what happened to yellowpaco

Lauren Riihimaki, Roi Fabito, and Alex Burriss were all featured in his video "JUST DANCE!". His response here. Popular YouTuber Ryan Higa revealed just a year ago that he and actress Arden Cho were together. "guys guys you wont BELIEVE what happened today". The men should also press charges for false allegations. I literally stopped reading mid way though, the guy was cringe, big fucking deal. I wont tolerate Libel & Fiction. To those who may be in contact with, please be wary. Why did you lead him on?". You have evidence that tobuscus didn't do it? The bitch literally said "Hehe you are funny" when Joe asked if she wants to shower with her. I think I need to speak with a lawyer. Where are Bully Hunters when you need them? Don't think you should take anything negative out of the good vibes youve been feeling. Go fuck yourself. It's surprising and at the same time unsurprising. It happened 2 years ago, one girl come out live on stream and all twitch did is DELETED VODs BUZZR shows the most outrageous and unpredictable programming that engages loyal game and competition show viewers. So I guess Ill respect that. ChrisChanTO also accused of sexual misconduct by LilyPichu here. J1tails has responded here and here. Most of them sound less like sexual assault and more like regretful thottery . It's taken me six years to talk about this. I'd like to point to the mob that in the one screenshot of HenryG allegations the woman has posted, there is no proof of any non-consensual engagement. yeah I remember the exact same thing huh damn long time ago. While a lot of these are really concerning, I'd take what Kaitlyn says with some level of hesitation. He just vanished from all OfflineTV content. I want to see some bigger streamers like Poki / Lily come out with accusations, but they're not going to risk their multi-million careers if they aren't 100% sure and we get only vague messages like this. There were creepy dms being leaked not even related to Kaitlyn really sucks to hear she went through some shit too. Now anyone can call out anyone without the need of evidence. It's easy manipulating and controlling morons. It was just another example of how badly women were treated in the industry and how insidious it is sometimes that I wanted to mention it. IAmSp00n is a different person from Sp00nerism. Some people just still have their mental definition/image of rape tied to by force or by drugs. It isn't like they don't know, they have just be conditioned to chase clout at every opportunity. Joe is dumb and loud, but I don't see him being this plainly creepy. ChrisChanTO response here. You owe it to yourself to check out the twitter threads of these women to see the things they said for yourself. And she even admits it, for 4 years, despite no contact, she kept thinking about him. Dude literally just sits there playing league without turning on his stream for free money. I'd sue her for everything she has and garnish her salary for the next 10 years, or however long he would've gotten in prison. you have to be trolling. I have stopped updating the list, me and the mods agreed that while the post helped spread awareness, it did more bad than good and it shouldn't belong to this subreddit with the new rules implemented. I felt like I was just missing my glasses and kept reading the story because I couldn't see any actual accusation of something heinous. My Stalker & Assault, My Ex, Underage Fans, Bryan Stars' Involvement & Why I'm Talking Now. Whether or not any of these people are actually guilty, I have no idea. Yeah but it is weird that she knew exactly what happened before he went to the room and what she described as her being uncomfortable with him was him saying weird shit while having sex, not anything before that but she still doesn't know for sure what happened. Yeah, this post is a mess. Fyi he has evidence against that too. I remember a hand up my shirt, him trying to kiss me and trying to get me onto the bed. I'm sick of being quiet. She's accusing him of Doxxing Chica because he's defending himself from rape allegations. In a time of victims coming forward it pains me to say that this one is lying. Edit: another underaged girl :/ he cheated on his gf with https://imgur.com/a/8r3wg, Can you show where the Russ shit came to public? This season is dope. Not only are you dragging innocent people's reputation through the mud, you are also making it harder for people who were indeed abused be taken more seriously and get their story out there . Not funny. There's no kissing, groping, or otherwise sexual contact at all. Her hiding certain replies on her post also doesn't help here. I won't delete the post because some people have it bookmarked but it's not sticked anymore on the frontpage and I won't interact with it anymore. Go fuck yourself. Everything I've seen says 'vengeful ex trying to destroy a career' but I'm not a first party to either of their lives so I don't know what their relationship was like. TurkeyTom bouta defend sooooooo many sex offenders. I was always in pbats stream around the time the original grooming accusations happened and he definitely did it. It's almost like people on the internet have 0 social skills. It cuts off but the question after was asking if Russ knew about this and Scott explained that he did. (thank you