data driven pages arcgis

You can also use the toolbar to navigate and refresh the pages, along with adding dynamic text for the page name or the page number. Choose the extent option that you want to use. Through the Definition tab, you can select the index layer that drives the geographic extent for each page. The size, or distance, between data frame edges is calculated as a percentage of the distance, in map units, of the axis containing the closest point. The DataDrivenPages class only has a single exportToPDF method but that does not mean other export files can't be created. See the first code sample below. The following script prints a specific set of Data Driven Pages to a local printer: You will want to use the refresh method if one of the following occurs: (1) features are added to or deleted from your index layer; (2) edits are made to the Sort or Name field values; (3) the data frame extent is changed due to zooming, panning, or change to map scale; or (4) edits are made to any field being used by Data Driven Pages for an index layer feature that is driving the current geographic extent. This allows the symbols to appear correctly if the symbol font is not available or cannot be embedded. Once you have the lines, you'll need to potentially modify your reference feature grid. The index layer can also be used to define a number of other things that can be added to the maps, including the page name, page number, map scale, rotation angle of the data frame, and coordinate system. Is Koestler's The Sleepwalkers still well regarded? Select the map series type to create, Spatial or Bookmark . If you're using a Windows printer, use a .prn extension. Related: How to label adjacent pages in data driven pages. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. Please note the difference, as highlighted by the table below, between page index/page with count and the page number. The drop-down menu is filtered to display applicable field types. LAYERS_AND_ATTRIBUTES Export PDF layers and feature attributes. Using this index layer, Data Driven Pages generates one page per index feature from a single layout. An example of this would be a scenario where a text element's string information needs to be formatted using custom logic or needs to be constructed from multiple fields. Set the required properties and any desired optional properties for the chosen map series. Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. The index always starts with 1 and ends with the number of pages created. It's described in the user manual. As a review, a map series is a collection of maps (often called map books or data driven pages in ArcMap) built from a single layout in an ArcGIS Pro project. Unchecking the check box disables Data Driven Pages functionality. The ArcMap Data Driven Pages toolbar may not provide enough options for creating the "perfect" map series, but the inherent behavior of a Data Driven Pages-enabled map document can save many lines of code because the page extents, scales, dynamic text, and so forth, are all managed automatically within the map document so that code does not need to be written. This can be a file local to your machine or a file on a network. Pages in the map series need to be sorted. For more information on setting up Data Driven Pages, see Creating Data Driven Pages. When using point features, if you want to use only one map scale for each page, choose the Center and Maintain Current Scale option. Values greater than 100 percent result in a margin between the feature and the data frame edge. They are. This toolset also contains other tools to help you create a map book. If you're using a PostScript printer, the format will be PostScript, and it is recommended that a .ps extension be provided. In the Set Table Format dialog box, choose Auto Fit cells for the Width. Once a map series has been created, it can be disabled or enabled. You can add dynamic text for the page index using the Page Text drop-down menu on the Data Driven Pages toolbar. The string value that designates how the pages will be printed, similar to the Pages tab within the ArcMap Export Map dialog box for PDF documents. Geographic Information Systems Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for cartographers, geographers and GIS professionals. You do not have to use the default. create and customize new Data Driven Pages, Legislative District Atlas of Massachusetts, Coming Soon: New Technical Support Site Experience. These include the Calculate Adjacent Fields geoprocessing tool, which is used to create fields in your index layer that can be used to label the adjacent page in a map book; two tools to calculate spatial reference strings specific for each feature in your index, Calculate Central Meridian and Parallels and Calculate UTM Zone geoprocessing tools; and a tool, Calculate Grid Convergence Angle, that can be used to rotate each Data Driven Page to true north. 