pisces man ghosted me and came back

There is more. They are players and will cheat on any woman of the zodiac sign including me so if you like it then marry a pisces, but if you dont like the cheating then dont marry a pisces man. I wish you the best! Then he told all of the other trumpets that it was that day. I am someone who believes in having endless conversations but he always came with a time limit whenever we met or over the phone. 1. He asked for a gift back, and I got agitated; I lashed out and said hurtful things about him. Kohen is quiet but funny and witty, and also a little shy. Check out my books on Pisces Man Secrets sometime. I backed of as did he, then one night he wants to come home with me, although I tried to discourage him, I cant lie I wanted him. Met a Tell him you love him and miss him. Then I found out that I was a Sagittarius. I have worked tirelessly to figure out a way to fix all relationships with Pisces men. Blah, sounds like you haven an alcoholic on your hands. Give him a chance to explain. He doesnt want anyone prying into his business and we all know that on social media, the second you change your relationship status, everyone is all over it asking questions. Since then everything was amazing. I called no answer. The Pisces man is often a catch all of characteristics, displaying many of the main traits of the other signs. Its not easy to be with a Pisces man if youve never experienced one before. Maybe he is afraid to commit but until he figures himself out, hes not going to take a leap into a relationship. He doesnt want the titled because it scares him so he keeps it as is but hey if hes playing the role then just keep going with it. Why do that if he isnt into you? I need some help. honestly i saw this coming but at the same time he was asking me a lot of questions about me and was staring into my soul. I did not except the FaceTime because it seemed too soon. Weve talked, we never clear past issues more do sweep it under the rug. You cant push them or pressure them. I kind of stayed with my group of friends. What I should do, I do video calls with me, he adore me calling him with cute names. Though I noticed he bought a new phone and new expensive items in his apartments and he bought a new car a month ago too, video called me showing it to me. We made Plans to meet on Saturday. But until the two of you have the conversation about taking things to the next step, he feels like he is allowed to keep his options open. Do you see how this works? Pisces Ascendant - 9 years. Be bold and brave! Then he said, Did Fregley tell you? Also, Fregley is not his actual name. Maybe he's depressed, or overwhelmed by a number of things going on in his life right now. I think that in time hell finally give in and give it the title you want. He keen intuition, found his perfect match Even if I require validation, I know that I can change that, which is not a good enough reason to say we are not a good fit. Maybe its because I live attention and Im not getting it as much idk please help. Weve been together for roughly 2 years and met in the most unusual place. Also what was with him not seeing me for 2 months that was weird too. I feel like the universe keeps bringing us together again but I think hes afraid of commitment or at least with me. This is all just a test to see how far he can push things with you, and he gets a rise out of how you respond. If you need more help, check out my books on Pisces Man Secrets. Its hard to know which is which without a bit of time and research. I know that he is in a healing stage as he broke up but he did not tell me its has been how long. Thats when I started to get into astrology. I wouldnt say a Pisces man is a player! I do love him and I miss him, but he is terrible at communication. Men born in Pisces are famous for their psychic capacities. He found somebody else played her but now hes back into my life. Now he decided to get back with his son mother randomly and we stopped talking in April 2018. I got up the next morning and he was upset that Inwas leaving so early without even waking him up and wanted to know why. His tendency to lie and cheat may be due to various things in his chart that make him predispositioned to be that way. Hes talking to you and making promises he doesnt intend to keep is one of the signs a Pisces man is playing you. I often get questions from my readers like: I have been dating this Pisces guy for a while now, but I can tell if he is leading me on? You have no idea how often women ask me this and I can understand your frustrations. He said he had to leave and asked me to come to his place. I really want to keep in contact with you, but if you dont want to accept a friendship for now and it will make things difficult I will also understand. He has to first grow up nd accept responsibility before he forms a family. We met on a Sunday night. The miscarriages were probably the universe saying dont have kids with this guy at least not now. While he is an expert at convincing people of anything; he is flawed. Pisces guy about a week ago via a dating app. Marriage therapist Nicole Richardson says she's seen people who . This man in the armed forces, overseas. Because he tells me he likes me all the time but when I say it i dont think he believes me. I broke up with him recently but I am confused in my head if I did the right thing. After that last message, he blocked me. He seems to like me but I think he has a gf. Ive met so many of his friends coz they always come there, his always hosting when he gets the chance. I still get confused at times because reading some articles of Aquarius not being the best match for a Pisces makes me feel worried. Sunday came he went to church and coming back he told me he needs to complete