what happens if sellafield blows up

Up close, the walls were pimpled and jagged, like stucco, but at a distance, the rocks surface undulated like soft butter. Four decades on, not a single GDF has begun to operate anywhere in the world. In either case, a large volume of radioactive substances could rise into the atmosphere propelled by an explosion, a fire or both. 50m fund will boost UK nuclear fuel projects, ministers say, Hopes for power and purpose from an energy industry in flux, EUs emissions continue to fall despite return to coal, Despite the hype, we shouldnt bank on nuclear fusion to save the world from climate catastrophe, Breakthrough in nuclear fusion could mean near-limitless energy, Sizewell C confirmed again this time it might be the real deal, Sizewell C nuclear plant confirmed with 700m public stake, Ineos in talks with Rolls-Royce on mini-nuclear power plant technology. A government agency, Nuclear Waste Services, is studying locations and talking to the people living there, but already the ballpark expenditure is staggering. The government is paying private companies 1.7bn a year to decommission ageing buildings at Sellafield. If the geology is simple, and were disposing of just high- and intermediate-level waste, then were thinking 20bn, said Jonathan Turner, a geologist with Nuclear Waste Services. Nuclear waste has no respect for human timespans. The Magnox reprocessing area at Sellafield in 1986. aste disposal is a completely solved problem, Edward Teller, the father of the hydrogen bomb, declared in 1979. An anonymous whistleblower who used to be a senior manager at Sellafield told the broadcasters Panorama programme that he worried about the safety of the site every day. Theyd become inordinately expensive to build and maintain, in any case, especially compared to solar and wind installations. Tablets containing non-radioactive iodine, taken just before or at an early stage of exposure, are effective in blocking the uptake of radioactive iodine by the thyroid gland and thereby greatly reducing the risk of thyroid cancer in subsequent years. The government built 26 such reactors across the country. No reference has been made to the economic and social consequences of the scenario being described but it is easy to see that they are potentially very serious. If you are on the receiving end of someone's blow-up, you want to not feed the fire by getting angry yourself, but instead remaining calm. Last year, BBC's Panorama exposed safety concerns at the plant after a tip-off from a whistleblower, including allegations of inadequate staffing levels and poor maintenance. The pond beds are layered with nuclear sludge: degraded metal wisps, radioactive dust and debris. Compared to the longevity of nuclear waste, Sellafield has only been around for roughly the span of a single lunch break within a human life. A B&Q humidity meter sits on the wall of the near-dark warehouse, installed when the boxes were first moved here to check if humidity would be an issue for storage. If new nuclear does go ahead in the UK then the technology will be French, Japanese or American. He was right, but only in theory. An operator uses the arm to sort and pack contaminated materials into 500-litre plastic drums, a form of interim storage. Sellafield now requires 2bn a year to maintain. At its heart is a giant pond full of radioactive . First it manufactured plutonium for nuclear weapons. "Because this is happening on the Sellafield site we exercise extreme caution and leave nothing to chance.". Sellafield is the largest nuclear site in Europe and the most complicated nuclear site in the world. Once sufficiently cooled, the spent fuel is moved by canal to Sellafields Head End Shear Cave where it is chopped up, dropped into a basket and dissolved in nitric acid. What Atherton really wanted to show off, though, was a new waste retrieval system: a machine as big as a studio apartment, designed from scratch over two decades and built at a cost of 100m. The UKs plans are at an earlier stage. Once radiation arrives, the national network of radiation monitoring stations, supplemented by mobile monitoring units of the Defence Forces and Civil Defence, will enable movement of the radiation cloud to be tracked and radiation levels in each area to be quantified. An operator sits inside the machine, reaching long, mechanical arms into the silo to fish out waste. Rebel skirmishes, global politics, and a caustic atmosphere are just some of the obstacles in Christopher Horsleys mission to capture life-saving visuals. From Helsinki, if you drive 250km west, then head another half-km down, you will come to a warren of tunnels called Onkalo. About 9bn years ago, tens of thousands of giant stars ran out of fuel, collapsed upon themselves, and then exploded. The sun bounces off metal everywhere. Fill a water bottle one-third full of vinegar. Hinkley Point C, the first new nuclear plant in a generation, is being built in Somerset, but its cost has bloated to more than 25bn. It has been a dithery decade for nuclear policy. A moment of use, centuries of quarantine: radiation tends to twist time all out of proportion. Answer: I answered a similar question here: Larry Moss's answer to Is there any danger with blowing up balloons? It perched on rails running the length of the building, so that it could be moved and positioned above an uncapped silo. At one point, when we were walking through the site, a member of the Sellafield team pointed out three different waste storage facilities within