the moon as communication tarot

The Moon Tarot Card Description The Moon card depicts the full moon in the night sky between two massive skyscrapers. Man once walked on the moon and conquered this final frontier only because of careful planning and accurate calculations. Its never as easy to see by moonlight. The future will require of you to stand on your feet. The environment can be one full of misunderstandings, and not everything is as it appears. They also are enchanted by the shadows, which feel like home to them, and are well equipped for a game of smoke and mirrors. In fact, it is long overdue. As we approach our wants and needs, we must seek to balance these two beasts within us. The Moon is a pretty intense card that asks a lot of the person receiving the reading, especially when pulled in reverse. The Moon is a symbol that its time to tune in to your inner voice and listen to what it needs. Its light is dim compared to the sun, and only slightly illuminates the path to higher consciousness winding between the two towers. These struggles, as long as they are faced in the name of reaching your full potential, will be worth it. The reversed Moon card also warns of nightmares and insomnia. Join the waitlist for the All-New Biddy Tarot Deck (coming soon!). The Full Moon in Virgo takes place on March 7, 2023. Sign up now to begin your initiation ritual , 2016-2023 Labyrinthos LLC. This frame of mind does a great disservice to The Reversed Moon, though, as it serves as a symbol of the continuation of the work we are called to do by The Upright Moon. . The Moon is not a death sentence in a relationship by any means though, so fear not! These people who are willing to dig deeper are valuable in your life. This is specifically applied to romantic relationships. The Moon asks us to go deeper, though. The Moon is a card of secrets and deception. When we step forward, we must consider that we could be met with either reality. Relating to this card requires connecting deeply toand acceptingall that you are. Before jumping into accusations, it is best to know what youre talking about. If you feel a fight is absolutely necessary, it is important to fight fairly and with dignity. The Moon Tarot Card Meaning Relates To Intuition And Psychic Ability, As Well As Releasing Fear And Confusion. It suggests the presence of risks, secrets, and some level of mental confusion. Think about how your life was a year ago. Look beyond your safe space and discover the magical qualities of life once again. Look within to find what you love doing, even if that means going through a phase of uncertainty. There come times in life when even the most self-assured people feel lost. With dozens of plans for experiments of various sizes and scopes needing to . With the Moon in a love tarot reading, its likely that emotions are complicated at this time. The Magician is also called The Magus or The Mage or The Juggler in some tarot decks. While challenging, this card is pushing you to confront your shadows. This week, your energy is directed toward communication, learning, and adaptability while also being in touch with your emotions and intuition. We cannot know what rewards wait beyond the horizon if we allow our anxieties to keep us in place. As the race back to the Moon heats upwith plans for long-term human habitationreliable communication is a fundamental issue. Either way, you should not encourage delusions sooner or later the truth will emerge, and everyone will see you for who you are. If this is the case, know that this person will have to confront these issues on their own. The towers on the opposing ends represent the forcesof good and evil, and their similarity in appearance can allude to the difficulties that we face in distinguishing between them. The moon's light can bring you clarity and understanding and you should allow your intuition to guide you through this darkness. The stars are forever in our favor today as we learn to use our talents and skills positively. The route leading to higher consciousness that winds between the two towers is only dimly illuminated by its light, which is faint in comparison to the sun. It warns that there are people close to you who do not have your best interests at hand. You may also be interested in: 10 Tarot Cards That Indicate Cheating Hiding the truth however, is never a sustainable situation. The Moon Tarot Card Description When we encounter the Moon, we see a path that leads off into the distance. In the reversed position, The Moon Tarot card calls you to open your eyes. In this case, the Moon becomes an object of either confusion or enticement. You may find yourself developing a tendency to bottle up your emotions in order to give off the illusion that youre fine. You are consumed by anxieties and paranoia and it is time to soften so The Moon may take its time to heal your residual wounds. There will be times when you wont know what to do. The only path forward is to open your communications with each other, to see if you can find common ground. Until they have the time and space to work on themselves and get to the bottom of what they want out of a love, reconciliation is not a good idea. It is the world of dreams and spirits, and whether it exists or not is of no importance if it feels all too real. You are all carrying on as if nothing is wrong when there is discord simmering nearby. Become a member to see the full content. All rights reserved. With the Moon over them, you can never be sure. Let go of your conscious mental blocks or negative self-talk and allow your intuition to guide you. Even if you fail, you will have gained a vital lesson. The Moon appears when our past years and uncertainties become projected onto our future. The meaning of The Moon Tarot card is 'deception.' You could be being fooled by others. I love my Asakuki Diffuser, I have this going in my living room or my office with either peppermint or lavender. This vantage point is about putting everything into perspective. Though the moon is associated with many negative sounding words such as anxiety and suspicion, it is not a bad omen by any means. When it appears in your tarot card reading, it foretells a period