advantages of line organisation

Everybody knows his work and also to whom he is responsible. In this type, a greater variety of responsible jobs are available and this provides more opportunities for advancement of capable workers. General Manager. Structure is a valuable tool in achieving coordination, as it specifies reporting relationships (who reports to whom), delineates formal . Line and staff structure is adapted by medium to large organizations with several employees. The Line and Staff Organization is a dual-organization structure with two prominent authorities. The flow of orders, communication of suggestions and complaints etc. It is the simplest of all types of organizations. To conclude, the organization needs not only to find right men for the right jobs, but also retain them by giving attractive salaries and privileges, at least until matching replacement is found. It is the oldest form of organization. As its name suggests, the organization must be divided into different departments on the basis of their works. Change is ever-present in the business world, and organizations without a process or plan for managing it often struggle to keep up with today's frenetic pace. As against the advantages outlined above, the system suffers from the following weaknesses. The employees understand the reporting hierarchy clearly and are less susceptible to confusion and mistakes. Line managers are vital to the success of any growing business. Line organization can be further classified into two kinds: The chart given can illustrate the Departmental line organization. (iii) Lack of Specialization- Line organisation suffers from lack of specialised skill of experts. Similarly, they can not devote time to supervise their subordinates. The various persons heading the different departments would be perfectly independent of each other and would enjoy equal status. about The Concept of Cryptocurrency Staking and Passive Income Options, about Why Buying Restaurant Chairs in Bulk is a Smart Choice for your Business, about Top 5 Benefits of Identity Verification, about Choosing the Right Tampa Car Accident Lawyer for your Case, about Top Tips for the Best Event Staging: Things to Consider, about 6 Actionable Tips for Women to Ace Wealth Planning, about How To Get Out of Debt and Invest in Your Success, Mintzberg's Organizational Configurations. The managerial growth also suffers because lower level persons are not involved in decision-making process. A group of employees is controlled by one individual. Every person in the organization is in the direct chain of command. There is a clear definition of authority and responsibility relationship. It is the units that perform all the functions that make up the companys business processes. Some of the advantages of implementing the matrix organizational structure include: 1. It is the simplest form of organization which is common in small and medium-sized organizations. It is primarily used in companies that deal with complex projects, problems, and programs which require input from a wide variety of skillsets that are often spread across the business. It is not possible to achieve the advantages of specialisation in all fields. Staff include all of those that provide specialized skills in support of the line departments. Where the number of subordinates and operatives is less. Surajs workplace follows a hierarchy. How Does a Human Resource Manager Have Line, Staff & Implied Authority? This may result in his personal opinion or impulse, rather than any reason or system, guiding his decisions. Only one person is in charge of a department or division. Like any type of structure, a linear structure also has its advantages and disadvantages that an entrepreneur must be aware of. Learn about:- 1. (v) Prompt decision The unification of authority and responsibility ensures quick and prompt decisions. (d) Prompt Decision The unification of authority and responsibility facilitates quick and prompt decisions. 3. However, the lack of communication may lead to authority conflict if not managed properly. Each department manager derives his authority from the chief executive and, in turn, delegates authority to his immediate subordinates. Under this structure, there is a direct line of authority from the superior to the subordinate level through an unbroken chain. It is not possible to achieve the advantages of specialisation in all fields. Therefore, they can proceed their work without any confusion or misunderstanding. Each man will, more or less, have the same kind of work to perform up to the higher levels. put an organization on the path to competitive advantage. This is the most conventional type of structure, and it is easy to establish and understand. This authority enables him to instruct and direct his subordinates to perform the tasks and duties assigned to them. A superior delegates authority to a subordinate who in turn delegates authority to his subordinates and so on. They must stay within the limit of their authority and act accordingly. Its important to understand organizational values and culture before you enter the workforce. The top management has the final say in all decisions and processes within the company. Slowly but steadily, cryptos are becoming a part [Read] about The Truth Behind Cryptocurrency Transactions: Are Digital Transactions Secure? There are no better examples than those of history. Privacy Policy 9. Hierarchy of Authority Levels 7. Some assistants or new officers may be appointed to expand and delegate tasks. All organizations follow specific organizational structures to run the company smoothly. (c) Unity of control There is unity of command and control according to which an employee can receive orders only from one superior. It suffers from the drawbacks of autocratic control. This line system is not without disadvantages. Moreover, unity of command, according to which an employee can be given orders only by one superior, and the employee on his part will be accountable to that one superior only, is essential in a line organization. It can be easily designed, and operated