rise of kingdoms france and germany were both once part of what kingdom

Soon the stability of England was threatened by complex internal conflicts over the question of who should be king. Peerless Scholar in Rise of Kingdoms where you will answer questions receive rewards if you answer correctly. After Marco Polo's explorations, the Mongols, who ruled all of Asia and parts of the European continent, had allowed free overland access to European merchants. Vast, uncharted regions of the ocean had yet to be explored, but with these maps a navigator could safely reach the boundaries of the known world. He recalled Alba and replaced him with Luis de Requesens (pronounced ray-kay-SAINS; Denied land routes to some of their most treasured goods, the Europeans had to find a route to Asia in the uncharted oceans. The Genoan seafarer Christopher Columbus believed that the western route would actually be shorter. (See "The Inquisition" in Chapter 1.) In 1620 Frederick lost the throne of Bohemia (he was nicknamed the "Winter King" because he ruled for only one winter) and was stripped of all his territories in the Holy Roman Empire. Both Katherine Spain resumed wars in Italy (161516), however, and then entered the Thirty Years' War by sending troops into Germany (see "Thirty Years' War" in Chapter 8). His troops annihilated Swiss mercenaries hired by Massimiliano Sforza (14931530), duke of Milan (see "Milan" in Chapter 2). (Such an action was not unusual during the Renaissance, when rulers constantly shifted strategies to promote their own interests.) 1624 he arranged for Charles to marry Henrietta Maria (16091669), the sister of King Louis XIII of France. In 1584 Philip began Spanish financial aid to France's Catholic League in an unsuccessful effort to put a Catholic on the throne of France. 3. From their base of operations in Quebec, New France's capital, the French surged farther into the North American interior. Answer (1 of 13): But they didn't, not really. All ROK Peerless Scholar answers are provided below so that you can pass the Preliminary, Midterm, and Final Exams. Both Somerset and Warwick approved of further reform in the church. Half of the Armada was lost and so was Philip's dream of making England into a Catholic province. For instance, the English playwright William Shakespeare (15641616) produced some of the world's greatest masterpieces by drawing upon ancient history and humanism for his plots and characters. In 1598 he signed the Edict of Nantes, which guaranteed religious freedom to the Huguenots. The Hundred Years' War was not actually a single war that In 1585, Alessandro Farnese (15451592), the duke of Parma, surpassed the military skill of even the bloody Alba when he captured the great walled town of Antwerp (a city in present-day Belgium). The younger Louis was challenged by Henry of Anjou (11331189), who took the English throne as Henry II (ruled 115489) in 1154. They were usually connected with the Gym nasia, or schools for wrestling, and other exercises , and consisted of different apartments, generally separated from each other, and intermixed with other places of BAT 39 exercise ; so that it is probable they were adapted to the nature of the school of exercise to which they were joined. The young boy learned the Spanish and Italian languages, and he spent his time reading mythology, history, and literature and admiring art. Saint Paul's School was founded early in Henry's reign by John Colet, the learned dean (head) of St. Paul's Cathedral. The dynasty expanded from Francia as far as modern Italy, Spain, and Hungary, and ruled the eponymous Carolingian Empire (800-887), the largest European political entity to exist until the 19th century. The execution of the Catholic queen was a signal to Philip that he must seize the throne of England. Margaret was exiled to France, and Henry lived the rest of his life imprisoned in the Tower of London (a prison for members of the royalty and nobility). The original settlers from North Africa were the Iberians, and the area now occupied by Spain and Portugal was named the Iberian Peninsula. on a 12 second timer, and questions 11 - 15 are on a 10 second. In 1587, even before the Armada could set out, the English seaman Francis Drake launched a surprise attack on the Spanish ships, which were anchored in the port of Cdiz, Spain. Nevertheless, the monarchs were able to apply the same policies to both kingdoms. Some collections remained in cathedrals that had earlier been associated with monasteries, like Canterbury and Dudiam, while others were acquired by Oxford and Cambridge universities or by private collectors. His only remaining ship, under the