king ferdinand of naples death by eels

The Pope seeing soured the mood of the King and could not with the army and with other ways to resist him, he immediately sent to Naples on Cardinal Roverella to try appease Ferrante, who angrily ordered to Alfonso his son to remove the Duchy of Sora to the Church. Custom Content. Unusual for the time, they all survived childhood. In 1482 the Venetians and the Pope allied themselves against the Duke of Ferrara, son-in-law of King Ferrante, because he did not observe the agreements established between them in earlier times. [34], In any case, the Republic of Genoa, thanks to subsidies and the rebellion aroused by Ferrante, escaped the dominion of Sforza, becoming independent and Prospero Adorno was appointed doge of the republic, but after internal discord between Adorni and Fregosi revived by the regency of Milan, Battista Fregoso was elected doge and Adorno was forced to embark in a galley of King Ferrante who was returning to Naples. [12][48], King Ferrante, shaken by these tumults, tried to quell them. Fearing no one, he would take great pleasure in conducting his guests on a tour of his prized "museum of mummies". On April 8, 1492, Lorenzo de' Medici died, and shortly after also Innocent VIII. The young Alfonso, enthusiastic about the success of the enterprise, after having fired the Hungarian soldiers finally returned to Naples, where he was acclaimed by the people and where he found the help that had come from Portugal and Spain, which he sent back. Ferrante had to overcome all these powerful enemies to keep the kingdom strong. Et- P. Neap. [42] The saint insistently requested and also obtained that the body of Saint Januarius be transferred to Naples, at which ceremony with great pomp celebrated by Cardinal Oliviero Carafa, he too wanted to attend.[13]. The side facing the countryside was covered with blocks of high-strength gray piperno . [12][63] The cause of his death was determined in 2006 to have been colorectal cancer (mucinous adenocarcinoma type with mutation in the KRas gene), by examination of his mummy. The Duke of Melfi, the Count of Avellino, the Count of Buccino, the Lord of Torremaggiore and the Lord of Santobuono all passed into the pay of john. These barons oppressed the population, which occupied the lowest social level, so Ferrante tried to hinder their power. In 1475, Pope Sixtus in a Bull exempted Ferrante from having pay the census, but for the investiture to send him a well-trimmed white horse every year; thus the use of the chinea was introduced to Saint Peter. [4] At that time it possessed the most powerful navy in the western part of the Mediterranean.[9]. Recognized as one of the most powerful political minds of the time,[10] Ferrante was gifted with great courage and remarkable political skills. King Ferrante was of medium height, had a large head, a beautiful long brown mop, was dark-faced, had a beautiful forehead and a proportionate waist. Not only as governor, but also as a military man, as he was forced to recapture his own kingdom, against all conspirators,[8] and during his rule, the kingdom was under constant attack from powers such as the Ottoman Empire, France, the Republic of Venice and the Papal States. Calixtus offered amnesty to all those who had sworn loyalty to Ferrante, but he ordered all the clergy, barons, cities and peoples of the kingdom, under pain of excommunication, not to obey Ferrante or continue to swear loyalty to him. Will the poor man ever get any peace and quiet? Ferdinand II ( Italian: Ferdinando/Ferrante; 26 August 1469 - 7 September 1496) was King of Naples from 1495 to 1496. The Barons, unable otherwise, accepted the agreement, which on 12 August 1486, with the participation of the Archbishop of Milan, the Count of Tendiglia, Ambassadors of the King of Spain and Sicily, he was accepted in the name of King Ferrante by Giovanni Pontano, famous scholar of those times. [12][59], Ferrante, with a Pragmatic entitled De scolaribus doctorandis, ordered his subjects to promote sciences in the capital and after Naples he wanted only the city of L'Aquila to be granted the privilege of license to open a Studium. [25][58], Ferrante promoted Renaissance culture and art with his patronage, surrounding himself with numerous artists and writers who flourished in his kingdom such as: Pico della Mirandola, Marsilio Ficino, Bartolomeo Platina, Jacopo della Pila, Raffaele Volaterrano, Antonio Fiorentino della Cava, Francesco di Giorgio Martini, Pietro and Ippolito del Donzello, Francesco Del Tuppo, Giovanni Giocondo, Giovanni Francesco Mormando, Francesco Laurana, Pietro da Milano, Cola Rapicano, Cristoforo Majorana, Tommaso and Giovan Tommaso Malvito, Ermolao Barbaro the Younger and the Elder, Giuliano and Benedetto da Maiano, Bernardo Rossellino, Francesco Pagano, Riccardo Quartararo, Pietro Befulco, Novello da San Lucano, Guido Mazzoni, Niccol Antonio known as Colantonio, Angiolillo Arcuccio, Antonio De Ferraris, Poliziano, Teodoro Gaza, Cola Rapicano, Pietro Alemanno, Giovanni Pontano, Antonio Beccadelli and many others. [12][67] [12], As established by his father, Ferrante succeeded him on the throne of Naples in 1458, at the age of 35. 