without any complication. Line personnel command the workers and give feedback. Households and businesses can appreciate the benefits of having a credit card for immediate spending needs. It is simply used to indicate the straight flow of authority resembling the line of command in a combat unit. They perform all types of works of creative and innovative nature. For the three indicators of inclusionequality, openness, and belongingwe found particularly high levels of negative sentiment about equality and fairness of opportunity. And others may be good at execution but not so when it. The Christian Church has also been organised in a similar manner. For example, a production officer may allow the production supervisor to take care of another aspect outside his job description. iv. Advantages of a Line Organization Simple to work Economical and effective. Report a Violation 11. Matthew is a Co-Founder at Copyright 10. Publisher Blue Whale Press sp. Explore topics such as What is anOrganizational Structure,Types of Organizational Structure,Matrix Organizational Structure,Flat Organizational Structure&Divisional Structurefrom Harappa Diaries and understand how teams functions in your organization. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. This leads to the losing of economies to scale. But all managers may not be equally capable and committed to their work; those who pass the test, will accomplish their work as desired, but there may be some who may fail forcing the organization to think of giving them specialized training, or find replacement for them. Classical theories of organization associated with Henri Fayol, Frederick W . Expert Advice: The staff officers provide expert advice and guidance to line officers and by this, the enterprise as a whole gets benefit. This is because of unified control. Advantages and Disadvantages of Line Organization. 5. It will hamper their effectiveness. In order to understand more about line, organization lets look at some of the advantages and disadvantages of line organization-if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'letslearnfinance_com-box-3','ezslot_1',106,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-letslearnfinance_com-box-3-0'); The first and foremost advantage of line organization is that it is very simple to understand and implement in the organization and hence there is no need to give extensive training to employees about the structure of the organization as all employees will know that flow of authority will be in a line and that too from top to bottom so there is no ambiguity and confusion. By this method, specialisation is attained. They are expected to take numerous decisions and supervise the work of subordinates under them. The production manager, for example, will not interfere in the decision-making by sales manager, or finance manager, and vice-versa. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. i. Simplicity- Simple to understand and develop. Quick decisions and their implementation help to get the benefit of business opportunities. Quick Decision and Implementation 3. By providing staff managers with total authority in particular areas, line managers have more free. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. Specialization. Experienced employees with specialized knowledge are given functional authority in the organization. First, commands should be given to subordinates through the immediate superior- there should be no skipping of links in the chain of command. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. Hence, this is unstable. Flexibility- Since each departmental head has sole responsibility for his department, he can easily adjust the organization to changes in business situation. We use cookies to personalise content and ads, to provide social media features and to analyse our traffic. Each organizational structure has its specific characteristics. There is thus a hierarchical arrangement of authority. Staff manager acts as a support system to the line executives by providing information and advice to the line executives. The advantages are noted below. For this reason, it is given the name line organization. Staff management positions can allow companies to leverage the skills and expertise of specialists who may not fit well in the formal hierarchy of the organization. (3) Limited Superior-Subordinate Communication: A line organization generally does not encourage subordinates to communicate with their managers. This affects their creativity and capacity for independent thinking. He need not to waste time in getting instructions from above. Each sub-ordinate gets instructions only from his/her immediate superior directly. In a line organization, authority follows the chain of command. Not all managers can come up to this expectation. The authority should be commensurate with the work assigned. Again, no departmental head can pass on a message directly to a subordinate of another department. Although there is communication from top to bottom there is usually no communication from the lower ranks to higher ranks and executives. Identification of Authority and Responsibility: Line organisation helps in fixing authority and responsibility of each and every person in the organisation. The subordinates start keeping distance from the superiors. This avoids all kinds of misinterpretations and ensures peak performance. Even though marked by lack of specialization, overburdening of competent managers, absence of communication between managers and subordinates, and subjective element in decision-making, line system of organization will suit businesses which are small in size, or where the work involved is of a routine nature, or machine-based. It provides flexibility in the decision making and an immediate decision can be as required. There is a lack of co-ordination among various departments. And because the army is known to be organized on the same pattern, it is also called military organization.. ul. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Line organization enables the staff to work more toward the execution of tasks. Prohibited Content 3. The workers get instructions from the supervisor and the supervisor gets advice from the departmental head. Line Organization: It is also known as Scalar organization or Military form of organization. 2. (ii) Line officers reject the advice without giving reasons. The line organization structure is very simple to understand and simple to operate. Line-staff organization, in management, approach in which authorities One of the most important advantages of line and staff organization is that it improves specialization in the system. Last Updated on February 10, 2023 By Methew Harbor Leave a Comment. (ii) Every person is in in charge of persons working under him. However, there is a risk: in this structure the functions of managers sometimes overlap and when a problem arises it is difficult to determine whose fault it is. Although a line structure isnt as common as it used to be, it still exists in organizations that have been around for years. Finding out your culture fit can help you thrive in the workplace. This is the simplest and oldest, known as chain of command or scalar principle. is a meeting room for employer and employee that will help you build positive employer branding or get your dream job. Simplicity: This system is very simple and can operate very easily. Just as some job functions are best handled by a single individual, some individuals simply work best when they are left alone. Line organisation is the basic framework for the whole organisation. The general manager is in charge of all the departments and he can easily co-ordinate the work of various departments. Functional authority means giving authority to an employee experienced in a particular area. Staff managers generally perform their job functions without managerial guidance or approval, allowing them to work much more efficiently than line employees. There may be a lack of operational uniformity among various departments. Survey respondents answered the question, "Please choose the top three leadership Unlike affiliative leadership structures, such organizational structures do not heed the officers advice. There are no staff personnel for consultation too. Similarly, a manager has to look after various departments and functions at a time. In todays business world, marketing is the [Read] about B2B Account-Based Marketing: How to Grow Sales? If superiors take a wrong decision, it would be carried out without anybody having the courage to point out its deficiencies. Again, even within a department, there may be several sub-departments. military, vertical, scalar, departmental organization. Source: Line organizations totally depend upon few executives. 1. More recently, it has also been referred to in management writing as the scalar organisation. Matthew was a floor manager at a local restaurant in Wales. A manager in a line organization has absolute control over his department of activity. All the departmental managers enjoy equal status and work independently. The meaning of LINE ORGANIZATION is the part of a business organization that forms an integrated whole concerned with the production of the goods or services that are the stock in trade of the organization often distinguished from staff. Your email address will not be published. Line managers may create new line departments according to requirements. As all the decisions are made by senior management, employees find it difficult to take initiative or step outside their comfort zone. This can lead to an increased load on the top management to solve these conflicts. For example, in the production department, there may be a number of foremen each in charge of a sub-department and controlling a certain number of workers. This type of organizational structure is often observed in older organizations that have routine tasks. It may increase the employee turnover rate if the job roles are unclear. So, there is a lack of stability in enterprise performance. 1. Also, he alone is accountable for performance of his department. He may neglect some of the duties and there may be inefficiency in management. The subordinates may similarly communicate the order to the workers. There are no supportive units for accounting, labour, etc. The line authorities and higher management make decisions after considering the suggestions of functional officers. Encourages Carelessness: As the staff officer is not concerned with the execution of the plan, he may not take proper precautions and care before he advises the line officer. Profitability Organizations save an average of $11,000 per year per part-time telecommuter, or 21% higher profitability. Regulatory compliance means sticking to the laws [Read] about 5 Ways your Company can Achieve Regulatory Compliance. The chain of command goes from top to bottom. And others may be good at execution but not so when it comes to planning. Similarly, each person derives authority from the superior above him. The operation of line organization is very simple. Heres a breakdown of the power in each. It improves different coordinations among all employees and personnel. 6. Outside of reporting to senior management, each task belongs to individual employees. Improving Line and Staff Relationship 1. 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Clear-cut division of authority and responsibility- The authority and responsibility of every person is clearly defined. Moreover, an employee knows to whom he/she is responsible and who are responsible to him/her. This is the oldest and simplest form of the organization and is popularly known as military organization. It is a traditional concept of management. Moreover, there are a number of suggestions which continuously occur to lower ranks, but these suggestions cannot be utilised because generally the higher officers look down upon the views of their subordinates. There are no staff personnel to advice line officers. This reporting structure has distinct advantages, such as relieving upper-level managers of the responsibility for making low-level decisions and allowing lower-level managers to . Uploader Agreement. (g) Co-ordination As all activities relating to one department are managed by one individual, there is a possibility for effective co-ordination. (iii) Each subordinate receives orders only from one superior and is answerable to him only. Another limitation under this structure is there is no scope of two-way communication so things are always communicated from top to bottom and not the other way round so even if the subordinates have something good to say they will hesitate and keep mum leading to suppressing of good ideas and methods to complete the work efficiently and effectively. Though the term Military Organisation still persists in management writing, the reader should note that it has no relationship to modern military establishment. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". Managers of all departments contribute to multiple management layers in the organization. These are more formal organizations where collaborative efforts may not be entertained. Simplicity: This system is very simple and can operate very easily. Managers have to involve themselves in jobs of different nature. So, this type of organisation is characterised by direct lines of authority flowing from the top to the bottom of the organisational hierarchy and lines of responsibility flowing in an opposite, but equally direct, manner. A number of organizations do not even employ staff managers, relying solely on their line managers to accomplish business objectives. All other types of organization structure have mostly been either modifications of this organization. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. Under it, the persons having the greater decision-making authority are placed at the top, and those having the least decision-making authority at the bottom. Result- No scope for individual initiative, no offering of comments or suggestions on planning and execution, even no relook at any decision wrongly made. So it is unfit for todays business environment that requires innovative organizational structures. Under this system, authority flows from the men at the top to the lowest man vertically. Responsibility is fixed. In the foregoing pares, we have observed that both the line system and the functional system suffer from certain defects. Everybody knows his work and also to whom he is responsible. Among the advantages of a line structure, experts most often include: clear division of authority, competencies and responsibilities; employees are accountable to one person - the manager; possibility of quick interaction between employees and management; maximum speed of execution of orders; The line and staff officers perform their functions smoothly through better coordination and cooperation. Lets tell you the advantages and disadvantages of line and staff organization. The improper distribution of authority and responsibility can create problems within the organization. Economical Disadvantages are: 1. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Harappas Navigating Workplaces course is a self-paced online course thatll teach you everything you need to know about optimizing your work life. Thus, this system can be successfully practised where: (a) The business is carried on a small scale with a small number of subordinates and operatives. (f) Lack of Co-operation One executive controls the various activities of a department and gets undue importance while the importance of other people in the department is not recognised. C. benchmarking. They are also aware of the necessity of satisfying their superior in their own interests. 4. Scope for Favoritism: Chances for nepotism and favoritism are more under this system. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window). It is a different matter though that our armed forces, particularly the army, are increasingly asked to rescue civilians in times of natural or man-made disasters, such as floods (remember, Mumbai, Chennai, Uttarakhand, and Allahabad), earthquake (remember, Nepal and Uttarakhand), civil strife (remember, handling separatists in Kashmir and insurgents in Chhatisgarh, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh). Line and Staff Organizations: Need, Importance, Merits and Limitation, Line Organization With Features, Conditions for Success, Merits, Demerits and Suitability, Line Organization Hierarchy of Authority Levels, Branches of Line Organisation, Merits, Demerits and Suitability of Line Organisation, Line Organization With Merits, Demerits and Suitability, Line Organization With Features, Advantages and Limitations, Line Organization With Characteristics, Types of Line Organisation, Advantages, Disadvantages and Suitability, Line Organization With Advantages and Disadvantages, Line Organization With Characteristics and Types. The staff personnel does not supervise the line officers. Under this method, authority flows in a vertical manner form top to bottom. Simplicity: Line organisation is simple to establish and can be easily understood by the employees. It is simply used to indicate a straight flow of authority resembling the lines of command in a combat unit. Because of the interdisciplinary nature of . Further, the span of supervision theory says no executive in a line organization should be burdened with supervising more than a manageable number of subordinates. . (c) Scope for Favouritism Since only one executive controls all the activities relating to his department, there is much scope for favouritism and nepotism. The line authority not only becomes the avenue of command to operating personnel, but also provides the channel of communication, coordination and accountability in enterprise. Line managers sit directly in the chain of command in a company's hierarchy, and are responsible for overseeing subordinates and reporting to their own managers. The Truth Behind Cryptocurrency Transactions: are Digital Transactions Secure pass on device! Difficult to take numerous decisions and allowing lower-level managers to about the Truth Behind Cryptocurrency:. 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advantages of line organisation