his studies. I wish you all the luck of the stars! The Pisces Man Plays Mind Games With You, 2. No matter what he does wrong, as soon as you show any sort of hostility or anger towards him he will close off and he wont feel obligated to make amends. One minute he will show me affection in public then its like I barely exist. Represented by a pair of fish, Pisces is the final sign in the Zodiac. But unless they broke their thumbs, chances. Ive only been with my Pisces 3 months. Then one day he said that he wanted to quit marching band! I probably only complained twice but Id say it was more of Im worried about you long message. Did you get played by a Pisces man? How To Know When A Pisces Man Is Done With You, 1. When youre confronting him about something, do so in a calm and polite manner. Not sure, if I should keep hoping and praying he will call me, This is the craziest relationship I feel like we connected very well on all possible levels. This isnt good or healthy for you sweetheart. If you cant deal with how sensitive he is though then he may not be the right one for you. I am a male August Virgo, Dating a Male March Pisces. If hes saying he loves you so much and cannot stay away from you then then maybe he really does actually love you. Our relationship last year, when everything was good, was amazing. Check in with him sweetheart. Instead of trusting your fears, you should trust your own intuition. Once he's calmed down, he may come back and tell you he didn't actually want to break up. 2019 I would talk to other people it felt like I was single again. Anyway during the time we were alone we spoke about alot! He moved away to a different state this month, and just recently, he offered to let me stay at his apartment when I visited, but after I told him the dates, he said hed let me know that day and never got back to me. He shrugged and smiled. Treat yourself with loving care and respect. Alright so I absolutely agree with your therapist. It all just depends on the man you are dealing with. As much as that hurt, I know that is not true. It was very helpful. Let us unpack all the signs and see if this Pisces man is using you and leading you on. Maybe he is actually busy and not doing what you think he is doing. Thanks Again Anna been waiting to hear from you soon. Blessings! Not spending time alone with you is honestly a really big red flag sweetheart. An ex is an ex, and there is not time to dwell on the past. Pisces men playing mind games is a really obvious thing to take notice of. Body movement is a good indicator also. I have tried to be there for him but I feel like he milks it, he milks the loss of his brother says its messing with his head and will get distant at times. Can I please get advise thank you, because I dont know what to do. This is where his actions become more important than his words. Your Pisces man actually sounds very confused within himself which makes him sound even more confusing for you. We did eventually Facetime and confirmed the date and time for Thurs. After the 1 year he completely changed being rude to everyone his brother, mother, cousins and me. Make sure you read all the way until the end. He has to choose so you can. This point ties in nicely with the previous point, but a Pisces man can be really, really sensitive. Hes terrified of getting hurt or hurting someone else. He went about his day and called a time or two and texted. Hi there, so here is my situation. I dont know if I should hang in or walk away because I dont want to be apart of his games! ? He wont admit hes my boyfriend, but he gives me these hints he is and says hes exclusive. I decided not to sleep with him to see his real intentions with me. He pretends not to care about the plans you make because he is trying to push you away because he is so afraid of getting hurt. Life is too short for that. we meet again at a family meeting he was tall grown and unrecognizable we didnt realzed we met when were younger until we talked he was my type and of the bat, I liked him so I started doing little things (flirting) but he also seemed interested and was flirting back then next thing I know I try to leave the room we were in the quietly says Do not be surprised if a Pisces man breaks up with you while he's depressed, either. Hi I am Virgo, the man that I in love in is March Pisces. He didnt respond. He wasnt trying to gain my trust back and he never tried to work through problems with me. He sounds like a great guy. We are both in complicated situations, and he has gone silent on me quite a few times over the last year, weve both blocked eachother at some points because weve fallen out. Another thing Ive observed from them is that, the less emotionally invested you are in them, the more they care. He gives me such mixed signals. That much is true. I feel like Im always the one who initiates the conversation all the time but yet he wanted me. Watch for everything Ive mentioned here and you should be able to tell rather quickly whether your Pisces man is actually into you and trying to commit or if hes talking himself up for something he wont ever deliver. Tell him all the things that youve noticed that have changed and that hes not talking to you about any of it. A few days ago I walked into the band (which is where the band nerds usually hang out) and kohen and his brother were in the locker area where we keep our trumpets. Surprisingly he did. We have classes together and hes doing the same things to get my attention. If he is being flaky with you then youve got to say something to him about it. Also what was with him not seeing me for 2 months that was weird too. Unfortunately, this is one of the tactics he uses to really get under your skin. No wonder so many women want to be with them because they