command of Juan de Elcano, continued its course back to the harbor at Seville in 1522. During the Inquisition thousands of non-Christians were killed by mobs, while thousands more tried to save their own lives by converting to Christianity. After the French invasion of Italy in 1494, Ferdinand was able to intervene in the affairs of Naples and Milan. Francis's reign had an impressive beginning. During the next four years, however, the war with Spain went poorly for Francis. But there's a lot more work than simply choosing the best nation - and . Frederick was expecting James to help him stay on the throne, but James had tried to remain outside the conflict. The church then sent Franciscans and Jesuits (members of Catholic religious orders) into Granada and Valencia to apply pressure on the Moriscos. The Italian Wars began in 1494, when Charles was asked by the Sforzas, the family that ruled the city-state of Milan, to join them and Swiss mercenaries in seizing Florence from the Medici family (see "Milan" in Chapter 2). Alba had Egmont and Hoorn executed along with perhaps twelve thousand other rebels. Great Britain was born on the first of May, 310 years ago. At the time Charles was preoccupied with campaigning for the position of emperor and with putting down the Comuneros revolt, so he dismissed Luther as an insignificant heretic. He was taught Latin and Greek by one of England's finest scholars, John Cheke (15141557). Eager to respond to reasonable requests, James called the Hampton Court Conference of 1604. The loss of the monasteries was felt in various ways. But Corts wanted more treasures, and over the next two years he massacred the Aztec, finally destroying Tenochtitln in 1521. Charlemagne's Rise to Power. In the sixteenth century the Argonese cause was adopted by the Habsburgs (a royal family with branches in Austria and Spain) when Charles I, a member of the Habsburg family, became Holy Roman Emperor Charles V (see "Spain" section later in this chapter). Some contended that conversion was the best policy. In 1639 a French army invaded Catalonia, and in 1641 the Catalonians declared their independence from Spain and gave their allegiance to King Louis XIII of France. Barbarossa fled to Algiers (now Algeria), in North Africa, with the remnant of his fleet. The Moors established a new culture on the Iberian Peninsula. Rise of Kingdoms' success story is a great example of this. They were at once the lay face of the church, the spiritual heart of civic government, and the social kin who claimed the allegiance of peers and the obedience of subordinates. After Henry's death in 1460, the expeditions continued, but the African expeditions were yielding few riches other than slave cargoes. In August 1520 he met with Henry VIII in Calais, France, at the Field of the Cloth of Gold, hoping to win Henry's support in the war against Spain. First, he wanted to distribute taxes throughout the country and, second, he wanted to abolish privileges given to certain provinces. At home, Ferdinand concentrated on gaining control of territory around France so that France would not invade Spain. By 1536, however, Francis was determined to seek revenge against Charles. The Ottoman Empire was no longer a threat to Spain's rich possessions in Italy and along the Mediterranean. the emperor's wishes. Not even his genius, however, could win for Henry the crown of the Holy Roman Empire. A pet project was the renovation of the royal palaces at Blois, Chambord, Fontainebleau, and the Louvre. Henry the Navigtor believed the mission would be dangerous if undertaken by sea. Rivarly between two young kings Francis became his own worst enemy These two buildings introduced to England the classical style of such Italian Renaissance architects as Andrea Palladio (15081580). North and South America were later named for Vespucci. At the town of Tilbury, Elizabeth reviewed her small land army, which was clearly inadequate to take on the Spanish forces. Among them were Drake, John Hawkins (15321595), and Martin Frobisher (c. 15351594). States occupied by the Holy Roman Empire also came under the rule of Spain and the Habsburgs. In 1494, the Treaty of Tordesillas between these two countries moved the line farther west, to 370 leagues (about 988 miles, or 1,590 kilometers) west of the Cape Verde Islands. One of the most important events of Henry VIII's reign was the closing of monasteries. He often broke treaties, and on occasion he even allied with Muslims and Protestants to oppose Catholic Spain. At the top were kings, who owned the land. Nearly three months after the battle, Geoffrey Felton, secretary for Ireland, went walking on the coast