2: Use of Page Definition Query:At the larger scales this template shows the road and street network. These page number field values can be used to drive dynamic text in the map layout. This requires that the data frame be rotated. Optionally, set the Group By, Page Number, Rotation, and Spatial Reference options by selecting a value from each drop-down list. Make sure this is the data frame you want to use. Data Driven Pages gives you the ability to generate a set of output pages by taking a single layout and iterating over a set of map extents. Map series pages can have dynamic elements that update for each page, such as scale or the map title, and static elements that are constant across all pages, such as graphics. The resulting PDFs will have the index number appended to the output file name. In addition, Data Driven Pages allow you to usedynamic text. The getPageIDFromName method provides a mechanism for this translation. See the first code sample below. In ArcMap, click Insert > Graphic Table Element. For information on general printing in web applications see Printing in web applications. RV coach and starter batteries connect negative to chassis; how does energy from either batteries' + terminal know which battery to flow back to? If you wanted to export only this page, you would use 1 to identify the page in the Page Range text box even though the page number is 4. An integer that defines the resolution of the export file in dots per inch (dpi). How do I print and export Data Driven Pages? Using an index layer representing a grid, you can easily create a series of pages of equal area that cover the town as shown below. A second goal was to showcase how Data Driven Pages can help you create great cartographic products. You can add dynamic text for the page index using the Page Text drop-down list on the Data Driven Pages toolbar. A map series is a collection of pages (also known as map sheets) built from a single layout in which each page shows a particular map extent. ArcMap PDFs are editable in many graphics applications and retain annotation, labeling, and attribute data for map layers from the ArcMap table of contents. This drop-down menu displays a list of layers from Detail Data Frame. They are. You should see a 50 km distance between the data frame edge and the closest part of the feature. 4: Determining the Optimal Keymap Position:The map template shows each legislative district for Massachusetts on a different page. The map book example above specifies each map should be at a scale of 1:50,000. They are commonly used for distributing documents on the Web and are becoming a standard interchange format for content delivery. The pageCount property returns the total page count for a map document (.mxd) that has Data Driven Pages enabled. RASTERIZE_BITMAP Rasterize layers with bitmap markers/fills. The sort field provides the sorting logic and index for the pages. There may be cases where you want to use specific spatial references for specific pages in your map series. This means you are looking at the 14th page of 20 pages. You will now be able to use this feature class as the index layer for Data Driven Pages. We have setup data driven pages, to create 1 map per catchment, and using page definition query are able to filter the features to only the ones present within the catchment. These tools are part of the Data Driven Pages toolset. If there is no field using "PageNumber" in the field name, Data Driven Pages will then use FID or ObjectID. The index values are automatically generated based on the Name and Sort fields. There are also optional settings for map rotation, spatial reference, page number, and scale. A feature layer, or index layer, divides the map into sections based on each index feature in the layer and generates one page per index feature. Figure 2: Data Driven Pages Geoprocessing Toolset. Data Driven Pages must first be enabled and authored within a map document (.mxd) using the Data Driven Pages toolbar in ArcMap before it can be referenced with arcpy.mapping. By choosing the Center and maintain current scale option, the detail data frame for each page in the Data Driven Pages series is centered on the center of the index feature and maintains a constant map scale. As Data Driven Pages iterates through each page, an appropriate map rotation is applied to the Detail Data Frame based on the values of this field. A jpeg_compression_quality of 100 provides the best quality images but creates large export files. It only takes a minute to sign up. PDF_SINGLE_FILE Export a multipage document. This can also drive a dynamic text element in the layout. You are not confined to using only polygon layers as the index layer. This list includes fields from a table joined to the index layer. Select Spatial . Map series can be created without any scripting at all by using the Data Driven Pages toolbar from within ArcMap. Here is an example of a spatial reference string for geographic coordinate system WGS 1984: GEOGCS["GCS_WGS_1984",DATUM["D_WGS_1984",SPHEROID["WGS_1984",6378137,298.257223563]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0],UNIT["Degree",0.0174532925199433]]. For example, a common type of map series or map book that requires map rotation is a strip map. You can activate this dialog box from the Data Driven Pages toolbar or from the Page and Print Setup dialog box. PDF files are designed to be consistently viewable and printable across different platforms. Dynamic text (for example, page name and page number). What's the difference between a power rail and a signal line? Matchlines are typically a feature found on plans, not maps. In the New Table dialog box, choose Item to Row for the Table Format . This drop-down menu displays a list of applicable fields from the Index Layer. The page number can be based on field values of the index layer. Any feature layer may serve as the index layer. Remember, since this is the first map, the index number for this page is 1. PDF_SINGLE_FILE Export a multipage document. A string that represents the path and file name for the output export file. The following script exports each page of a Data Driven Pages series into an individual PNG file. Using dynamic text, you can navigate through the pages of your map book and have the labels identifying neighboring pages update automatically. You can also choose fields to use to name and sort the pages. To use Data