yandere bts reaction to you being spoiled

. He would be excited, giggly, though he would still be shy and reserved when you agreed to going on a date with him. You didnt question it though. There laid five expressionless men who rested on a pool of mild cerise substance. If anything you were still hung up on your ex. What did you do to him?, He laughed dryly, "What did I do to him? He moved fast, clearing the blood trail in what felt like seconds. #jin - Bandmate Having A Crush On You. Jin followed your sight before gasping loudly throwing the gun away and pulling you into a tight hug. When i come back you better have fixed that attitude he said and slammed the basement door leaving you in the pitch black silence. Hi lovely, I usually take up to four members max, but I guess Im happy today so Ill do all of them. Hi! your freedom. Understand? Before you could answer Taehyung suddenly tugged at Jimins sleeve. Im so happy youre having my child jagiya, now youre bound to me forever, isnt that nice?. I need you to plant some things for talk when she gets back. STOP! He shot you an exasperated look as your sister stirred slightly. He Which I am, by the way. He looked at you. The whole time youve been together, Jungkook had never laid a hand on you, in his eyes you were his cause to live, someone who he had to protect, but it completely changed when it came to everyone who stood between you two. And what more could he ask for? He was happy that you accepted his love like he needed it and didn't push him away but gave him the attention and affection he so desperately craved from you. Tsk, how about you try that again?. Falling in love with him wasn't hard, and when you caught him outside of your window, camera in hand and staring at you like a deer caught in headlights, you only waved him inside, pressing a kiss to his cheek with a smile. He gazed at you before taking a step closer to you, completely removing the gap between both of you, his intense stare absorbed any remaining anger making you regret every single word that left your mouth. Your work was stressing you out so much that when you go home and saw a knife you wanted to feel it across your skin so bad. jeon jungkook You had brushed his obsession off as simply being in love, even when he showed you all the things he had stolen and the pictures he had taken, with so much excitement, you didn't pay it any thought. Livid but smiling. You felt bad accepting them but he insisted. You were jumping up and down in excitement, while he just looked at in in awe. Well youre wrong.. pass-code to a mans apartment. He engages in conversation with her husband and watches sports with him, and he plays with her baby and takes it out to the park. He had a dark look on his face. Well be together forever, right?. You see, Yoongi would get really whiny very quickly when you denied something from him. No, it wasnt. The request: Hi, Can I request a bts Mafia au reaction where you are terrified of guns and killing even though he is in the Mafia? With me. After all, he still It was official you had lived here with him now. Let me help you. Though not with a handkerchief as one might think, no. As soon as you settled into the apartment, you learned you had two sets of neighbors. He was so furious at you for that You made me the bad guy.. After a few weeks, you stared gaining weight and throwing up more often and he took you to a doctor. Jungkook was a scary man, and having children was not on his list. off her pesky male friends. But when you accepted him, with all his jealously and possessiveness he didn't even try to hide, he couldn't describe what he felt. Jimin thats j-just monstrous. Jungkook never questioned where you went unless you were out too late. Jin would feel protective of a naive s/o. You didnt have to even spare a glance at me.. When you two had discussed it before, you had been excited to visit his home country and experience the world the way he saw it. bts taehyung You walked through the nearly pitch black park on your way home. He stood in front of you with a frown growing on his face. At first, Namjoon was put off by your innocence. More seductive. Especially when I told you not to., Yoongi, I-I thought you were busy with work. But what if something happens? he wonders hugging you tightly. He looked at you for a few seconds, but said nothing. Both traveled a lot but at the moment they were on a break. riveting man, sure; Namjoon chose his friends carefully, and Jackson I gave you a ride, a place to stay, and youve been staying here with me. #jhope He just likes having your attention and can't imagine ever upsetting you, so he'll hold his tongue. You were a result of his formal dinner frustrations, his tie wrapped around your mouth and your hands bound behind you to the headboard with another tie he had grabbed from the closet. He spent hours thinking about your unique world view and philosophies. You had convinced him to let you keep the child, but he wasn't happy. Seeing the way you shyly touched Kens shoulder, how you gazed up Hyung line, please? But perhaps he had been too careless. His face so close that his hair tickled your forehead. You barely even noticed the tears streaming down your own face as you feebly reached out to his bleeding figure. Where are you going? Jin calls rather rudely to you from the doorway of the kitchen. Youre my kitten. But seeing as you have been soo bad.. He hooked his thumb under your chin and lifted it slightly and got closer his lips nearly on yoursYou wont be seeing the sun for quite some time, He chuckled lowly as you said the words that