a 500-metre radius. This was where, in the early 1950s, the Windscale facility produced the Plutonium-239 that would be used in the UKs first nuclear bomb. Seagulls chatter, the hum of machinery is constant, a pipe zig-zagging across the ground vents steam. Waste disposal is a completely solved problem, Edward Teller, the father of the hydrogen bomb, declared in 1979. A recent investigation by the BBC found a catalogue of safety concerns including insufficient staffing numbers to operate safely and an allegation that radioactive materials were stored in degrading plastic bottles. On one of my afternoons in Sellafield, I was shown around a half-made building: a 1bn factory that would pack all the purified plutonium into canisters to be sent to a GDF. No one had figured out yet how to remove them. At one spot, our trackers went mad. In the water, the skips full of used fuel rods were sometimes stacked three deep, and when one was placed in or pulled out, rods tended to tumble out on to the floor of the pond. Thorps legacy will be the highly radioactive sludge it leaves behind: the final three per cent of waste it cant reprocess. We walked on the roof of the silos, atop their heavy concrete caps. On April 20, 2005 Sellafield workers found a huge leak at Thorp, which first started in July 2004. The skips of extricated waste will be compacted to a third of their volume, grouted and moved into another Sellafield warehouse; at some point, they will be sequestered in the ground, in the GDF that is, at present, hypothetical. So itll float down to the bottom of the pond, pick up a nuclear rod that has fallen out of a skip, and put it back into the skip. Sometimes, though, a human touch is required. The silos are rudimentary concrete bins, built for waste to be tipped in, but for no other kind of access. DeSantis won't say he's running. It took two years and 5m to develop this instrument. Read about our approach to external linking. The risk to any individual will be directly related to the degree of exposure. THE Irish population is "a sitting duck" in the event of a nuclear accident at Sellafield, Green Party deputy leader, Mary White warned yesterday. For nearly 30 years, few people knew that the fire dispersed not just radioactive iodine but also polonium, far more deadly. Some industrial machines have soothing names; the laser snake is not one of them. o take apart an ageing nuclear facility, you have to put a lot of other things together first. Photo: Twitter. On one floor, we stopped to look at a remotely operated vehicle, or ROV a steamer trunk-sized thing with a yellow carapace, floating in the algal-green water. Constructed by a firm named Posiva, Onkalo has been hewn into the island of Olkiluoto, a brief bridges length off Finlands south-west coast. When they arrived over the years, during the heyday of reprocessing, the skips were unloaded into pools so haphazardly that Sellafield is now having to build an underwater map of what is where, just to know best how to get it all out. Fire or flood could destroy Sellafields infrastructure. The year before the pandemic, a sump tank attached to a waste pond sprang a leak and had to be grouted shut. This would most immediately affect consumption of fresh milk from cows which had been grazing on contaminated pastures. Once cooled, it forms a solid block of glass. Then, at last, the reprocessing plant will be placed on fire watch, visited periodically to ensure nothing in the building is going up in flames, but otherwise left alone for decades for its radioactivity to dwindle, particle by particle. But the flask, a few scratches and dents aside, stayed intact. Perhaps, the study suggested, the leukaemia had an undetected, infectious cause. It is understood to be the Government's intention that very shortly iodine tablets will be available to everybody to keep in their home, with reserve supplies also being held in key locations throughout the country. The invisibility of radiation and the opacity of governments make for a bad combination. Video, Record numbers of guide dog volunteers after BBC story, BBC's Panorama exposed safety concerns at the plant, Prince Andrew offered Frogmore Cottage - reports, Beer and wine sales in Canada fall to all-time low, Bieber cancels remaining Justice world tour dates, Trump lashes out at Murdoch over vote fraud case, Man survives 31 days in jungle by eating worms, Eli Lilly caps monthly insulin costs in US at $35, Ed Sheeran says wife developed tumour in pregnancy, China and Belarus call for peace in Ukraine. Video, At the crash site of 'no hope' - BBC reporter in Greece, Record numbers of guide dog volunteers after BBC story. New forms of storage have to be devised for the waste, once its removed. Spent fuel rods and radioactive pieces of metal rest in skips, which in turn are submerged in open, rectangular ponds, where water cools them and absorbs their radiation. The facility has an 8,000 container capacity. Even as Sellafield is cleaning up after the first round of nuclear enthusiasm, another is getting under way. Somewhere on the premises, Sellafield has also stored the 140 tonnes of plutonium it has purified over the decades. Any time spent in Sellafield is scored to a soundtrack of alarms and signals. The plant. The solution, for now, is vitrification. Its a warm August afternoon and Im standing on a grassy scrap of land squinting at the most dangerous industrial building in western Europe. Thorp was closed for two years as a result of the leak, costing tens of millions of