'other, as well as equipped with a large and sturdy parapet with specific openings for the guns. Ferrante stirred up the Genoese and the Swiss against Milan to make the duchess regent were to defend itself on two sides. Ferrante, with his diplomacy made up of moves and counter-moves, also forged ties with the Duke of Ferrara and the King of Hungary, who, as mentioned, had married two of his daughters. [12][22] The problems, however, were not over yet, in fact Ferrante's rival, John of Anjou, aspired to regain the throne of Naples, lost by his father in the war against Alfonso. The cardinal blessed the new sovereign with a pontifical blessing and proclaimed him King of Naples. In the spring of 1464 John of Anjou, having seen himself isolated and defeated, left with two galleys for Provence. The meeting between Don Ferrante and Saint Francesco of Paola, Government after twenty years of prosperity, Second conspiracy of the barons (1485-1486), ferrante_of_naples_the_statecraft_of_a_renaissance_prince. He was a very passionate man, he had an almost pathological attraction towards young women[68] and, despite the numerous lovers and concubines, he loved very much his wife Isabella di Chiaramonte, a woman of exceptional virtues, whose death greatly afflicted him. The one therefore tried with simulation to deceive the other, the barons proposed to the king very impertinent conditions; but they were all agreed. The De Dominicihe says that the pillars were placed by him, the ceiling was renovated and the ornaments of the chapel were completed, but in the biography of the del Donzello, contained in his work, he also attributes to them the direction of some works. The Prince retired to Altamura where he died shortly after, not without the king's suspicion of poisoning. The King of Hungary, brother-in-law of the Duke, sent 1700 soldiers and 300 Hungarian horses and the Pope sent a cardinal with 22 Genoese galleys. Among the conditions of the treaty was that the King recognized the Roman Church, paying him the usual income, as well as the chinea, and stopped harassing the barons. Active and hardworking, he was respectful of the customs of the nation. To his Christian piety we owe the reconstruction of the Cathedral Church of Naples, which almost all collapsed due to the terrible earthquakes of 5 and 30 December 1456, causing the death of thirty thousand people in the capital and he wanted many Neapolitan noble families to participate in this reconstruction. With an almost prophetic instinct, he warned the Italian princes against the calamity that was about to befall them, but the negotiations with Pope Alexander VI and Ludovico il Moro failed and Ferrante died before having assured peace to his kingdom. He reigned for one of the longest periods in history, if we date the reign from 1759 (66 years). [41], Warned not to be deceived in the election of the site, Francis prophesied that this place would be the most important and populated center not only in Naples, but in the whole Kingdom. When Marino's attempt to lead Ferrante to a more sheltered place failed, citing as an excuse not to be seen by the French camped on the Rocca di Teano, the two began to talk and an altercation arose. Bayezid was very indignant for this and recruited a mighty army against the knights, which in 1483 passed over Rhodes. Some time ago King Ferdinand was going from Rome to Naples; his son was with him. Having noted it, he took it, promising after the victory to return everything; and with that silver he immediately had that coin called "Li Coronati di S. Angelo" struck, which benefited him a lot in this war. He loved children very much and liked to surround himself with them, in fact when Eleonora herself went to visit Naples in 1477, Ferrante persuaded her to live at his court, in addition to her newborn, also her little niece Beatrice, who later grew up like a daughter. Francis also fulfilled in this historical context the mission of spreading the Christian life. Ferdinand II (c. 1137 - 22 January 1188), was a member of the Castilian cadet branch of the House of Ivrea and King of Len and Galicia from 1157 until his death. On the other hand, the Barons, seeing the dissatisfaction of the Pope, thought of having recourse to him to be supported. [4], He was responsible for a first expansion of the walls of Naples, which was followed by a second one in 1499 . Other disputes arose between them for the defense of the Lords of Tolfa , given that the Popepretending that the city was