of uncertainty that will bring insight, illumination, and a sense of inner awareness in the end. Your FREE Astrology Sex, Love and Attraction Guide. On February 5, we started off the month with a full moon in the fiery sign of Leo. The Moon turns us into sleuths in love. They are not in a place to consider reconciliation with you at the moment. Another reading of the Moon card is the existence ofillusion. If the upright Moon is a full one, the reversed is the new moon, hidden from sight. Its light is dim compared to the sun, and only slightly illuminates the path to higher consciousness winding between the two towers. Those surrounding you are only able to see the positives, which, as nice as that sounds, is detrimental in the long run. The Moon (XVIII) from the Rider-Waite tarot deck. Others see an ideal version of you that is far from the truth. Join Now! This ad is displayed using third party content and we do not control its accessibility features. If you feel unease and discomfort in your work or a lack thereof, do not expect that to change with the passage of time. 4 colors represent the 4 elements, and a rainbow represents universal energy, creating a simple framework for reading. The Moon card, in reverse, speaks of an imaginary world, an unseen place in the depths of our souls. If theres time to make a decision, consider your next steps very carefully. Wheel Of Fortune Tarot Card Meaning, 35 Interpretations! Anyone creative, can use the Moon card to inspire you to new creative heights. Relationships will always have ambiguity to some extent. The Moon can indicate a time of uncertainty and illusion, when nothing is what it seems. There is a very strong element of secrecy to the moon. That is why you may find it hard to earn their trust. Diving deep into your subconscious requires compassion, release, and a level of self-awareness. Do you have all of the information? When you are approaching a battle and this card makes an appearance, it asks you to look within and analyze your role in this fight. While risk-taking can be beneficial in certain situations and gives the fire within us more fuel to burn, The Moon asks us to evaluate what risks are worth it. Ive included articles there that you will find beneficial and related to this topic. The moon's light can bring you clarity and understanding and you should allow your intuition to guide you through this darkness. It could represent confusion and unhappiness - you want to make progress, but you are not sure whatis the right thing to do. This is not a symbol to be taken lightly. This means tuning into our inner voice as well as the messages given to us in our dreams. You can provide a distraction to buy them some momentary happiness, or you can help them to face reality and steer them towards some long-term solutions. The moon is trying to communicate to you that its time for you to trust in what you are dreaming about. You may not be ready to face your emotions, pushing them to the side and pretending as if nothing is wrong. Often, reversed cards are generalized into something negative. Being grounded is the most important thing you can strive for. There may be deception at play, even in the areas of our life that we feel most comfortable in. On one hand, the Moon card can symbolize your imagination is taking the best of you. Compared to its counterpart the sun, the moon's light is dim and only slightly illuminates the night. We cannot turn a blind eye to the things we do not understand. The Moon controls the tides as well as the push and pulls of life. Sign up to get the link! There may be old attitudes, beliefs or ideas that are clouding your judgement. We are asked to thoroughly review our current situation, for not all information has been gathered. The Moon warns that you maybe a little delusional and have unrealistic hopes and dreams for yourself. Allow the Moon's light to guide you if you're experiencing discontent and conflict in your relationship. When we swim out into the ocean, the bottom becomes impossible to see. The Star showed how light shines most bright in the darkness. You are getting all the information you need to feel comfortable about a big decision or an investment in your future. The Moon card advises that you trust your instincts and intuitions. Our app teaches you with simple, easy to use exercises while exploring our academy. If youve had misunderstandings, you need to do some work to get to the bottom of things. The Moon falling in a reading is a warning in a sense. Some hidden truth must be discovered, for what you are seeing now may just be a trick of the light. When foreseeing the direction of current events in your life, the Moons message is a harsh one: you wont get what you want. It is imperative that we are aware of our past as we move into our present and future. Before we get started, let's burn a bit of Palo Santo welcoming in the messages from the spiritual guides, clearing out the energy, that no. What is your intuition telling you? Keeping silent about underlying problems will lead to anxiety and delusions. In the Moon card, we still are in the middle of the night. As a card that describes someones intentions, the reversed Moon denotes avoidance, aversion, and a state of regression. 2023 Biddy Tarot. Not everything in life is clear cut. But they also like to keep to themselves because, deep down, they are solitary, incredibly sensitive, and easy to offend. All rights reserved. If they disappear for a long while, dont blame them. Alternatively, the reversed Moon can also indicate a worsening of the situation, where misunderstandings and poor communication can even turn into deception, lying and sabotage. maybe + yes. When our subconscious thoughts find their way into our conscious realm of thinking, were often left feeling confused and unsettled. Our minds, in all of their vastness, fluidity, and unpredictability are often represented by water, as seen in the imagery surrounding The Star card. The card depicts a full moon in the night sky, positioned between two large towers. Do your friends know something you dont know? They want to live their life as if their struggles do not exist. Images, thoughts, and feelings