to ballot collection. It states the following. In Louisiana, someone who signs a statement that they have the authorization of the voter to hand-deliver the voter's absentee ballot may do so. Ballotpedia's Election Administration Tracker sets the industry standard for ease of use, flexibility, and raw power. They point to a 2018 congressional election in North Carolina, when a Republican political operative and his staff illegally gathered ballots and forged signatures, as one of the few instances of voter fraud related to ballot collection. In most states, the answer is yes but there might be restrictions. According to the law, "The voter may designate an agent to deliver in person the sealed absentee ballot return envelope to the county auditor or municipal clerk or to deposit the return envelope in the mail. Laws in seven states and D.C. only allow another person to return a voter's ballot if that voter meets specific criteria, such as having a disability or qualifying for an emergency ballot. receive compensation, including money, goods, or services, for acting as an agent for (b)An agent of the voter under this section: (2)may not be a candidate on that ballot; (3)shall be designated in a writing signed by the voter under penalty of perjury; and. This was permanently enjoined by a state judge on September 25, 2020. (B) An authorized agent receiving an absentee ballot from a voter shall deliver the absentee ballot directly to the county clerk. Absentee ballots delivered through the mail or by the voter's delivery agent shall be received by the town, city, or ward clerk no later than 5:00 p.m. on the day of the election. [3], Arkansas law permits a designated bearer to return absentee ballots for up to two voters, an authorized agent to return ballots for up to two voters who are "in a hospital or long-term care or residential care facility licensed by the state," and an administrator to return ballots for "any voter who is a patient of a long-term care or residential care facility licensed by the state and who authorizes the administrator to obtain an absentee ballot on his or her behalf.". The law places restrictions on who can assist eligible voters. [3], [An Arizona law stating that only family members, caregivers, and household members may return someone's ballot] burdens communities that have traditionally relied on ballot collection, such as the elderly, differently-abled, Native American, and Latino communities, by preventing them from casting a ballot in the manner that is easiest for them.[3]. (iii)by a bonded courier company. Indiana. Approximately 22,000 Lehigh County voters used mail . The representative shall complete a statement, subject to felony penalties for making false statements pursuant to 24.2-1016, that (i) he is the representative of the incapacitated voter; (ii) he personally delivered the ballot to the voter who applied for it; (iii) in his presence, the voter marked the ballot, the ballot was placed in the envelope provided, the envelope was sealed, and the statement on its reverse side was signed by the incapacitated voter; and (iv) the ballot was returned, under seal, to the general registrar at the registrar's office. The law specifies that false information provided by any of the above is subject to a fine of up to $10,000 or up to 10 years of imprisonment. (Photo by Scott Olson/Getty Images) In a 4-3 decision, the Wisconsin Supreme Court ruled that absentee ballot drop boxes are illegal and voters must send their ballots by mail or deliver . (A) A designated bearer may obtain ballots for no more than two (2) voters per election; However, in 2020, when the use of drop boxes spiked because of the coronavirus pandemic, some criticized the practice. "[13], Four commission members are appointed by the four state legislative leaders and two are appointed by the governor. Upon receipt of an application or written request for an absentee ballot that is accepted pursuant to section 753-A, the clerk shall immediately issue an absentee ballot and return envelope by mail or in person to the applicant or to the immediate family member or to a 3rd person designated in a written application or request made by the voter, except as provided in subsection 2. Eleven states specify who may return ballots on behalf of voters. ', Greece's worst-ever rail crash kills dozens, crushes cars, End to extra COVID food aid affects more than a million Massachusetts residents, Two people dead, one injured in Dundalk house fire. Am I allowed to drop off a ballot for someone else? deposited anytime in a secure drop box; On election day, absentee ballots may be returned no later than 3 p.m. to the elections office or secure drop box. Mail it back using the pre-addressed, postage paid envelope included with your ballot packet. GENERAL ELECTION DAY, Tuesday, November 8, 2022: Completed mail-in ballots must be received by your county election office by 8 p.m. Postmarked is not enough. All rights reserved. As the election nears, scammers look for every angle to take advantage of voters. Any person assisting a voter shall complete the voter assistance form.". The application shall be on a form prescribed by the State Board and shall require the applicant (i) to state the cause of his incapacity, (ii) to state that he is unable to be present at the polls on election day, and that he was either incapacitated on or after the seventh day preceding the election or hospitalized on or after the fourteenth day preceding the election and unable to request the application earlier than the seventh day preceding the election, (iii) to designate a representative to receive, deliver and return the ballot, and (iv) to provide other information required by law for an absentee ballot application. No person shall transmit or deliver more than 10 advance voting ballots on behalf of other voters during an election.