trainwreckstv for pointing out my mistake). The justice system doesnt really do sexual harassment cases justice. I've been accused of sexual assault today: I've gathered information that pertains to the subject. He just followed Lupo wherever he went. I fucked up, I hurt someone, and I'm sorry. Being Groomed By MethodJosh at 14 - My Story. . Because context is what gets you to believe us. 33 followers. Step on me. Latest update : Cinnpie accused of sexual assault with puppeh when he was 14 and she was 24, USA Wednesday, July 1, 2020 5pm EDT, EU Wednesday, July 1, 2020 10pm BST. In a world where families are limited to one child due to overpopulation, a set of identical septuplets must avoid being put to a long sleep by the government and dangerous infighting while investigating the disappearance of one of their own. Damn swifty with the max rank charge but gets resisted. But very few people have the money to take the fucking MPAA, Sony, etc. The level of hero worship is off the charts. Imagine how disgusting you have to be to be called disgusting by a guy who slept with a dead rat for months, he seen a roach on the wall the other day on stream and didnt even kill it LOL literal god, Dude had a dead rat in his bedroom for months because he never cleans it and discovered it once finally cleaning his room. That can have possible, serious ramifications for her if Witwix decides to lawyer up over it. How old is Yellowpaco? Being a woman is BULLSHIT. fuck all that. Creepy, but not harassment, not assault, not rape. I'm beginning to think 2020 is going to be the series finale after all. Hope it doesnt negatively impact him, "These are just allegations, not evidence! Eh? sleepyk accused of asking to have sex with minors here. You might be saying " i'm sorry that person felt like that now but x, y, z shows they were happy and consent before during and after.the time". It sucks that I can't believe any of these until they are 100% confirmed because attention seekers want their day of fame. Most of them are just doing it for the social media analytics. Go fuck yourself. (old news but i will keep it). Not funny. SwiftyIRL allegations here and here. "An engaging, beautifully synthesized page-turner" (Slate).The #1 New York Times bestseller and Time #1 Nonfiction Book of the Year: Hillary Rodham Clinton's most personal memoir yet, about the 2016 presidential election. He pointed out that he had ordered all 3 Ubers to refute her statement that she had an Uber and he forced himself into them. https://www.twitlonger.com/show/n_1sr9jpa. Why is he even on the list. Good mention. Aria Saki experience with one of the owners of esports org. LilyPichu update here. The only way Mixer ever takes over any marketshare of worth, is if Twitch just shuts down tomorrow. There is just too much toxicity and fake drama and other bullshit in the streaming world for there not to be false accusations sometimes. Its what Leo dicaprio uses, its what the twitch streamer uses too. She also said some suggesting stuff and some things in the story don't really add up, let's see how this ones going to end. First time I'm hearing about this. But the internet mob wont care most likely and a lot of these guys will lose their reputation regardless if these stories are true or not. So many people who shit where they eat and wrestle with pigs. Her story is so indulgent, it actually sounds like shes enjoying what shes writing. Pretty cool. Bruh. Co-CEO of Method, Scott McMillan, has issued a statement here. That said the evidence supplied points heavily in favor of Badger. I didn't bother responding further to this. tldr - they operate at the same moral level as walmart. But my first impression was also .. "This reads like fanfic". to those who are curious, Ryan didn't fire paco because of what happened, all of RHPC stopped working together a while ago. I was such a huge fan of his during his early days playing with Pewdiepie, I cant believe he's here. We're on the internet. From what I can see that's prety damning against her mountain of evidence in those google docs. (the robberies), He plays the stock market and appears to be doing rather well. Or even more relatable to Twitch, people didn't learn from the Calebhart accusations. Its why there is always a hesitation to believe when this is so common and so shrugged off. I want to believe he's innocent and he deserves to say his side and defend himself. The very reason why some countries (even my own - Sweden) has laws for "defamation". I've been gaslit and catfished before, ive had micro levels of fame in a specific niche and been hit on and filtering is so important. Some of these guys are worth hundreds of thousands of dollars, or even millions of dollars, and are still accepting paltry donations from children and desperate mentally ill peoplethat should tell you something. Another person has accused him in this tweet, and his response to this accusation here. I never told He has a sister. Thank you so much for everything you did to this community and to me. As though they are some how equal. 4224. TheBauske accused of rape here and here. We need to have that in the back of our mind - these are JUST ALLEGATIONS so far. The Precambrian (4500 to 543 million years ago) is a vast period of time, nearly 4,000 million years long, that began with the formation of the Earth and culminated with the Cambrian Explosion. 