Driven Pages you first need to create or identify an index layer. I now need to publish my 100 maps online, does anyone have any tips for how best to achieve this? The page index can be displayed on the Data Driven Pages toolbar. There's a tool for this that would work in some cases (Calculate Adjacent Fields), otherwise you just manually add an attribute and populate it yourself (which can also help control what your match line text says). The ArcGIS Geoprocessing Resource Center hasseveral good example scriptsthat you can experiment with to use arcpy with Data Driven Pages. Figure 5: Map Template for the Legislative District Atlas of Massachusetts. This drop-down menu displays a list of data frames in the current map document. Or you could convert your map polygons to polylines and do the same. Data-driven pages -enabled map documents can be imported into a product library to manage them centrally. You have three different ways to apply spatial references in Data Driven Pages. Using Data Driven Pages in ArcMap 34,334 views Feb 5, 2014 212 Dislike Share Save GeoMattix GIS Training 2.21K subscribers Michele GeoMattix shows you how to create a series of maps along a river. Font embedding allows text and character markers to be displayed correctly when the document is viewed on a computer that does not have the necessary fonts installed. Acceleration without force in rotational motion? Driver based printing is not supported on ArcGIS for Server. You can equate the following data-driven pages terms with product library terms: Once imported, the product's instances and AOIs can then be searched, displayed, and selected using the Product Library tree view. This is the Detail Data Frame. RANGE Only pages listed in the page_range_string parameter will be exported. I received Jim's images and can see that this is a sophisticated requirement. Or, you can apply the formatting tag Page or to an existing text element. For example, suppose you are designing a map book where there will be pages for 10 map features. Add this new layer to your map document and use it as the index layer for the Data Driven Pages. You can also use the Calculate Grid Convergence Angle geoprocessing tool to create values that can be used to rotate the map to true north for each map page in your series. In summary, I have a DD map series whose index was created with the default ArcGIS tools. Use arcpy.mapping.ListBookmarks to get the extent of each bookmark. , . A jpeg_compression_quality of 100 provides the best quality images but creates large export files. radouxju, my original issue was somewhat tricky (and I don't believe that I have any of the sample graphics). The resulting PDFs will have the index number appended to the output file name. To make such a map series more readable, the map's page orientation is such that the linear feature draws from top to bottom and is centered on the page. Only a single data frame can be selected as the main data frame. Using Data Driven Pages to create a series of pages using two data frames with different extents in a single layout requires the creation of two index layers to drive each extent. Data Driven Pages will retain the original settings in these cases until the refresh method is executed. These include short integer, long integer, float, and double. The following steps enable Data Driven Pages using a previously created grid index feature class. These fields must be an attribute of the index layer or field from a table that is joined to the index layer. Arcpy.mapping can be used to automate map And I have employed the 'Angle' attribute of the index layer in order to rotate each page so that the route is (generally) shown west-to-east, with the north arrow turning dynamically with each page. A string that controls inclusion of PDF layer and PDF object data (attributes) in the export file. You need to have the proper permission to these files. You can choose any data frame in your map as the Detail Data Frame (as long as there is at least one layer in it). 542), How Intuit democratizes AI development across teams through reusability, We've added a "Necessary cookies only" option to the cookie consent popup. These include short integer, long integer, double, and text. This drop-down menu displays a list of applicable fields from the index layer. PDF_MULTIPLE_FILES_PAGE_INDEX Export single-page documents using the page index value for the output file name. For example, a margin is set at 50 km. Factory codes can be stored as either short or long integers. There needs to be a first page, a last page, and all the pages in between. This layout may also contain additional layout elements such as text or a scale bar. If the value is null, Data Driven Pages uses a value of 0. Your map view will rotate as you go from page to page, and it's possible the exact location of the matchlines may move as well and their rotation definitely will. Open a layout that contains the relevant content. If you select a field for Spatial Reference, create Data Driven Pages (by clicking OK) then decide you do not want to use the field to drive spatial references, you cannot simply choose none from the drop-down list to go back to a default spatial reference. This templates shows you how Data Driven Pages can be used to automatically update map elements, such as the bar scale, scale text and page number, and text, such as the title or page number, as the pages change. For example, you may want the first three pages in your map book to be for a title, a table of contents, and an overview map. If you disable Data Driven Pages and click OK, all Data Driven Pages settings you made are cleared. The index layer defines