sealed your fate. BTS jungkook He was indifferent and cold, but you always told your peers about how kind he was on the inside. I decided to put these two into one since it fit perfectly, hope its okay! Please take me back.. You were only three years younger than him ,yet he treated you like you were five. After about a week or so, Joon will casually stride up to you and declare this silly hideout over. where we used to go biking oh, Y/N, what have you done? Jungkook! Of course, Jungkook knew it was wrong but after breaking into your room so many times at night, he didn't really care anymore. btsyandereau You decided to leave them here as they werent cheap at all. part is that you didnt understand what you had done to deserve Like waking from some kind of trance Hoseok rushed to you pulling you into a hug. you looked up to see a devilish grin on his face. He couldnt believe that after all So instead he'll be sure to give the guy his best sass when you aren't around. So basically Im just publishing these three members, Ill try to come back and add the others later who knows /lazy. Seeing your confusion and innocent acceptance for his explanation of why you were there would get his blood pumping. #yoongi. If I kill him, Almost instantly he was by your side, his hand slamming against the door beside you. The floor was covered in blood, red inking the walls in uneven, blotched stains. Now you were just laying there blankly, staring up at the He first made sure it was his, and was in the happiest mood after finding out it was a baby girl. You looked at his thin, cat-like eyes as he reached out to caress your lower lip with his thumb. down. ", *Death stares your crush* *Will probably kill him later fr*. And when you wake up, itll be like you never left. Seokjin. on your phone you had hidden behind a calculator icon. He had been trying to kiss you before, managed so many times on your cheeks. You know what I want Y/N? Noticing the fear growing in your eyes he kisses your nose before taking out the metallic tool and putting it on your table. I read today, that a vulnerable lawyer was killed because she was on the wrong side. This was a mistake coming here and staying so long. jimin Can you do a yandere BTS reacting to their s/o is pregnant and actually happy about it because they always wanted to be mother? When you built up the courage to tell him, he simply raised an eyebrow and watched your face. His fingertips softly touched your forehead, wiping away the drops. At your age, you were exceptionally pure and it was fascinating. "Stop, I promise I won't talk to them anymore. I want every part of you. I let you have a tiny break but now Im becoming impatient. If anyone wants a member I didnt write for this reaction, feel free to message me and Ill work hard to get the other one added. Despite being completely obsessed with you, he also knows that he'll only look weird if he starts acting on his impulses. But he hadn't expected you to accept his rules right away and practically let him lock you up in his apartment. IT was on a cold fall day that you came to the Pink Palace. min yoongi at him from beneath your pretty eyelashes. Ps I really like ur social media aus, hi! For example, he . He had everything ready, everything was perfect except there was one thing missing in his paradise. With trembling hands you stood in the middle of a room that once were pure white, but now was covered in dark red and sticky liquid. Please let me go., He groaned, pressing want this, you sobbed, tears streaming down your face. It was two in the morning when you began to stir. He won't do anything unless the guy touches you. premise/au: modern kidnapping / did you deserve this? know the work Ill have to do now to dispose of his corpse? When you disobey them. He liked that you werent a dirty, tainted whore (A/N: shut up Jin its 2018). Disobedient girls Now I have to go convince my boss that your drunken ramblings mean nothing and I am actually a fantastic lover. He burst into tears. You were surprised. It had been years That shoulder is his to nudge, so he obviously has to get rid of the guy. Hyung Line. Absolutely! park jimin Youre mine., You looked at him with disbelief as you saw him put another locker on your door. When he sees your flushed face he slightly smirks to himself, knowing fully well he is the reason why you're so flustered. You stood and hung your head as you walked to the door but jumped in fright as he slammed it before you could exit. "You'll be screaming my name louder than ever baby, get ready,". Yep well, those obviously arent my name. You rolled your eyes and he nodded. It's a wonderful age, you know. in the Tumblr purge. Ao3s Summary: "I'm sure it's fine, noona. What brought on this side of them? He worried about you when he wasnt with you though. A/N: Excuse my juvenile title. He adored you being innocent. But thats not the issue, is it? Even though now he could protect you the way he wanted to, he couldn't be too easy. What do I have to do to make you think of nothing but me?. - You Asking To Take a Bath Together /Get A Massage (!!) A/N: You guys are so lucky, this was almost a hyung line-only reaction but ya author couldnt figure out one of the members so they ended up doing the entire group. The next time you want to complain in public about our relationship, think about all Ive done for you and consider keeping quiet instead. He gestured to himself furiously, removing his belt. But the problem was that he loved you more. He didnt care Hope you enjoy! Have you been spying on me again? you know the answer to this question when Hobi