pounds in lost revenue. "It's so political that science doesn't matter. To take apart an ageing nuclear facility, you have to put a lot of other things together first. The snake, though, could slither right in through a hole drilled into a cell wall, and right up to a two-metre-high, double-walled steel vat once used to dissolve fuel in acid. Sellafield was the site in 1957 of one of the world's worst nuclear incidents. As the nation's priorities shifted,. Nations dissolve. We power-walked past nonetheless. To prevent that disaster, the waste must be hauled out, the silos destroyed and the ponds filled in with soil and paved over. This stopped operating before I was born and back then there was a Cold War mentality, he says. We ducked through half-constructed corridors and emerged into the main, as-yet-roofless hall. On the other hand, high-level waste the byproduct of reprocessing is so radioactive that its containers will give off heat for thousands of years. "That should help us remove more of the radioactivity early on, so that we can get on with the . The fire was in Unit 1 of the two-pile Windscale site on the north-west coast of England in Cumberland (now Sellafield, Cumbria). If the Yellowstone supervolcano were to erupt, it would happen like this: Heat rising from deep within the planet's core would begin to melt the molten rock just below the ground's surface. Before leaving every building, we ran Geiger counters over ourselves always remembering to scan the tops of our heads and the soles of our feet and these clacked like rattlesnakes. Sellafields presence, at the end of a road on the Cumbrian coast, is almost hallucinatory. In the waters gloom, cameras offer little help, he said: Youre mostly playing by feel. In the two preceding months, the team had pulled out enough waste to fill four skips. You dont want to do anything that forecloses any prospective solutions, Atherton said. No possible version of the future can be discounted. Many of the earliest structures here, said Dan Bowman, the head of operations at one of Sellafields two waste storage ponds, werent even built with decommissioning in mind. Walk inside and your voice echoes, bouncing off a two-storey tall steel door that blocks entry to the core. Some buildings are so dangerous that their collapse could be catastrophic, but the funding, expertise or equipment needed to bring them down safely isnt immediately available. The nuclear industry certainly knew about the utility of water, steel and concrete as shields against radioactivity, and by the 1970s, the US government had begun considering burying reactor waste in a GDF. "This is a 60-year-old building, records are non-existent, says Rich Davey, a mechanical responsible engineer at Sellafield. The speedy implementation of basic protective measures in the first hours and the following few days after the event can greatly reduce the exposure of individuals at risk and, therefore, greatly improve the ultimate health outcome for the population. Advertisement. The expenditure rises because structures age, growing more rickety, more prone to mishap. Have your child pours in enough baking soda to fill the balloon halfway. I leased a beat and the song blew up, but some other artist has the exclusive rights. In January 2012 Cumbria County Council rejected an application to carry out detailed geological surveys in boroughs near Sellafield. Though the inside is highly radioactive, the shielding means you can walk right up to the boxes. The huge risk of contamination means human exposure cant be risked. I only ever saw a dummy of a spent fuel rod; the real thing would have been a metre long, weighed 10-12kg, and, when it emerged from a reactor, run to temperatures of 2,800C, half as hot as the surface of the sun. If you take the cosmic view of Sellafield, the superannuated nuclear facility in north-west England, its story began long before the Earth took shape. From an operational nuclear facility, Sellafield turned into a full-time storage depot but an uncanny, precarious one, filled with toxic nuclear waste that has to be kept contained at any cost. The number of radioactive atoms in the kind of iodine found in nuclear waste byproducts halves every 16m years. An automated dismantling machine, remote-controlled manipulator arm and crane were used to take it apart piece by piece, leaving only the concrete biological shield and iconic, aluminium-clad shell. A dose of between 4.5 and six is considered deadly. Constructed in 1962 and shuttered in 1981, the golf ball wasnt built with decommissioning in mind. Sellafield Ltd said it was "not a radiological event" but involved a small number of canisters of solvents which had been on the site since 1992. Both buildings, for the most part, remain standing to this day. It was no secret that Sellafield kept on site huge stashes of spent fuel rods, waiting to be reprocessed. The humblest items a paper towel or a shoe cover used for just a second in a nuclear environment can absorb radioactivity, but this stuff is graded as low-level waste; it can be encased in a block of cement and left outdoors. , once its removed took two years and 5m to develop this instrument for a bad combination have... Spent in Sellafield is scored to a soundtrack of alarms and signals a... The risk to any individual will be directly related to the boxes have your pours. The leukaemia had an undetected, infectious cause machinery is constant, few. 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what happens if sellafield blows up