[3]. Laws allowing ballot collection are designed to make voting more convenient, and to make it possible for people who cant travel to deliver a ballot on their own. Florida law allows a person of the voter's choiceexcept for an employer, an agent of the employer, or a union officer or agentto assist in casting mail ballots of voters needing assistance due to blindness, disability, or inability to read or write. In most states, you can drop off a ballot for someone else but there might be restrictions. (B) A designated bearer shall at no time have more than two (2) ballots in his or her possession; may be, may not provide an absent voter's ballot to a person acting as an agent who Boston, MA 02201. Drop boxes are frequently placed intentionally in public, high-traffic spaces. It does specify that a notary public may not do so. HARRISBURG, Pa. (AP) Pennsylvania's top state elections official is pushing back against a county district attorney's plans to have detectives monitor ballot drop box location (AP Photo/John Locher, File), a tally from the National Conference of State Legislatures, when a Republican political operative and his staff illegally gathered ballots, legally dropping off ballots of family members, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Stay informed daily on the latest news and advice on COVID-19 from the editors at U.S. News & World Report. Drop boxes are frequently placed intentionally in public, high-traffic spaces. (13)A person, except an elections official in performance of duties, may not provide elections advice or attempt to collect voted ballots within any building in which any state or local government elections office designated for the deposit of ballots under ORS 254.470 (Procedures for conducting election by mail) is located, or within 100 feet measured radially from any entrance to the building. the ballot to the applicant or the applicant's agent, which agent may not, at that time, Include your in-state ID number or a photocopy of a valid photo ID with your application. All of the following actions are violations of the Michigan election law and are illegal in this state: A few states require designated agents to sign a . And a few states explicitly prohibit dropping off someone elses ballot. In Missouri, an absentee ballot may be returned in person by a relative (defined by the law) or by a team of election authorities. As stated on Pennsylvania’s official voting website . See below for additional details. If the voter authorized a person to deliver the ballot to the election authority, the voter and the person authorized to deliver the ballot shall complete the authorization printed on the exterior envelope supplied by an election authority for the return of the vote by mail ballot.[3]. The law states the following: (a)A qualified applicant may designate a duly authorized agent to pick up and deliver an absentee ballot under this subtitle. Published: Nov. 04, 2021, 6:45 p.m. State law currently prohibits, in most cases, anyone other than the voter . For example, some states, like Arizona, only allow caregivers, family members or household members to drop off a ballot for someone else. Former President Donald Trump and others argued that ballot collection, often pejoratively called ballot harvesting, increased the risk that someone would try to illegally vote on someone elses behalf or coerce them to vote a certain way. You can scan your signed application and email it back to us at or fax it to us at 617-635-4483. Step 5. No person who is a candidate in the election for which the voter requests a mail-in ballot shall be permitted to serve as an authorized messenger or bearer. ), it is unlawful to do any of the following: (a) Vote or attempt to vote more than once in any election; or, (b) Purloin or secret any of the votes cast in any election.[3]. Am I allowed to drop off a ballot for someone else? (d) "Household member" means a person who resides at the same residence as the voter. Those who support restricting who may return mail ballots often refer to the practice of campaign and union workers returning ballots as ballot harvesting. If an authorized representative is not available, a deputy sheriff or constable may deliver and return the emergency ballot. Specifically, whether people affiliated with political campaigns and unions should be allowed to collect and return mail ballots is the subject of debate. If the elector is unable to appear in court or unable to obtain assistance from an authorized representative, the judge shall direct a deputy sheriff of the county to deliver the absentee ballot to the elector if the elector is at a physical location within the county and return the completed absentee ballot, sealed in the official absentee ballot envelopes, to the county board of elections, who shall distribute the ballots, unopened, to the absentee voter's respective election district. Can I track my mailed absentee ballot? Dropboxes are set up by your county and are a safe, secure, and convenient way to return your mail-in ballot. New Mexico law states that a caregiver or immediate family member (defined by the law) can return a voter's absentee ballot. By: Marley Parish - September 27, 2022 3:51 pm. However, in 2020, when the use of drop boxes spiked because of the coronavirus pandemic, some criticized the practice. In that instance, the authorized messenger shall personally deliver the absentee ballot to the precinct superintendent of the voter's home precinct. Submit them at: election.[3]. Oregon law permits a person to return mail ballots on behalf of voters. In Kentucky, any person helping a voter cast their absentee ballot must complete a voter assistance form stating that the voter requires assistance due to disability, blindness, or inability to read English. The law defines designee and immediate family member. (A) Authorized agent shall show some form of current photographic identification to the clerk; business manager of the school district, as the case may be, authorization in writing Only a voter can mail their ballot or return it in person, unless they have a disability and officially designate someone to do it for them. 101.6105-101.694, including supervised voting at assisted living facilities and nursing home facilities as authorized under s. 101.655, commits a misdemeanor of the first degree."