of Sligo Bay. In 1534 he explored the Saint Lawrence Rivergateway to the Great Lakesin search of a passage to China. In August, sailing against strong winds, the Armada began moving up the English Channel toward Flanders. Philip VI claimed he should rule because of the so-called Salic Law, which stated that the right to the throne must pass through a male line only. Then on December 9, 1525, King Charles I (Holy Roman Emperor Charles V) gave a similar choice to Moriscos living in Aragon after he had inherited the country from his grandfather Ferdinand. ." The expanded Frankish state he founded is called the . The emperor now controlled Rome and had power over the pope. Calling themselves Comuneros and supported by practically all levels of society, they demanded that no foreigners be appointed to government positions. Capitalism brought about the rise of cities, which were built as hubs in a network of trade routes throughout Europe. At the time of his death, the French crown was six million livres in debt. Elizabeth's court became the cultural center of its day, and her era was a time of unparalled literary achievement. An important revolution in English architecture was begun by Inigo Jones (15731652). Giving in to pressure from the noblemen and Charles's Flemish advisers, Ferdinand rewrote his will and named Charles as his heir. Other native tribes were quickly brought under control by the conquistadors, and for the next three centuries Spain built up an empire in the New World. . in North America. Land occupied by churches, monasteries (houses for men called monks, who dedicated themselves to the religious life), and He also knew that Joanna experienced bouts of emotional instability and might not have control over Philip. successor to the throne. Royal Family of Luxembourg (Now Italian House of Bourbon-Parma but historically Germanic House of Nassau) Royal Family of Holland. Nevertheless, Spain's empire was never seriously threatened on land. Once the thriving center of sea trade on the Iberian Peninsula, Catalonia and its capital city Barcelona had been declining since the middle of the fifteenth century. The Muslim conquest was economically attractive to Jews, since it opened the markets of North Africa as well as of the entire Muslim world as far away as India. Of course, the ancient kingdoms of England and Scotland had been in existence on the island of Great Britain for nearly a thousand years, and for a substantial part of that time, the kings, queens, and peoples of each country fought - sometimes with each other, but often against each other in several conflicts. He was not interested in intellectual affairs, though his mother, Margaret Beaufort (14431509), countess of Richmond and Derby, did provide patronage for For years Elizabeth gave her protection in England, even though Mary was in line for the English throne because she was a granddaughter of King James IV (14731513; ruled 14881513) of Scotland and Margaret Tudor (14891514). Players also can switch to France at any given time as long as they have Civilization Change token available. Dismissing most of his foreign advisers, he appointed Spaniards to take their places. The great humanist Thomas More served as his lord chancellor (chief secretary) in the 1530s. During the first twenty years of Philip's reign, the Ottoman Empire was the most serious threat to Spanish world power. Because each style has its own formatting nuances that evolve over time and not all information is available for every reference entry or article, Encyclopedia.com cannot guarantee each citation it generates. February 3, 2023. The Rise of Monarchies: France, England, and Spain Elizabeth was followed by James VI of Scotland, who became King James I of England (ruled 160325). Earlier they had been great centers of learning and the arts, but now the great monastic libraries were divided and sent to other Territory that is now France was invaded by tribes from Scandinavia (Norway, Denmark, and Sweden). They After receiving a tremendous ransom for the emperor's release, Pizarro murdered Atahuallpa, then claimed the Inca empire for Spain, killing all the Inca who did not cooperate. Then, in a crowning victory, Philip's navy, under lvaro de Bzan (15261588), the marquis de Santa Cruz, smashed a combined English-French force off the coast of the Azores in 1582 and 1583. The reign of Queen Elizabeth I (15331603; ruled 15581603) is known as England's golden age. Richelieu followed a systematic policy that enhanced the king's absolute rule at home and fought against the power of the Habsburgs abroad. After Elizabeth reluctantly signed the death warrant, Essex was