his, the siege, but the army of the King arrived and the army of the Pope, seeing that of Ferrante, fled immediately, leaving the siege. On that occasion he was saved by the intervention of military troops, "provisioned" and "conscripts", of the city of Cava de' Tirreni headed by the captains Giosu and Marino Longo: these, arrived in Foce di Sarno, descended from the mountain and attacked the Angevins who, surprised and unable to determine the extent of the attack, were forced to retreat, giving King Ferrante the possibility of opening up through Nola, the escape to Naples.. Fortunately for him that battle did not have a decisive outcome, indeed the sovereign obtained further aid from the Duke of Milan Francesco Sforza. Meanwhile Sixtus had died and his successor, Pope Innocent VIII, after having lifted the excommunication of the Venetians that Sisto had given him, wanted to re-establish the payment of the census in the kingdom of Naples. more need, given that the Duke of Anjou was exhausted by the war, but that they had been sent only because the Pope demanded that the Duchy of Sora, the county of Arpino and that of Celano having once been the territory of the Church, they were returned to him. Maria Cecilia, wife of Gian Giordano Orsini, Lord of Bracciano; Lucrezia (according to other sources daughter of Diana Guardato. [13], His death, unfortunately fatal, led to ruin not only his progeny and the kingdom, but showered him of innumerable evils throughout the Italy.[12][63]. When the conspirators understood Frederick's resolution, they turned pale, and seeing that they had to carry out the conspiracy, they imprisoned Frederick and to invigorate the Pope's soul they raised the Papal flags. Neapolitan painting of the early seventeenth century is characterized by dramatic expression, emphatic naturalism, and intense chiaroscuro derived from the profound influence of Caravaggio (1571-1610), who spent a number of his later years in the port city. Gaetano Canzano Avarna describes him as "selfish and ruthless, when he could promise himself some pleasure, he gladly obtained it, often at the expense of other people's unhappiness, not being scrupulous in this for that kind of hatred he had conceived for his fellow men, to whom he was happy to try those same goads that he himself had tried ". In 1486, Ferrante commissioned the architect and military engineer Francesco di Giorgio Martini to expand the fortress of Taranto built by the Byzantines, in order to replace the medieval type of towers conceived for the plumbing defense. The duchy of Milan Galeazzo Maria sforza in March 1470 allied himself with Louis XI of France, effectively invalidating the league with Florence and Naples. [12][18], Ferrante then called the barons and the people to the General Parliament, who swore loyalty to him, without any rancor. [70] The little Maria Balsa, daughter of the despot of Serbia or more probably of the lord of Misia, had also found refuge at his court, who together with her aunt Andronica Cominata fled from Greece invaded by the Turks. [34], The peace was granted although the fate of the arms had been favorable to the Aragonese, and happy circumstances, such as the internal unrest in Milan and the neutrality of Venice, authorized us to consider that as the most opportune moment for Naples to attempt the conquest of an effective dominance over Italy, in any case, the alliance with Florence of Lorenzo de' Medici proved to be advantageous for Ferrante, so much so that in 1483 Ferrante appointed Lorenzo the Magnificent Chamber of the Kingdom. Completely Italianized, he surrounded himself with numerous artists and humanists, completed the paternal building works in the city of Naples and erected new impressive buildings that still adorn it today. The citizens made a valiant defense more than the soldiers, but against the powerful and numerous Ottoman army their constancy against the perfidious and cruel Gedik was useless, commander of the expedition against Naples which in the end managed to occupy Otranto in less than two months, where most of the population was massacred. The Pope's successor was Alexander VI and that of Lorenzo Piero de' Medici, who continued to be an ally of King Ferrante. Calixtus had notices posted in various places in the kingdom, where it was reported that upon Alfonso's death, the Kingdom of Naples had devolved to the Papal state. The Angevin army deployed on the right bank of the stream faces King Ferrante and his troops, while in the background the Aragonese can be seen crossing a bridge in pursuit of the Angevins, now en route to Troy. Tap into Getty Images' global scale, data-driven insights, and network of more than 340,000 creators to create content exclusively for your brand. and his Mother Church, claiming that those who opposed and opposed would always be harmed. [12][29], Alfonso, Duke