[6]. Deliver the return envelope by 1 of the following methods: (a) Place the necessary postage upon the return envelope and deposit it in the United States mail or with another public postal service, express mail service, parcel post service, or common carrier. Massachusetts law permits a family member to return an absentee ballot on behalf of a voter. After the 2020 election, a discredited film claimed without evidence that a multistate network of Democrat-aligned ballot mules were paid to illegally collect and drop off ballots in five states. No person except the immediate family of the voter, as defined in this Code, shall hand deliver more than one marked ballot to the registrar.". Some states have stricter rules. The written requirement is waived for voters with a disability preventing them from writing. Subsection (c) of section 91B reads as follows: "(c) To a voter who states, under penalty of perjury, that he has been admitted to a health care facility, as defined in section twenty-five B of chapter one hundred and eleven after noon of the fifth day before the relevant election, the ballot and accompanying papers shall, unless the clerk determines that there is insufficient time, be delivered in the same manner as provided in subsection (b); provided, however, that if permitted in the sole discretion of the city or town clerk, a person designated in writing by the voter and who is not a candidate for an office at the election, may instead perform the functions of an election official. The only exceptions to this are for voters with a disability who . The law states that a voter may do the following after sealing their absentee envelope: Deliver the envelope to a member of the voter's household or a person designated as the attorney in fact for the voter under IC 30-5 for delivery to the county election board: (i)in person; That election was overturned. The voter's employer, an agent of the voter's employer, or an officer or agent of the voter's union may not act as a representative for the voter. The AP is answering your questions about elections in this series. from the applicant to receive the ballot or according to requirements set forth for The film also pointed to cellphone geolocation data, which experts say is not precise enough to identify whether someone used a drop box or simply traveled near it. And no matter where you are in the Susquehanna Valley, you can drop off your mail-in ballot in person at your county's election office. State law currently prohibits, in . You can also drop off or mail your completed application to: Elections Department. (d) A person assisting a blind voter or a voter with a disability who has signed a statement on the affidavit envelope acknowledging the assistance. The auditor or business manager of the school district, as the case California law states that a person voting by mail ballot may designate another person to return the ballot if the voter cannot do so themselves and that those who return ballots on behalf of others may not receive compensation based on the number of ballots returned. Justice Elena Kagan filed a dissenting opinion, joined by Justices Stephen Breyer and Sonia Sotomayor. They point to a 2018 congressional election in North Carolina, when a Republican political operative and his staff illegally gathered ballots and forged signatures, as one of the few instances of voter fraud related to ballot collection. HARRISBURG Gov. If using this absent voter ballot return method, do not give your ballot to anyone until you have checked their credentials. In Nevada, a person authorized by the voter may return a mail ballot at the request of a voter. Former President Donald Trump and others argued that ballot collection, often pejoratively called ballot harvesting," increased the risk that someone would try to illegally vote on someone elses behalf or coerce them to vote a certain way. (4)shall execute an affidavit under penalty of perjury that the ballot was: (i)delivered to the voter who submitted the application; (ii)marked and placed in an envelope by the voter, or with assistance as allowed by regulation, in the agent's presence; and, (iii)returned to the local board by the agent.[3]. By clicking submit, you are agreeing to our Terms and Conditions & Privacy Policy. Other states, like California, allow for a ballot to submitted by anyone chosen by the voter as long as they are not paid per ballot they collect. The representative must complete a statement, in which false statement is considered a felony. 1 state explicitly allowed only the voter to return their ballot. State election laws are changing. Other states dont have laws on ballot collection at all. (b) A voter to whom an election official delivered the ballot in person at a designated health care facility, as provided in subsection (b) of section ninety-one B, shall return it to such election official, who shall return it in his custody to the office of the city or town clerk. Learn how you can protect yourself from election scams. Any person who makes a false certification violates the provisions of article nine of this chapter and is subject to those provisions.". (d) You may request by telephone that the clerk who issued the ballot provide assistance in returning the ballot. "You can come to any of our in-person absentee voting locations and drop off your ballot; if you have any disabilities that would prevent you from coming here, you can have someone else drop it . If the elector is unable to appear in court to receive the ballot, the judge shall give the elector's absentee ballot to an authorized representative of the elector who is designated in writing by the elector. [3], Rhode Island law does not specify whether someone may return mail ballots on behalf of voters.[1]. (b) Notwithstanding subsection (a) of this section, any person who, having procured an absent voter's official ballot or ballots, shall willfully neglect or refuse to return the same as provided in article three of this chapter, or who shall otherwise willfully violate any of the provisions of said article three of this chapter, is guilty of a misdemeanor and, on conviction thereof, shall be fined not more than $250, or confined in jail for not more than three months. 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can someone else drop off my ballot pennsylvania