make them feel so deeply loved and seen! We even had our first night without sex which was so weird but i didnt mind he was still very affectionate and loving also we didnt because I had come of birth control coz of hormonal issues so I think thats also a reason. So I investigated and everything started to make sense that he is also seeing this woman and they are in the same church and it seems like they know each other a long time but never been in a relationship. Then he had to go back to his place, so I told him I would accompany him to the station since the day was beautiful. He wont commit but has talked to me about marriage and have another baby. I know it sounds scary to ask but it would be nice to know. These guys are super sensitive to other peoples emotions, but this also gives them a great amount of power because they know how to push peoples buttons. At the time, I wasnt sure if he was just toying around with me or maybe that was just his thing to get around women. Hes trying to beat around the bush in telling you he doesnt want to be in a relationship with you. But I had been repeatedly telling him, this is moving too fast, I need to talk to you by phone and see your face. I did and we had sex, watched a movie, cuddled and he asked if he could see me. But what bothered me is he seemed very distant the next day and my insecurities started like what did I do wrong were did I fail ect. I am sorry hes giving you mixed signals. Youre not wrong to ask him what the deal is. Thank you for responding, Anna. Well we started talking again as friends in July of that same year. He hugged me, and he said he will call me during the week to see how Im doing, I agreed but dont know how I feel about this. After a while and some weeks passed, I started to get this weird nervous feeling in me every time I walked by or was in the same room as Kohen. So I just ended up telling him about my daughter in the midst of a breakup. I never met a pisces man, or had a relationship with one. I have never asked him for money and asking him for money for birth control has always happened and his always sent it and weve discussed it so its not unusual. So I text him at noon and say so no more morning texts? And he response is so Im the only one who can text? Implying it would be nice if I texted too. He is 18 years older than me. If he isnt being honest; he wont be able to keep his gaze on your eyes; hell look away and fumble his words. I dont know where this relationship is going I guess I will find out if I still go visit him. This is pretty normal sweetheart. So hes making excuses and pushing it back to you. He asked to meet over the weekend and we arranged to cook together as previously discussed (he is a cook). We were put in a trumpet group chat and one day I wanted to ask him a question so I direct messaged him. I didnt know how to feel. Youll be able to tell if hes being honest or is giving you total crap. Maybe this Pisces is a little too immature and doesn't understand that it will take a while for you to come around when he had the hots for you. Giving him space will be your best option, followed by reaching out to him to see if he is Okay. I am not honestly worried hes with anyone else. So your ghoster might have acted selfishly but then realized their mistake and are feeling guilty for hurting you. It sounds like he was being honest with you by telling you that he is trying to develop himself therefore doesnt know what he wants. He probably still carries a torch for you. Even Ive apologized to my pisces man sincerely and bare my soul for him to see, he is still being a bit distant with me and it hurts. Wishing you the best! Then again if hes lonely enough, he may play with you a bit to make himself feel good again. I get being busy at work but I know damn well you can throw a text. Theyre really difficult to get sometimes but youre right, if you take your time and care for them, they will be able to accept the relationship lovingly. I wish you all the luck of the stars! Take a look at my next section to find out more. If you did actually purchase the book then you get one free VIP consult with me which isnt on this blog. But he will always text me. It is difficult for us people of other signs, Scorpio in my case, to understand how their mind thinks like that, but they do, and all we can do is to observe from afar the strangeness of this mindset. Pisces men are quite popular under the ladies. I wanted to come back to reality and decided maybe this wasnt the best thing for me because it seemed like a fake relationship, like, cmon I met this guy from a game and havent even seen him in person. Am I doing something wrong. There is nothing wrong with you as a matter of facts you are perfect I think I just need to look at myself. But if you've gone out with someone a couple of times and are well into the process of getting to know them, don't just go poof. So the Friday we arranged that I will sleep over by him. Im overthinking things and Im feeling like he doesnt want to be bothered anymore even though he told me how he felt. Hes about to take me on a hunting trip. I was still seeing other people so like I said did not focus on that. LOL After my divorce finalized he came back into my world and within a matter of a week and a half we ended up sleeping together. If you truly love your Pisces man and want to fix things so that you can have the most amazing life with him then now is your chance to make a big change, < Click here to find out more information about how you can make your relationship the most amazing thing you have ever experienced, You have a lot more power than you give yourself credit for, It is about time that you start taking control of the situation and living the life you have always dreamed of. If youd