the geographic extent of the main data frame for each page in the Data Driven Pages series. A new data frame extent option, Other Data Frame, has been added that makes it possible to synchronize the extent of your main data frame with . You now have a set of Data Driven Pages. SELECTED Selected index layer features/pages are exported. These pages define the map extents for the example map book above. Cara membuat peta per lahan sekaligus dan ekspor secara otomatis dengan fitur Data Driven Page di ArcGIS.Salin contoh kode python untuk ekspor peta di sini:h. RASTERIZE_PICTURE Rasterize layers with any picture markers/fills. A Boolean that controls whether the selection symbology should be displayed in the output. A path that includes the name of an output print file. A Boolean that controls the embedding of fonts in an export file. Then, after exiting the Setup Data Driven Pages dialog box, set the scale of the Detail Data Frame to the scale you want. Values less than 100 percent shrink the data frame to an extent that is within the extent of the index feature. A string that defines output image quality. These include short integer, long integer, float, double, date, and string. Since the distance between the feature and the data frame edge along the horizontal axis is farther, the margin will be greater than 7.5 km. Data Driven Pages must first be enabled and authored within a map document (.mxd) using the Data Driven Pages toolbar in ArcMap before it can be referenced with arcpy.mapping. A string that defines whether picture markers and picture fills will be converted to vector or rasterized on output. For example, you may want to create a map book, or map series, of a town's parcels. The default Data Frame for Data Driven Pages is the active data frame. You can navigate through your pages using the Data Driven Pages toolbar. Data Driven Pages are exported to a multipage PDF document. A string that defines the color space of the export file. Use the Page Number option. One of my goals when I was creating the template was to showcase Data Driven Pages and to help you become more familiar with their use. The getPageIDFromName method provides a mechanism for this translation. I would like to have match lines on each page (and in the same place on each page - say 1" from the left and right borders). The default is the first field using the string "PageNumber" in the field name. This value is displayed in the Data Driven Pages toolbar when Show Page is selected; it represents the y of x of y. With that, you can insert a Dynamic Text element into the layout near the edges of the page. PDF exports from ArcMap support embedding of fonts and thus can display symbology correctly even if the user does not have Esri fonts installed. Here is a breakdown of page index, page number (dynamic text), and page number with count (dynamic text) for a map series of 10 maps and the starting page number set at 4. Determining rotation of rectangle features for Data Driven Pages in ArcGIS Desktop? A factory code is an integer identifier that is unique by coordinate system. qgis arcgis-desktop data-driven-pages Share Improve this question Follow edited Nov 16, 2013 at 22:14 PolyGeo 64.4k 28 104 320 asked Nov 16, 2013 at 21:49 sirgeo 1,989 5 32 43 Add a comment 1 Answer Sorted by: 10 That feature is called Atlas in QGIS and you'll find it as part of the Print Composer. Now, I understand the labeling options for the Data Driven pages. In addition to all the out-of-the-box functionality available with Data Driven Pages, there is anarcpy.mapping site packagethat allows for additional geoprocessing and customization. Every portion of this map book was made with ArcGIS. These include short integer, long integer, and text. Margins specified in map or page units are also measured from the edge of the data frame to the closest point of the index feature. mxd.dataDrivenPages.currentPageID = pageNum pageName = mxd.dataDrivenPages.pageRow.STATE_NAME for lyr in arcpy.mapping.ListLayers (mxd): if == maskLayer: lyr.definitionQuery = '"STATE_NAME" <> pageName' arcpy.mapping.ExportToPDF (mxd, os.path.dirname (outputFolder)+ os.sep + pageName + ".pdf") lyr.definitionQuery = "" Image compression is defined separately. Learn more about using dynamic text with Data Driven Pages. These include short integer, long integer, float, and double. mxd = arcpy.mapping.MapDocument (r"C:MyProjectMyAtlasPages.mxd") #Export each of the data driven pages. In this case, a page is created for each state. Do map elements update from one page to the next? A Boolean that enables exporting of coordinate system information for each data frame into the output PDF file. Use pageRow to return the index layer's row object for the active or current page. Truce of the burning tree -- how realistic? Map rotation moves in a counterclockwise direction. If you need to create an index layer or create data in the index layer for the customizations described above, you can use geoprocessing tools from the Data Driven Pages toolset. The index layer fields can then be read and/or modified as necessary. When exporting to PDF, all the pages can be exported into a single PDF document. It is too large to store in a shapefile. For more information about Data Driven Pages, see the following topics: The currentPageID property represents the active or current page for a map document (.mxd) that has Data Driven Pages enabled. Page index is also reflected in the export dialog box. You need to incorporate a number of files to get this final product. PDF exports from ArcMap can define colors in CMYK or RGB values. To insert dynamic text, from the top menu, click Insert, and then click Dynamic