that you have suppressed so far will cause inner disturbances that will become more and more frequent. This is not a time to make fast decisions. A certain change of attitude is in order. The Moon can distort reality. The Moon represents your fears and illusions and often comes out when you are projecting fear into your present and your future, based on your past experiences. The moons melancholy comes in waves. The Moon calls our awareness to this duality. Meaning in Past, Present and Future Positions Every Tarot reading is divided into three sections: the past, the present and the future. Our intuition shifts and sways as we learn and grow more and more each day, and so it is important that we continue to nourish our intuition with wisdom so that it can act as our compass. The end of the relationship has taken a toll on their mental health. When The Moon makes an appearance in our readings, somethings up. It would warn you to take caution and be careful in whatever endeavor you are pursuing in your life. The moon sits between two towers and though it does not shine as brightly as the sun, it is enough to illuminate a path below, one that leads into the rocky unknown of the blue mountains in the distance The path to higher consciousness. What do you fear most? As an outcome, the Moon card in reverse doesnt promise much. Just like the tides, their moods are ever-changing, and they are defined by their dreamy creativity. And on the Full Moon, honor your achievements and look at what you need to release so that new aspects of yourself can shine. Or can't find what youre looking for? "It's when the subconscious is reflected back to us and we get the chance to work with it," she says. They might be defensive, quiet, distant, and closed-off for weeks, then burst out laughing in mania under the bewitching full moon. . It is merely a time to analyze fears and disagreements to get to their core in order to work best together. They both include a notion of moving forward, all alone upon a moonlit path, and turning your back on the troubles and fears of the past. They will mislead you. You and your partner are currently going through a rough path. The Moon card is often proof of misplaced optimism. This person feels confused about how they feel about you. I have them in my office and they create a zen feel for me while Im working. It's a good idea to ask yourself how you can open up to the opportunity of this time, she adds, "by examining your motivations and unconscious beliefs, and letting your need to know the future fall by the wayside. You might seem confused, even hostile, and in turn you confuse them; but they could also be enthralled by you. We approached the lake of the unconscious in the Star. In either case, the truth will have to be revealed eventually. A monthly salary is one of the most cunning traps. The Moon Tarot Card Meanings In folklore and tradition, the moon can be associated with moon madness, and it's a good way to remember the card, for nothing may be as it seems at this time. To move forward, you will eventually need to shine a light into the darkness with the truth. Many things can be hiding in your unconscious affecting your ability to accept love. In this comprehensive guide to The Moon Tarot card, we will dive into the mysterious world of the night and find out what it has to teach us. A relationship is based on trust, and youll need that for a successful relationship moving forward. The Moon Mermaid Tarot is a spiritual card, implying expressing your fears in the present and in the future based on past experiences. Sometimes we cant seem to stop asking the question what if?. In Tarot, The Moon reveals a person who is experiencing strong emotions. The things that this person wants may be diluted in fantasy. When you pull this card, Vanderveldt notes, it's an invitation to "release the control you've held over your internal, emotional realm in order to access your innermost truths." This person may have baggage hiding in the depths of their unconscious that affects their ability to accept love. They are unclear about what they want. And, 56 Minor Arcana Cards are further divided . This is a call to mature and evolve on your own mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Vekke Sind, Justice Tarot Card Meaning, 35 Interpretations! We are blinded by the beauty of moonlight, so much so that we may not see the danger approaching in the darkness. Receptivity is blocked and the messages of the Universe are scrambled and misinterpreted. When you do, good things begin to occur. Tarot card images courtesy of the Biddy Tarot Deck, Everyday Tarot, The Wild Unknown and Lumina Tarot. For those in committed relationships, the Moon reversed is a sign of feeling mired in doubt. This card represents the deepest state of the body-consciousness where we dream and we are in trance, we get visions, real fantasies and we are connected with the depths of our hidden . They have many secrets and always play their cards close to their chest. You are going through a phase of confusion, and your perception is distorted. Now is the time to examine them and reveal them as they truly are. Small disputes may be escalating into full-on arguments in a matter of seconds. If you have been having the same fight over and over again, they may feel like they dont know how to break out of the cycle. This can be both positive and negative. There will be struggles as well as times of fear and confusion, but when this card appears in your future, know that you are watched over by The Moon. Not understanding your own thoughts can be frustrating or scary! Whether you understand what is going on in your life or not, if you do not know all there is to know about a situation, your conjectures will be more or less mistaken. November's lunar eclipse marks the third . It helps us to develop our psychic abilities and to use them wisely for our own good. The Moon in tarot represents the subconscious and dreams. The Moon is a call for an emotional maintenance check. The Moon in reverse, when describing a specific individual, will sometimes appear for people who exhibit symptoms that resemble those of anxiety or bipolar disorder. November 