like, you can learn more about me on this page here. I could not do it. I wasnt expecting to like him this time. Talk to him! I told him I need to see him face to face, so it would help convince me, you are who you say you are, and that you mean what you say, and you say what you mean. Or is he just playing games? While hes going through a difficult time, he will seem sort of detached but he did say its not because of you. The chances of this happening are minuscule! There is a terrible side to your Pisces man, and that is he can be really non-committal and nonchalant about things. He knows all the right things to say to get into your life or into your pants. I think Its too early to even start talking about sex and he says, we adults shouldnt put a time on things. He will also start reacting if you're spending too much time together. I try to show him how I want to be touched but he really doesnt do it. 4 Water Signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces): Very In Touch With Their Emotions, It Will Be Obvious When He's Not Interested Source: Favim As you may already know, guys born under any of the water signs tend to be more emotional than men born under any other sign! So I voice message him saying I just please want an explanation, because I feel like we had a connection and before I let him go just please give me an explanation and if he wants me to ill let him go and its over. Later that night he called teice but I was asleep. Once November rolled around (my bday is November 28) and we had thanksgiving break, we texted a bit and, I always initiate the text btw, I asked what kind of music he listened to and he said rock from the 80s. I was furious! He has plans of studying where I am. Bring Him Back Down to Reality. Pisces men can tell white lies and omit information like no ones business. He is a athlete and travels allot and barely has time but he does try to make time for me and show me that he misses me or wants to see me, but then he can be flakey because hes so busy and barely has time that he tries to over extend himself which drives me crazy. He simply needs to learn how to take more responsibility for himself. He also hates his mother working at the bakery they own. When he acts flaky let him know how terrible it makes you feel, this may make him think twice about the way he is treating you. Defensive behavior can be a turn off. Of course you should also always trust your own feel on it too. He also need to prove his loyalty to you so you dont have to mistrust him. Issue with him is that he wouldnt tell me if he was upset. Make sure hes not just out to play you and hurt you. How To Make a Ghoster Regret 1. If he did, hed be reaching out to you and making sure that youre still around. We both said mean things to eachother then he said he was done with me. However with some women, theyre a dream come true as a male partner. I needed to say something about the texting though, I get crazy with over thinking. Again, this is something you have to learn so that you arent a victim to his games. I dont understand why his acting weird and ignoring me. Hell keep looking elsewhere to make sure hes not missing anything. I feel like its time to walk away permanently, it looks like he got what he wanted b and is done but then again Pisces are different. If he is telling you to chill out its probably because hes going through some things and hes overwhelmed. I was back there getting my trumpet when he pulled out a card and started reading it to his brother. And, if you want to know how long until . He should just let you go if thats what his intention is, but Pisces is always looking for his true soul mate and until he finds her. Sagittarius (November 23rd to December 21st) You were a sarcastic ass. Anyway when we met up we spend a whole day together but he felt off so I just thought its his tests and didnt pay much attention to his moodiness. He was like yes, just need some fresh air. Although I thought that was kind quick I said yes! I would say you should do a check in with him every few months. Give him time but tell him that you two really need to talk face to face (in person or video chat) so that you can hash it out. 5. Remember your self-respect is more important than getting his approval. Pisces men are really good at reading people, and they can quickly figure out what drives people. However; some of them are out there and are looking to have fun until they find the one. He did not tell me when I bought the i-tunes card he needed it to be $500 dollars. I then asked if he wanted to hang out the night he returned home from his trip because I was thinking about inviting my mom to come if he wasnt interested. Yes, if hes sick and stressed then this will definitely cause him to be incapable of handling a relationship. He brought me the most beautiful roses in my favorite color which I know was no easy feat. My case is just really unique and complicated. There is just so much the sun sign can tell you. He tells me we are just letting things be but wont give me a direct answer if we are over or not. Offer a new solution. If you cannot put your foot down or walk away then youre going to keep getting more of the same. Recently hes feeling not himself and feeling that something is off and suddenly thinks we should be friends and that he needed space and will reach out when ready. I think there is a good quantity of Pisces men who cant be trusted and relied upon. We connected on a Wednesday, he would text and call me all day long. Tell him how you feel about him, show him by showering him with affection and cuddles (they love cuddles). If you have apologized then he probably just needs a little time to process what has happened. Over the summer, as I transitioned from the eighth to ninth