executed. answer choices. Edward ruled England for twelve more years, until his unexpected death in 1483. The king was competing with Francis I of France and Charles I of Spain for the coveted position of emperor (see "France" section previously in this chapter). Essex had numerous clashes with two of the queen's most able ministers, William Cecil (15201598) and his son, Robert Cecil (15631612). Question Posted by Guest on May 8th 2020 Last Modified: Apr 15th 2021 France and Germany were both once part of what Kingdom? In the Revolt of the Netherlands, Protestants in the Low Countries fought to throw off Spanish rule and Catholic persecution. The Dutch quickly found an alternate route to the Spice Islands, bypassing the Portuguese-controlled Strait of Malacca by sailing around the island of Sumatra. Court masques (plays in which actors wear masks), some of them written by the dramatist Ben Jonson (15721637), were based on classical myths. The Muslims lived across the Strait of Gibraltar from Portugal, at the port city of Ceuta. Along the way, these explorers laid claim to much of North and South America for the Spanish king. In Russian history, what nickname was the first Tzar given for their tyranny? Upon Henry's death in 1422, his infant son, Henry VI, was crowned king of both France and England. Edward was a talented military leader, but his weaknesses were laziness, cruelty, and a hesitancy to call meetings of the Parliament. do with the translation. His greatest enemy was Charles the Bold (14331477; ruled 146777), duke of Burgundy, who ruled Burgundy virtually as an independent state. The Jews were expelled and went mainly to North Africa. Olivares's plans caused revolts in Catalonia, a region of Aragon. How would Germany most likely have been different between 1848 and 1871 if Prussia had not belonged to the . Years' War. Charles's advisers bribed the German princes who served as electors, however, and in 1519 Charles took office as Holy Roman Emperor Charles V. As both the king of Spain and head of the Holy Roman Empire, Charles was now the most powerful ruler in Europe. Ferdinand and Isabella ascended to the throne as the Catholic Monarchs of Spain in 1474. James's reign was troubled by his insistence upon ruling by divine right (the concept that a king is chosen directly by God). James's court was a less happy place than Elizabeth's, however, because he suffered from financial difficulties and his favorite aides were unpopular with political leaders. popular route to China and the Spice Islands. Francis died of gout and liver disease at Rambouillet, France, in 1547. By this time pandemonium had broken out in England, and Elizabeth's advisers urged her to prepare for the impending attack. Q: What is the native language of Cleopatra VII, otherwise known as Cleopatra Queen? The three young monarchs bitterly competed for the title of Emperor, but the rivalry was especially intense between Francis and Charles. The English also formed an alliance with France and, to seal the treaty, Henry's sister Mary became the wife of King Louis XII of France. The treaty required France's King Charles VI (13681422; ruled 13801422), an Orlanist, to give his daughter, Catherine of Valois (14011437), in marriage to Henry. The Portuguese viceroy placed in charge of Portuguese colonization, Alfonso de Albuquerque battered his way across the Indian Ocean. Louis's mother, Marie de Mdicis (15191589), acted as regent (interim ruler) in the early years of his reign. Inspired by profound religious experiences, Joan felt compelled to lead the French in a holy mission against the English. Joan was condemned to death for alleged heresy and witchcraft (use of supernatural powers to summon evil spirits). He commenced a series of voyages and explorations that culminated in the formation of the Portuguese Empire. The Armada would then sail on to England and stage a massive sea assault. He was married to the English princess Philippa of Lancaster. They were especially critical of "popish," or Catholic, features of the Anglican Church. In a dozen voyages from 1603 until 1633, Champlain discovered the easternmost Great Lakes, Huron and Ontario; founded the city of Quebec; and served as commandant of France's new colonial territories, which were called New France. From the time he took the throne he had problems with Parliament, which he refused to recognize as the law-making body of England. He was put on trial and sentenced to death. English exploration and discovery began in the previous century, during the reign of Henry VII, when John Cabot made a voyage from Bristol to Nova Scotia (in what is now Canada) in 1497. The Project Gutenberg eBook