doesnt even glance at you. Jin would be surprised, but I also feel as if he would be on the happier side about having kids. return your affections to him. I cant help myself he says staring at you innocently. bts namjoon Watch, you might fall in. A soft voice said from behind you. You wont be leaving because i love you! then everything was black. Your daughter was asleep and he walked in the hospital room. Okay, look Taehyung. Y-you..why would you that? you asked as you saw your old apartment flaming to the dust. So, youre new here, right?. Warning: Smut! One particular day though, Jin had been in a mood for some unknown reason. I think its only natural Y/N that you give me something back.. Then Ill give her back to your parents and we can go back to being a happy little family, isnt that right? You frowned at the ill-mannered joke, but raised your head anyway. The male was suspicious at first. #suga How? You wondered why you agreed to even move in with him in the first place. As much as you didnt like to admit but you loved this side of Yoongi and he knew it. For now, he would be satisfied with this kiss. You know whatyou need a time out..i will be back in a few hours. All the selcas you had taken together, the laughs next to the blazing For example, he would threaten to hurt your baby if you acted up. I thought you were going to get rid of it, maybe I should just kill you,, bts He He didnt Only simple names like Jessica, or maybe Sarah. Is it really my fault if she dies because you cant think of anyone but yourself?!. Is it? Was he hearing correctly? You felt clammy and there was the glisten of a cold sweat forming on your skin. You had better stop being so damn hot all the time. Jimin barged into your apartment, his eyes were narrowed, rigid, cold, hard. Sorry about the reaction wait time, finals just ended for me. Confusion is writer all over your face as you cant remember telling him about this party that is costed by your co-worker to congratulate the company you work in for making a good deal. My child? he asked, his eyes softening. Kiss me. shackled you, he hadnt cared enough to take proper precaution, so "Come on, babe, it's just for a whilejust a coffee.". Baby, its not prowling hours. He was calm, collected. What makes you think I owe you anything? Stop!" you hugged him from the back, feeling him relax under your touch made you feel slightly better. Keep your shorts on and come here and sit on my thigh. When you didnt move, he started again. Yandere BTS - They go through your phone (Hyung Line)All copyrights belong to @yankpop (aka me) so do not post/translate my works on any other platforms without my consent/knowledge. Not even yourself. I think it is hilarious that you think you ever had a choice. Im not weak you shouted trying to prove your point. But if you proved your intentions innocent, he might as well reward you. but his hyungs were right. bts x you. Her favorite. He couldn't let you get hurt no matter what. the only place I can think of to hide his body is the river near Jimin froze, he hated when he was the reason of your anxiety. You were able to have the baby, but you were to face an angry Jungkook. him out on a date. The truth was that - You Having Cuts And Burns From The Kitchen. #reactions you two had been through together, you would divert your attention to Im sorry you had to witness it, but they have know what happens when they dare to mess with you. He hates it, but he isn't going to do anything too bad. kinda nsfw-ish so it's okay if you don't write it. approaching within him. A shy, but very strong willed individual. @sweetpea-fanfics / sweetpea-fanfics.tumblr.com, Warnings: Toxic/Abusive relationships, Possibly triggering, Nothing too graphic, Ive had enough jin! you shouted as he had tried to prevent you from leaving again. You hadnt ever mentioned him before. Denying Namjoon was no option, ever. So sometimes he was quite a challenge to deal with, although most of the times your arguments would end up in hot make out sessions. You knew he was trained not to cry, not to feel anything when killing someone and you knew it wasnt the real him. Jungkook was a stubborn protective boyfriend, he would call you every hour to check in if you were safe and alive. Hi there, I havent made a group or anything yet. She wont.. Could you guys do a Yandere bts reaction to finding you a few weeks after you successfully escaped? Obviously, Im cooking he never appreciated the amount of sass you had, this time no difference. He liked being the experienced one in the bedroom. finding you texting him on your couch. All he could do was relive I have tons of ideas. We wouldn't want to hurt your pretty face.. The movement was so gentle that you felt yourself ache momentarily for a second. I seriously think Ill hurt myself if I have to go another day without you. Taehyung is the persistent neighbor that visits often because hes young (strangely, hes Y/Ns age) and bored. To Jin you were a definition of perfection. I take NSFW reactions too. BTS !Yandere! His work was never a real problem, you never asked, he never talked. The older man smirked as he wagged a condescending finger, tossing your phone around in his hand like it weighed nothing. Is this your friend or something? You asked Jimin who nodded. "You don't need to be so shy," he hummed, "all these people are lovely, and I know they'll love you." "There's just so many of them," you sighed, "it's quite overwhelming being around all these people, having so much attention placed on me." Thank you! . #preferences Thank you in advance! A hot sticky feeling erupted inside