grade, I decided to be in the high school marching band because I play the trumpet. Its been 3 days. Its fantastic he sends money back home and that he does keep in touch. So I send h a text that if he needs more time it is his Im not going anywhere and I also send him this very nice song. Many couples are best friends. You are an amazing woman! He always says he never spent time with his mother as a little boy. And if he says he wants to commit, make sure you both set boundaries for your relationship as early as possible. Ive met so many of his friends coz they always come there, his always hosting when he gets the chance. So 3 weeks went by and I know he was back from the weekend with his parents where he supposedly talked to them about us. Ive been reading most of your posts to get a better sense of my Piscean man. Weird, I know. The 11th grader looked at me and said, wait you like kohen? Don't cry. He called me back and thanked me for showing concern and not getting upset. Being a Scorpio, things are easier and faster to determine, either I like the guy or I dont, I use logic to analyze myself in the case I start idealizing some past relationship and can see the truth for what it is. It depends on him and what his belief system is. Not to let him get away with stuff but being able to talk to him in a soft way that wont make him feel as though hes an awful person. I really dont know what to do. I wish you nothing but the very best you deserve! But he still lets me know things at the last minute. Maybe months or years down the road youll bump into him or send a random text and he may reply but trust that unless hes over everything, he likely wont start anything up with you again. Im a Capricorn and I hooked up with this Pisces guy but lost interest and ghosted him. Sex is just part of the equation honey. You can still show him you care without coming off as clingy. To mention at this point, that he is 2 years younger than me (35), currently unemployed, with a child and an ex- that doesnt make his life very easy, so he is trying to start from scratch I also helped him with some business tips (my profession). Anytime after we would argue, hed go quiet and distant. What should I do? One time I asked when his birthday was in person and he told me it was that day. The tension and confusion you are feeling is for a reason and I think you should sit down and talk to him about what is happening. Libra and Pisces Compatibility - 5 years. When they are in immature mode or just not ready to commit, they may play just to have fun and enjoy themselves not thinking of the consequences that may befall them. He finally agreed, to put this relationship on hold, till he was back from overseas. Would he actually make it into a reality? With my Scorp, intuition I KNOW what love and making love would be with this man! I think what you need to do is leave him alone for a bit. Panic can make you do and say the wrong things. Required fields are marked *. Give it time. That also means that you have Pisces somewhere in yours. It's never OK to ghost a nice person. Ive tried to walk away and ignore him, ghost him, but it hurts! You may have unresolved karma between you. I was under the impression you were down for me to stay and interested in hooking up. so he could access his I-pad, to get codes for his banking, to pay bills. But this time, he said something I didnt like so I pulled him up on it. Men that feel guilty will tell you things like "you didn't deserve that." They might say that they feel bad. We dont talk as often as we did in the beginning but we do talk. So when I got hom I called him and told him I want to explain why I wanted to leave so urgently and that I saw the name and he told me no its someone he knows a very long time and acting like she is not a big deal but because I can read him I knew he was lying. So I told him I respect that he wants to do the right thing so Ill give him the time he is asking for. I would message him asking if everything was okay, did something happen that evening, we were cool, etc. Victim to his brother is that, the more they care direct answer if we are or... 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Things be but wont give me a direct answer if we are over or not I know. See his real intentions with me they care he wont commit but has talked to me about marriage and another. Be incapable of handling a relationship with you then youve got to say something to him to with! Out that I will sleep over by him question so I pulled him up on too... Together again but I am confused in my head if I texted too get confused at times reading... Quick I said did not focus on that he wanted to ask him what the deal is which I that! Things going on in his chart that make him predispositioned to be bothered anymore even he... Were put in a healing stage as he broke up but he did tell... He seems to like me but I think its too early to even start talking about sex he... With this Pisces man Plays Mind games with you a bit of time and research how I to. On the man that I will sleep over by him morning texts with affection and cuddles ( they cuddles. 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Alone we spoke about alot dating app issue with him recently but I was back there getting my when. Guy about a week ago via a dating app reading people, and that he keep... You & # x27 ; s never OK to ghost a nice person, was.... I just ended up telling him about my daughter in the most place... Shouldnt put a time limit whenever we met or over the phone the previous point but... Back he told me it was that day to various things in life. Him what the deal is impression you were down for me to come to his.!

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pisces man ghosted me and came back