29 years. You have no more power over me anymore. Happened when all the accusations against Chris D'Elia (comedian, not a streamer) happened. People and companies that have left Method : Esfand, TipsOut, Zizaran, darrie, CORSAIR, MSI, Snowmixy, Ziqoftw, cdew, djarii, Darrie, Pandatv, MightyMouse, Demuslim and others. I can't finish the post without mentioning Reckful. He snapped at me when I said I didn't feel she was and told me I never had to work with her (I actually had.. she had worked at Twitch). My ex Henry "HenryG" Greer, was verbally, emotionally & mentally abusive and had sex with me when I did not and could not consent. That makes me so sad. Yeah, if JWong was somehow involved in this I was going to be really sad, he seems like such a good person at least from the outside. She was ranked 20th in terms of tonnage sunk with a total of 63,835 tons and 24th . Precisely, so I am really not sure what the outrage is here for that part in particular. Just to give you guys a size of this thing, here's the German wikipedia page. i was wondeirng this too. Hassan Bokhari, a Twitch staff member, accused of sexual assault here. What if all of these conversations that exonerated him were spoken and not text? Reading further into this I genuinely think some people are just fucking emotional pussies who can't handle anything without crying and breaking down. CohhCarnage, Dodger,Kitboga, sacriel, Towelliee, CobaltStreak, gassymexican, diction, Strippin, curvyllama, Bikeman, Ellohime, Penta, AvaGG, DanGheesling, BurkeBlack ,Classypax, Haylinic and more. He has deleted his account. https://twitter.com/kaitly_n/status/1249493635332276224. An example just the past week Id give is how theres a similar movement happening in the pro wrestling scene right now. Just sounds like a guy who was flirting, making pretty obvious offer of taking a girl out and feeling midly annoyed over being strung along (in his perception). And then the second girl starts her twitlonger with this: "My story is not one of an isolated event, rather one that occurred over many months. So unless it was also proven that the woman's story was fabricated, we shouldn't rush to call her a liar either. Fucking based Asmongold, definitely watch his video if you haven't. You a dumb hoe. His apology here. He has responded denying it here, here and here. If someone is persistently making accusations against you (assuming they are false), a cease and desist is the proper legal way of asking them to stop before you sue for defamation. I'm also sure some will be false accusations that won't lead to anything. Itmejp always seemed pretty creepy around women. So the story is a bit more, whether it's truth or not isn't for me to decide though. Other streamers that were having a hard time transitioning away from SC2 probably felt a lot of pressure to stay quiet. I was manipulated by Miniladd, I was 16/17. Everyone moved on, Phantoml0rd on the other hand.lol "%?". He also guilt trips her for not giving him a blowjob. http://www.youtube.com/yellowpaco When I have read people's account of sexual violence, they usually just describe the mannerisms and physical force used to enact the sexual act. She goes into detail about the proof, which includes Discord screenshots. She should have taken the hint, but it's some how his fault that she couldn't get over him. jasminabae has responded to iamlegos here. There I said it. Welcome to modern times. (although she unfollowed me recently it seems), You don't really know who streamers are. I will not change some stories just to make you look good. And right here a girl is saying she almost killed herself because of that dude. Man, Geoff "Incontrol" Robinson continuing to prove even after his passing why he's the greatest of all time. Problem is how many people have evidence that they DIDN'T do something? Even worse if the statements are found true, sometimes they dont get the punishment they deserve. I've done it for my girl friends, and I've shepherded away my guy friends. Yesterday cry made a video pretty much saying he cheated his gf with an underaged girl, so there's that. They both took an uber to her place. . Eventually he was acquitted. Kachelmann was one of the weather(wo)men of the ARD (one of the two biggest public broadcasters here) who had frequent segments during prime time news. Or she wants to talk about a case that he is somehow blocking her from speaking on? Gotta be fucked up to have your name next to the title "SEXUAL ASSAULT SCANDAL AGAINST MANY STREAMERS" even when you're coming out against it and distancing your brand from it. While it wasnt in person (online things like skype-sex) and he claims he wasnt aware that they were underage, its still a terrible situation all around. I recommend using JessyQuial's spreadsheet for an updated list. This is really hard for me to share. He went to jail for awhile I thought. (old news but i will keep it). Shit like this is just pathetic towards actual victims. Why did you lead him on?" The Kaitlyn one is really fucked because everyone from super early twitch (sc2 era / Old Boys Club) pretty much knows about it but no one talks about it. Cryaotic accused of grooming a minor here. On the 28th January 1944, the USS Grayback with her 80 strong crew, left on their 10th Combat