8 brings a full blood moon and total lunar eclipse all on election day. Upright Moon Tarot Card Meanings. These energies, no matter how obvious or obscure, cannot be fully understood right now. A person represented by the Moon card will be tough, charming, and intuitive, but not always trustworthy. While it is impossible to observe the dark side of the moon, to ignore its existence serves no purpose at all. March is the 3rd month of the year, and in Tarot, the number 3 signifies expansion. The goal is to cross the threshold into the unknown, withstand the darkness and danger, and return with the elixir of life or, in this case, the Suns might and life-giving energy. Then you will know what to do. It is important to surround ourselves with those who push us to be better. She received her bachelor's in broadcasting and mass communication from State University of New York at Oswego, and lives in Buffalo, New York. Youve probably heard the phrase hindsight is 20/20 before. Dont lose any sleep over it. There isnt enough light at the moment to reveal all the important details. There is no shame in imperfect relationships. You know when something feels a bit off but you can't quite. In a relationship reading, when the Moon card comes up, a need for forgiveness as well as clarity can be indicated. Is there a possibility that theyre meeting up without you? It can signal intuition and insight as much as it can indicate confusion and uncertainty. You can be a tough act to follow. Your anxieties and fear about the workplace or your colleagues can make your worst fears come true, as everyone becomes more defensive, protective and paranoid. If things are polarised and you can't seem to find a middle ground, you may have to simply and politely agree to disagree for now. It will speak to your maturity if you can overcome the enemy that lies within you. Some will understand that hard work is necessary for getting to know you and will come ready to put in the sweat. Others may be ignoring the parts of you that need improvement, sweeping them under the rug. What does The Moon Tarot Card mean in Career? You are working through your fears and anxieties, understanding the impact they have on your life and how you can free yourself from such limiting beliefs. Yes or No meanings of the Moon and the Sun together. It is the eighteenth card in the tarot deck and is closely associated with the astrological sign Pisces. Pisces are known for their strong sense of intuition and deep connection to their emotions. They are often left wondering what do I mean to them? It is important to be clear with our emotions and let those who are important to us know. The moon card can also mean that you're struggling with communication in your work life. The advice here is to break free from the safety net and put yourself out there, all the while turning a blind eye to distractions that might keep you down. The fast pace of our lives can often leave us with little time to do a deep dive into our brains, or perhaps you dont know where to start and need a push in the right direction. The reversed Moon tells us that we cannot embrace the good if we choose to deny the bad. In the distance, we can see two towers flanking the central path, once again alluding to the doubles visible in this card. The Moon does not offer an easy answer when it comes to feelings but gives us the tools to unlock a new level of understanding with ourselves. If you are in the process of taking financial action, dont be afraid to dig deep and ask questions, so you can make the best decision possible. It also speaks of anxiety and insecurity. This card shows that you are projecting fears . Space agencies plan to install a global satellite navigation system (GNSS) on the moon starting around 2030, writes Nature 's Elizabeth Gibney. Connect with the divine feminine and uncover deep intuitive insights and visions of what lies beyond everyday life. In the dark of the night, you are taking a path that you are unsure of, for there could be danger lurking in its depths. There are mysterious forces at work, good or bad. They dont know how to please you, and they dont know how to please themselves. When The Reversed Moon crosses us, it is our blindness that holds us back. Enjoy! Whatever negative energies you have been facing are slowly fading away. Get the answers you need about your unique situation. When the light of the moon shines in the darkness, things are not as they seem. We all want to succeed and be the best. We must trust in our other senses and learn our place. Their past relationships may still haunt them. You have been blinded by a false sense of comfort and reality is far from . The Moon is also a sign of a lack of subconscious clarity. There are some major astrological events occurring: Saturn moves into Pisces after about 30 years; A powerful reset with the Equinox; The astrological new year begins as the Sun moves into Aries Though it can be frightening, The Reversed Moon calls you to put your trust in yourself and your intuition. Slow down and center yourself during whatever moments of solitude . This is a time of uncertainty in your career path. This is a crucial reason this card symbolizes the intuitive Water sign, Pisces. Their dreams may influence them to want things that dont exist, therefore making their reality unsatisfactory. When this card appears reversed, the only person who can help you is yourself. Its no surprise that The Moon is connected to the water sign Pisces the fish. The ocean is unpredictable and speaks to the mystery of The Moon card. Everyone is going through their own struggles and battles each day that we may not know about. They could be fighting over a food source or for the attention of the Moon, the cosmic mother! The realm of career is filled with competition. A spectacular view of the Moon during the recently concluded Artemis 1 mission. Perhaps you are dreaming that you are going to hit the lottery. According to tarot reader and founder of Witchy WellnessLeah Vanderveldt, this card is about our inner world. The card depicts a full moon in the night sky, positioned between two large towers. 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