of Critical and Historical Essays, Volume III (of 3), by Thomas Babington Macaulay This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. The English were given an increased sense of national pride by the Treaty of Troyes (1420). This policy continued for more than twenty years. They spoke different languages belonged to different ethnic groups, were were no close ties binding them. In 1534 French navigator Jacques Cartier (14911557) joined the search for a Northwest Passage to China. Others proposed measures such as genocide (mass killings of members of a specific group) as well as the less extreme solution of deportation to the New World. Although England was smaller than France, it was able to gather a large army. The consolidation of the kingdom of France under one ruler was now complete. In 1356 French forces were defeated at Poitiers. This official church court was charged with finding and punishing pagans and heretics (those who did not adhere to the laws of the church), namely Jews and Muslims. Henry and Margaret fled to Scotland, where she continued her opposition to the house of York. The grand tour of Europe, which often included extended visits to Rome and Florence, became part of the education of young English aristocrats and gentlemen. Login. France and Germany were both once part of what Kingdom? In addition to the MLA, Chicago, and APA styles, your school, university, publication, or institution may have its own requirements for citations. He marched his army through Mexico in 1519 to the Aztec capital of Tenochtitln (modern-day Mexico City). Their efforts were inspired by the humanist ideals of questioning authority and valuing the worth of the individual (see "Humanists promote change" in Chapter 1, and "Humanism sparks Renaissance" in Chapter 8). Her fortunes were reversed, however, when she was captured in battle by the Burgundians. After the Portuguese defeated the Spanish in a war over the throne in 1385, John established a political alliance with England under the Treaty of Windsor (1386) that has endured to the present day. During the standoff, in 1569, King Philip II ordered all Moriscosincluding those who were not involved in the conflictout of Castile, Estremadura, and central Andalusia. READ FULL REVIEW >. The popes remained in Avignon under French domination until 1377, during a period called the Babylonian captivity (see "Babylonian captivity and the Great Schism" in Chapter 1). The dispute over whether France or Spain had the right to rule Naples and Sicily had been going on since the thirteenth century. In 1527 Henry began demanding a divorce from Catherine so he could marry Anne Boleyn (c. 15071536), an attendant in the court of Queen Claude of France. Senior, Isaac Abrabanel, and others tried in vain to have the order revoked. In fact, most of the major exploratory work in North America was done on inland water routes by the French. Henry VIII, whose heart had never really been in the war, also quickly came to terms with Charles. The Spanish controlled the western route to the Indies around the southern tip of the Americas, and the Portuguese controlled the way east, around Africa. At that time he was feudal lord of a greater part of France, including Normandy, Brittany, and Anjou in the northwest and Aquitaine in the southwest. William responded with a document that accused Philip of incest (having sexual relations with family members), adultery (having sexual relations outside marriage), and the murders of both Carlos and Elizabeth of Valois. His strategy called for sending out two armies at once: one across the Alps (a mountain range on the border between Italy and Switzerland) and another across the Pyrenees (a mountain range on the border between France and Spain). Just as Philip was on the verge of reclaiming the northern provinces of the Netherlands, his attention was diverted by war with England. The Rise of the Modern (Idea of the) State DANIE F. M. STRAUSS A BSTRACT Some of the main contours of the development of Western society from ancient Greece and through the medieval era up to the rise of the modern state constitute the substance of this article. The Moriscos revolted in Granada and had to be forcibly restrained. At the end of the tenth century, Hugh Capet (c. 938996; ruled 98796) founded the line of French kings that ruled the country for the next eight hundred years. The rivalry between the English and the French over the throne of France resulted in the Hundred Years' War (13371453; see also "England" section later in this chapter). Charlemagne was a medieval emperor who ruled much of Western Europe from 768 to 814. Other notable leaders fled to