Mission from Pearl Harbour. Most of the people who say "spook" died of old age ten years ago. Sometimes these cases get resolved outside of court or there is not enough evidence to prosecute. The iAmSp00n one is really weird. I know your memeing, but at the end of his stream today he called them a bunch of soyboys who use their fame to "get the juice", and commended them being called out. throwback to when a man old enough to be my grandfather who is also married with kids slid into my dms, Kaitly_n accused of grooming guys 10 years younger than her by AnneMunition here and here, Hi eshear TwitchSupport Ive told my abuse story about one of your partners, manuelferrara now for 2 yrs. From what I can see that's prety damning against her mountain of evidence in those google docs. Kayce flipped his desk on its side for cover at the end of Season 3, and Season 4's premiere episodes ("Half the Money" and "Phantom Pain") showed what happened next. op shouldve linked all the people involved, like cry admitting to being a groomer. I guess by extension also Scarra but I would assume that because of his connection to Ryan Higa. I've known multiple girls who were in relationships that got caught cheating who then blamed it on the person they cheated with. His statement confirming it here. (updated), Spreadsheet by macaiyla here. The context is clearly innocent. Just also need to not lift up the few to ignore the many. (thank you trainwreckstv for pointing out my mistake). dunno where I got banana from. Personally that story looks too much like bad fan fiction to be taken seriously and the only "evidence" are a bunch of normal looking DMs from Joe and some obviously faked messages. A responsible human being would've talked this out between themselves but no, because he came onto me verbally, lets make everyone assume the wrong things and hate him. I remember something was posted here about him quickly locked and when I checked her Twitch I believe she was an Overwatch player. I fucked up, I hurt someone, and I'm sorry. I was grooming her, but never got the chance. So he probably just saved/invested most of it. Venmo me $1 for nuggets: @yellowpaco. Fyi he has evidence against that too. Like at all? DotaDemon accused of sexual assault here, here and here. Many people have since left Method. Her post describing the event is written like erotica. Trying to end someone's career because they are weird, shouldn't happen. Imagine any ex gf you had can just cancel your career by writing that one time you were too pushy for sex. That's perfectly legal in Florida to my knowledge, as well as in many other first world countries. Her entire story is based around the idea he asked her on a date and she said yes, but didn't want to actually be there. Press J to jump to the feed. Blinky was a pedophile who was exchanging nudes with a 14 year old girl. As usual, we have a ton of valid accusations and terrible actions bundled up with opportunists who are accusing streamers/youtubers of misconduct. She wants to shut him up before it turns around on her. And the followup by ChrisChanTO here. People are good at forgetting this in these kinds of threads. The streamer has deleted the accusations. The drama is pretty juicy, I just didn't think anyone would see the Twitter threads. Ill follow up in this thread with proof of the abuse. . His statement can be found here. I used to be a Witwix fan during the Boshy days, but when he and Jen split up there were rumblings of all of this. CohhCarnage, Dodger,Kitboga, sacriel, Towelliee, CobaltStreak, gassymexican, diction, Strippin, curvyllama, Bikeman, Ellohime, Penta, Dethridge, FauxFreedom, AvaGG, DanGheesling, BurkeBlack ,Classypax, Tigerwritertv, SilentSentryTV,Haylinic and many more. AnneMunition also had two things to say on the matter/her difficult situation with Kaitlyn. From what Ive managed to piece together, Cry cheated on his ex-girlfriend (who was also underage when they started dating, at 16 to his 22) a couple of years ago with both his best friends girl as well as multiple other underage girls. TobiWan accused of initiating sexual activity with no consent here. Bungie also knew about it, but didn't speak about it for the same reason. foot fetish content), Links to external sites containing adult content, Content which advocates against an individual, group, or organization. Public opinion matters more this days than actual truth, even if your case doesn't go into court you've basically branded the accused of being a sex offender. Basically "well your resume looks good but I need something more". Like if your username was spook DURING HALLOWEEN. What happened to Kevjumba? theres plenty of good honest streamers that actually deserve the success they work hard for. I just hope that no-one will try to use this situation to further themselves. Love how half of them are 'committing to working on themselves.' His responde to the allegations here. It also came out that he cheated with his Russs girlfriend at the time (Red) behind his back :/ Russ essentially had to just continue forward after finding out since at the time his income was primarily from LNC. 3 https://streamable.com/7vbmwn Damn. You are probably thinking of when he dresses up in the banana suit. People lose their jobs and lives over false claims. Cinnpie accused of sexual relationship with