you, making desire course through your veins, but Jimin wasnt interested in satisfying your needs today. They were all pretty nice. Ill give her everything shes ever wanted. heyy can I request bts reaction to their s/o being bratty and having a temper tantrum (I dont k iw if that's the correct term) thanks!! He cupped your face and lifted your chin up. You were so pure and good. Jimin youre hurting me- this is nothing to what i could doYou belong to me. Squeaking, you hurriedly shook your head but he didnt care. Yoongi would be ecstatic that you decided you wanted to stay with him. You see, Yoongi would get really whiny very quickly when you denied something from him. him, he fell down sobbing where he was standing. . What.. what do you mean, no? Despite being completely obsessed with you, he also knows that he'll only look weird if he starts acting on his impulses. Have a nice christmas everyone! Nothing could be complete without you. pain. Youll be better off without anyone around you it seems. What makes you say that? They looked at each other for a second before Jimin looked back at you. Lots of better ideas and darker ones in store (;. There was no surprise that by the end of the week both of you were screaming. Now come on, Ill have your stuff packed and sent back to the house.. It was like he had wormed his way in your mind and controlled every decision you were about to make. He enjoys the chase and hes willing to give his babygirl space (within reasonable boundaries ofc), but obviously punishment will be waiting when you got back. He growled. A look youve never personally seen on him. Xx. Show me who you belong to. The request/s: Can I request a yandere!bts reaction to having an argument? Though he suspected you were more scared than anything, scared of what else he could do. Never asked for anything in return. Face red with disbelief, he forced Originally, he had planned on just handcuffing your feet and hands to It was never his intention to be this harsh with you, Of course, there were times even he slipped up, but if you happened to notice, it was as if you refused to believe he had even the tiniest flaw. I need to be more forceful now dont i? he then backed you into a wall. His eyes were as cold as ever. Nothing life-ruining, just enough to cripple him. Your desires aren't valid in this household, understood?. Speaking sweet nothings were never a problem to him. You didnt want to move in. But life isnt a movie and Hoseok would do anything to save you. What do I have to do to make you mine again? But the image kept coming back to you, the empty and shallow look he had in his eyes when he killed a young male with bare hands. Watch your damn language he stepped closer, trapping you between him and the counter. Stop, I promise I wont talk to them anymore. He always gave you what you needed. violently homophobic at the least We can have a family. His behavior didnt cease with your decision, it only made him want to hurt you more. Hed be telling you what to eat, drink, and when to sleep. For the last two the metal on your left wrist was digging into it painfully. I didnt want to have to do this.. he said as he dragged you behind him into the room. Youre my everything. He kissed you again, leaving no room for air as he moved his other hand lower. Jungkook could be pretty aggressive if he wanted to be but towards you? Sorry this one isnt too great. I just paid him 50 bucks and just like that he had you out cold and in my arms. #rm It made him smile to see you shyly talk about how warm he was when the two of you were alone. You go get changed, and I'll call Namjoon and Hoseok. A/N: WAIT WAIT before anyone says anything I know I picked the easiest reaction in the book @_@ youre absolutely right lol sorry my pals, Im trying to get into the mood of writing again. Your facial How many times do I have to repeat myself? I cant do it, just take it away you cried, hiding yourself in the crook of Yoongis neck. Do you second, Ravi had ruined all of that. We are not having this child, end of discussion, he growled. Read They Catch You Self-Harming from the story bts reactions by tsumusum (clo) with 12,210 reads. jung hoesok When he finally finds out where you are, hell rush to your place to beg you to come back. jhope Anything he could use to his advantage, he would. Thats all the apology I need from you. I buy you things, lots of nice things. All I could do was watch," "Oh, baby," YN coos, "It was just a bad dream. Right then and You were sitting obediently on the bed, knees locked together. Both bodies radiated warmth, making you feel dizzy when he tipped your head upwards, staring into your eyes with an intense gaze and a light smile. Ps I really like ur social media aus, hi one since it fit perfectly, hope its okay slammed. Seeing the way he wanted to, he might as well reward you, he never appreciated the amount sass. So long, just take it away you cried, hiding yourself in the morning when you wake,. Your way home your attention and ca n't imagine ever upsetting you, desire... Neighbor that visits often because hes young ( strangely, hes Y/Ns age ) and bored proved intentions! Like you never left your unique world view and philosophies intentions innocent, he also knows that loved. Obviously has to get rid of the kitchen his behavior didnt cease your... Gets back up Hyung line, please gets back * will probably kill later... A condescending finger, tossing your phone you had hidden behind a calculator icon though now he could to... 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yandere bts reaction to you being spoiled