Text. You'll need to create single lines. Specifically, I used the Strip Map option when I created the book. If the value in this field is null, incomplete, or otherwise unusable, Data Driven Pages ignore the field and apply the last spatial reference used to the current page. Learn how to use ArcMap's Data Driven Page functionality to create map books and atlases. In some cases, you may want to start the map series pages at a page other than the first page. Using an index layer representing a grid, you can easily create a series of pages of equal area that cover the town as shown below. Map series can be created without any scripting at all by using the Data Driven Pages toolbar from within ArcMap. If it doesn't already have them, you need adjacent neighbor fields. Each feature in the index layer drives, or defines, each page in the Data Driven Pages series. Could you please add an illustration (if Jim agrees). You cannot use raster-based layers as the index layer. Page numbers should be unique, though Data Driven Pages accepts null and duplicate values. Exports a specified set of pages to a multipage PDF document for a map document (.mxd) that has Data Driven Pages enabled, Returns a Data Driven Pages index value based on the name of the page, Prints specific pages from a Data Driven Pages-enabled map document (.mxd) to a specified printer, Refreshes an existing Data Driven Pages series. My index layer is 15 pages and I'm using the 'Angle' attribute of the layer to keep each page horizontal (the dynamic north arrow rotates). You can easily re-create this reference series using Data Driven Pages, the geoprocessing tools available from the Data Driven Pages toolset, data frame properties, and dynamic text. There are two geoprocessing tools, Grid Index Features and Strip Map Index Features, to help you create index layers. A string that controls inclusion of PDF layer and PDF object data (attributes) in the export file. Driver based printing is not supported on ArcGIS Server. If you have a dynamic text element for page numbers in your layout, you should see Page 4 displayed for the first map page. A string that defines the compression scheme used to compress image or raster data in the output file. 3: Relating Information from Different Pages:The keymap also updates to highlight the same district as the main map; this link between the main map and the keymap was set up through a Page Definition Query that was mentioned above. What factors changed the Ukrainians' belief in the possibility of a full-scale invasion between Dec 2021 and Feb 2022? Can I use this tire + rim combination : CONTINENTAL GRAND PRIX 5000 (28mm) + GT540 (24mm). and Height properties so the cells will automatically adjust to fit the returned attributes. The map document must have Data Driven Pages enabled. An option to control how the output PDF is created. See Create a bookmark map series for information on the required and optional properties for a bookmark map series. I thought about inserting polylines in each rectangle of the index but then they would rotate as the pages advanced. Match lines were used on each page. For more information, see Creating Data Driven Pages. Refer to the Exporting your map topic in ArcGIS for Desktop Help for more detailed discussions on exporting maps. The drop-down list is filtered to display applicable field types. Returns a reference to the data frame the index layer resides within a Data Driven Pages enabled map document. The page index is internally generated, always begins with 1, and ends with the total number of pages. A number that controls compression quality value when image_compression is set to ADAPTIVE or JPEG. Page number may or may not be the same as page index. Sometimes matchlines are shown in different places on their matching pages rather than right at the 'official split' - that won't be possible here. For example, you can create Data Driven Pages using a polygon layer of U.S. states. These include short integer, long integer, and string. You can choose to use a different field by selecting it from the drop-down menu. JPEG will be used for large images with many unique colors. A string that defines the compression scheme used to compress image or raster data in the output file. BEST An output image quality resample ratio of 1, BETTER An output image quality resample ratio of 2, NORMAL An output image quality resample ratio of 3, FASTER An output image quality resample ratio of 4, FASTEST An output image quality resample ratio of 5, CMYK Cyan, magenta, yellow, and black color model. These map extents are driven by the spatial extent of features within the index layer. This drop-down menu displays a list of applicable fields from the index layer. For example, a state atlas may contain a title page, an overview map page, and a page for each county in the state. If the value is negative, the rotation is clockwise. (They have a catchment attribute). Yes, there is. A number that controls compression quality value when image_compression is set to ADAPTIVE or JPEG. Related: how to use whose index was created with the number of files to the. A question and answer site for cartographers, geographers and GIS professionals only Pages listed in the layout the. The sample graphics ) this list includes fields from the index layer geographers GIS... Is anarcpy.mapping site packagethat allows for additional geoprocessing and customization and text case, page! Learn more about using dynamic text with Data Driven Pages, the format will be Pages 10... The Strip map option when I created the book logic and index for the active Data frame the... 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