puppeh when he was 14 and she was 24 here. Hopefully someone at twitch has the balls to take action against JP. that one was pretty bad. People always say the accuser is always right but in my experience that is not the case. hug for too long = rape even though I initiated the hug. He was cheating but also wasn't explicitly in a relationship with them. Tw:R*pe In 2016 I was repeatedly r*ped by partnered Twitch streamer Phantomsfx. The real stuff will drown in all the bullshit, similar to how some people took advantage of the #metoo thingy. I was on my stomach, blindfolded and was told john was the one having sex with me while it was his friend i was performing oral sex on. Anyone read the AngryJoe one? I just don't understand it. I wouldn't want to like be mean towards the woman making the accusations, but my god can some people be stupid as hell. At 2am in the morning on twitter?! Sexual assault is "sexualcontact or behavior that occurs without explicit consent of the victim". I made him promise that it'd only be cuddling, and at most kissing. Below is a Twitterlonger of Azn admitting to his horrible behavior. Dude's career was built on working for years before most people had ever heard of him tbh. An interesting tweet from one of his teammates about him here. ActaBunniFooFoo accused of sexual assault here. Bil "Jump" Carter accused of rape here. Come on ladies.what are we even talking about here? I've known Jen for years (I know I'm a nobody, but we've been good friends since before she dated Witwix), this was handled privately at the time and she decided against making anything public. I mean the Destiny video game community, not the streamer. When there's this power over someone's dream, things can become toxic. Which, I mean nerdy dude into movies and games, We can all be awkward and read too much into things at times. ill always remember his 2011 intro theme and his yt home page designs before they culled custom home pages. Yeah just a classic example of an awkward guy not being able to read the situation well. All these other guys being accused look like normal guys, nobody would ever suspect them to be predators, yet, the guy streaming with cockroaches and mold is the one with the irreproachable moral standing. fuck google for changing youtube all those years ago :D, i dont think theres been anything new with him. The streamer has deleted the accusations. Not so long ago Johnny Depp had his world turn upside down because of literally the same shit. https://twitter.com/AnneMunition/status/1275158506287427586 oh fuck i remember that, probably the last thing i heard about him! BaconDonutTV response here. How does cease and desist work in this context? Loads of accusations happen that are lies as well. Chat please don't tell me they said that. If you believe this post is inappropriate, please report it. Links to more stories bellow the accusations. I see the "gaming community" (LOL) is still a shithole of nepotism and vigilante justice. Tobuscus is proof of this. His statement from his second twitter account(confirmed by the accuser) here. He felt like when they were together that their sex life was either great or non-existent. He says the person is lying. Dont know how much truth it holds, but the allegations are a lot lot worse towards him than that. After what happened to f.e. Heres a twitter thread of everyones thats been coming out the past few days https://twitter.com/JessyQuil/status/1274414714630660100. So many jumped on the "She's telling the truth" bandwagon already. But i decided to post it after the slasher tweet. These are the things people don't like to talk about or they don't see behind the scenes. Depends on the day and the amount of alcohol consumed. I guess being perceived as creepy is sexual assault now. Telling a girl you could get blacklisted for not having sex is some dirty Weinstien shit, saying you had blacklisted ppl before, then to push hard for a threesome after saying that is fucked up. All of their lives are ruined and they're gonna be labelled as sexual assaulters and rapists their entire lives. He has a long history in esports going back to the very first days of MLG tournaments in 2007ish?. cw// domestic abuse, self-harm, depression, narcissism. Some people do settle just to keep accusations out of the public eye. Weird that she isn't calling for everyone to get law involved. He always struck me as a bit of a narcissist, but after the split I feel like he got even worse and I got an uneasy feeling watching him. Not lift up the few to ignore the many are a lot of these are allegations! After was asking if Russ knew about it, for 4 years, despite no contact, she thinking. What i can see that 's perfectly legal in Florida to my knowledge, well! Are the things they said that n't rush to call her a liar either have taken the hint, it. With Pewdiepie, i have no idea justice system doesnt really do harassment... Need of evidence in those google docs now anyone can call out anyone without the need evidence... Have a ton of valid accusations and terrible actions bundled up with who. But also was n't explicitly in a time of victims coming forward it pains me to decide though Twitch... They deserve Groomed by MethodJosh at 14 - my story %? `` a streamer ) happened good vibes been! 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