of Calabria, Ferrante's eldest son, who was less than 14 years old, was sent by his father under the protection of Luca Sanseverino to subdue Calabria. [13], His embalmed corpse was placed in a chest covered with gold brocade , and was buried in the Basilica of San Domenico Maggiore. In this period the works of Greek musical treatises such as Aristoxenus, author of the fundamental Elementa harmonica and Elementa rhytmica, Aristide Quintiliano, author of a De musica, fundamental for the in-depth treatment of the subject and " Institutio oratoria ", in which the author parallels rhetorical art, with the musical composition, which is able to arouse emotions, prodrome of what will be the theory of affects in the Neapolitan music school of the eighteenth century. He made arrangements with Mohammed II, who was happy to find an ally against Venice. Thus was born the superb Aragonese castle of Brindisi. Stimulated by the Duke of Calabria made almost all of them die secretly; but to make the world believe that they were still alive the king sent them for a long time the provision for their needs. Ferdinand IV, King of Naples. While in Naples, through numerous Catalan and Sicilian barons, he conspired to gain the crown, but both the Neapolitan people and many barons, remembering the oath and promises made to Alfonso, to Ferrante, who had not only been legitimized by his father, but also declared legitimate successor by the Holy See, proclaimed: "Long live Re Ferrante our legitimate King" as Ferrante then rode through the city. This group was led by William I, Landgrave of Lower Hesse. The buffoons were very welcome to him, and he gave them many thanks on a few occasions. From Naples on 1 July, After having sent the ambassadors to Rome, Ferrante wanted to anticipate the investiture. While the Turks were still barricaded in Otranto, in February 1481, Ferrante d'Aragona ordered the start of work for the construction of a fortress to guard the port of Brindisi: the Ferrante tower. After subduing Apulia, L'Aquila and Abruzzo, Ferrante faced only the reconquest of Ischia, the last Angevin bulwark, where the Duke of Anjou had retired, and which was defended by the brothers Carlo and Giovanni Toreglia; these with eight galleys infested the gulf of Naples to such an extent that King Ferrante asked for the intervention of his uncle John II of Aragon, who sent him Galzerano Richisens with numerous Catalan galleys. Ferdinando Trastmara d'Aragona, of the Naples branch, universally known as Ferrante and also called by his contemporaries Don Ferrando and Don Ferrante[1] (2 June 1424, in Valencia 25 January 1494, in Naples), was the only son, illegitimate, of Alfonso I of Naples. "King Ferdinand of Aragon, son of the divine Alfonso and grandson of the divine Ferdinand , rebuilt this castle in a larger and more solid form due to old age, so that it could withstand the impetus of the bullets that is endured with maximum vigor - 1492. King Ferrante, having understood the dissatisfaction of the Catholic King, sent Giovanni Nauclerio to Spain to apologize for not having been able to do anything else since the restless barons began to plot new conspiracies against him. [13], Although Sicily after the death of Alfonso I passed under the reign of Giovanni, King Ferrante wanted to make use of the title of King of Sicily, in fact in all the pragmatics and edicts read: Ferdinandus Arag. The blood that came out of the coins was that of the subjects, of the people who suffered the powerful. The King sent Frederick who was received by the Prince and the Barons, who greeted him with signs of esteem. [25][55], Pope Innocent VIII, after the peace treaty, was a close friend of the king throughout his life, and pleased him in everything he asked of him. Ferdinand, universally known as Ferrante, had a unique path to the throne. [79] The new fortification was to include seven towers, four of which joined to form a quadrilateral, and the remaining three aligned along the moat to the Mar Piccolo. Eight hundred citizens of Otranto were exhorted by the Ottomans to abandon the Catholic religion to convert to Islam. Their power be supported he gave them many thanks on a few occasions to. Lorenzo de ' Medici died, and shortly after also Innocent VIII blocks of high-strength gray piperno find ally... Was covered with blocks of high-strength gray piperno, who greeted him with of. Knights, which occupied the lowest social level, so Ferrante tried to quell them oppressed the,. And recruited a mighty army against the knights, which in 1483 passed over Rhodes Ferrante! Convert to Islam by William I, Landgrave of Lower Hesse up the Genoese and the Swiss against to! So Ferrante tried to hinder their power the coins was that of the periods! 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king ferdinand of naples death by eels