safety in Germany. His mother, Louise of Savoy (14761531), supervised his upbringing, and a strong bond developed between them. In fact, in 1614 he dissolved Parliament, then ruled for seven years without one. Cranmer was dismissed from office and placed under house arrest, while Reginald Pole (15001558) was brought back to England to take the archbishop's place. Henry declined to join the French effort. At the bottom were serfs (peasants), who farmed the fiefs but were not given land of their own. He was the son of Mary, queen of Scots, and Henry Stewart (15451567), who was the grandson of Henry VII. We will have to build, reinforce, and train our own army to rise up as the most powerful on the map. A similar movement emerged in Andalusia. Infuriated that the pope had sided with France, Charles sent his Spanish and German troops into Rome in 1527. Charles then turned toward Italy, landed in Sicily in August, and advanced with ease toward the Alps. Nevertheless, he was convinced that the coast of Japan lay only a short distance west of his original landing point. Germany, Italy land Switzerland were divided into kingdoms, duchies and cantons whose rulers had their autonomous territories. England was still a Catholic country and the pope's consent was required before Henry could get a divorce. The bulk of the preparatory work fell to Thomas Wolsey (c. 14751530), the royal almoner (one who distributes alms, or food and money, to the poor), who became Henry's war minister. By 1503 the French were once again driven out of Italy, and the Spanish took possession of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies. Henry was not pleased with Cromwell's involvement in this episode and other court matters, so he had Cromwell executed later in the year. or leaving the dominion of Castile. He included a note suggesting that the Samuri use the body parts to make himself a curry (an Indian dish with spices). Children, slaves, and "good Christians" (those people who had sincerely converted to Christianity) numbering in the tens of thousands were allowed to remain in the country. In one year alone, Francis had spent 5.5 million livres (the French unit of currency at that time) on the war. During this time Jews not only produced great works of philosophy, poetry, liturgy (texts for worship services), theology (philosophy of religion), and literature, but they also served as the vital intellectual link between the Muslim Middle East and Christian Europe. According to the contract, they were to rule their own kingdomsthat is, Ferdinand was the king of Aragon and Isabella was the queen of Castile. In 1512, when France went to war with Spain, the king gave the eighteen-year-old Francis command of an army. Jane was proclaimed queen in 1553, but after only nine days she was imprisoned for high treason as a result of the plot to make her queen. On the very day of Cromwell's death Henry married Catherine Howard (c. 15201542). Genoa fell to his naval forces, led by admiral Andrea Doria (14661560). The Moors surrendered Toledo to the Christians in 1085. Royal Family of Denmark. Leaders of both the nobility and the middle class feared that their property would be seized by government forces, so they had lost the motivation to champion their political cause. Egypt awakens, chaos awaits. As a result, Spain was given control of Italy in the Treaty of Cateau-Cambrsis in 1559. During the Caroline War, the French regained much of the territory lost during the Edwardian War. When Essex returned to England, Elizabeth reluctantly withdrew her patronage from him. Hernando de Soto (c. 14961542) navigated the Mississippi River, and Francisco de Coronado (15101554) traveled through territory that is now northern Mexico 6. They spent vast amounts of money on fortifications and on renewed wars against France and Scotland (a traditional ally of the French). The Capetians gradually extended their control over the duchies of Charles's spokesmen claimed the troops had moved on Rome against More years, however, Francis was determined to seek revenge against Charles 1494! Time he took the throne of England was threatened by complex internal conflicts over the duchies of 's.: but they didn & # x27 ; success story is a great example of this felt compelled to the. Kings, who owned the land 's capital, the king gave the eighteen-year-old Francis command of Juan Elcano! The Christians in 1085 mobs, while thousands more tried to remain outside the conflict that must. On land Henrietta Maria ( 16091669 ), who owned the land with! 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rise of kingdoms france and germany were both once part of what kingdom