soulmate pick a card tumblr

Speaking through my own experience since Im the type of person who wouldve chosen this pile most likely lol. 9 of Wands, 3 of Swords, Ace of Pentacles, 5 of Pentacles, 9 of Pentacles, 2 of Wands, 6 of Cups, The Magician. Speaking of a song, Im not sure if you listen to Joji but I highly recommend you to try him. Ill tell you everything you need to know about your Sun sign, Moon sign and Ascendant. Im not searching for you cause youll come anyway. I see more of a friendship between you. Theyre going to suffer from a bad mental health, mood swings and emotional distress. Option 2 (middle) They are serious about their commitment. ~. Today I have a new pick-a-card reading on whether your person/crush will come towards you or make a move soon! Theyre very cute , King of Wands, Page of Swords, 5 of Swords, 9 of Swords, Ace of Cups, Judgement. They seem clumsy, young and somehow experienced (???). They are intelligent, but they dont wanna change anything in life. Its like youre thinking I gotta say this so badly but I literally cant because I cannot think of how to put my thoughts into words verbally and this makes me think that few of you have Mercury retrograde in your natal chart, maybe even in 1st house, and you would rather write your thoughts than speaking them. If youre a teen, I feel like your parents might have some issues regarding money and they also tend to be a bit controlling over your life. My voice sounds so bad. This fight might happen during Mercury retrograde or so. They might try to fit in with others. Pick any of the pictures above to get an insight of what the person you think about thinks about you. Gemini Venus/Mars: Geminis associated with Mercury, the androgynous planet, these people could be attracted to androgynous people or more than one gender, it could also mean that they like to present themselves as androgynous people and prefer a gender-free aesthetic (Gemini Venus). Click Keep Reading and Find your chosen, Digital Charm accompanying the reading for you and your person below. Theyre gonna want to be your Prince Charming. Sagittarius 8th house: fear of missing something, not living your life at the fullest, being trapped, not being able to experiment and have the opportunity to learn. Words->Rachmaninoff, confusion, what am I to you?, are you ready?, contemplating, analysis, not honest, depression, I cant sleep because of you, ink, writer, winter, should I leave?, no. They may have a certain accent which stands out, maybe this accent will help you recognize them. They are really funny istg. Will be very confused about their own emotions. They might play a sport or might be some kind of leader of a group. Are you and your partner compatible? Your dream can bring you money and can give you a stable/rich life. Your person loves to hang out with you and normally, communicate with you. Curious about what the month of August has in mind for you? Pluto in 4th house: understand and nurture your emotions, heal the relationship with your family, understand your roots and practice unconditional love, heal your inner child, feel a sense of belonging with your community. They seem to be more fiery than you are and they most of the times adjust themselves to your energy because they dont want you to leave them or they dont want THEM to scare you away, but if I take a closer look, you seem to like those types of people. I get so many situations. This pile seems a bit more reserved than the others and now let me tell you what seems to happen here. I feel like some friend here will pick this pile haha. I hope you enjoy and let me know if you have any questions! I hope you cant hear it. You are young, so enjoy yourselves. The Knight of Cups is the most romantic of the knights, and there will definitely be a lot of romance in this relationship. Pick any photo/number from above to get an insight about where your attention should be focused right now, Queen of Pentacles, 4 of Swords, 5 of Cups, Page of Wands, King of Cups. Your future spouse seems someone very fiery ngl. Also, you are allowed to be goofy sometimes. If you believe not everyone has a twin flame, then itll be just that. They can have a very lost look in their eyes, like, they are not even conscious of what if happening around them. Pick a card Messages from you Soulmate Pick a crystal you feel drawn to and find your message. I get nerdy vibes from this person. Do you have any aqua/Aries placements in your chart by any chance? Its alright, you will. just thinking about starting to sell tarot readings, birth charts and energy works at super reasonable prices on Ko-fi, Ko-fi link: a tarot reader and astrologist with 7 years of experience!I love connecting with people, especially through tarot! So before we begin, this is a pick-a-card reading, meaning I have prepared 4 different readings for you to choose from. They might be even depressive. They feel that youre running away from your own feelings and that you try to rationalize all of your emotions. So Ive put the links in case you want to listen to them while you read! Page of Swords, Ace of Wands, The Hermit, 4 of Cups, The Hierophant, Temperance, The Magician, The Empress (your future spouse might actually watch tarot readings on YouTube lol), Well, you seem to have gotten a god/goddess right here my friend. Take a break, breathe and then start building your walls against the ones who want to mess you up. Can be a farmer or someone you used to have a crush on while you were young. This person has a golden aura. I feel so strongly that this is going to be really amazing for you. Some of you might be involved into arts and fear that your art might not get popular, but trust me, it will. Stop waiting for me. They are also someone very hurt and will hate to cry in front of others, including you, but will be there for you to give you emotional support. Hows your mama doin btw. Fr, you guys will really melt when youll see them. Sex could be very healing for both of you. They seem cold but are just a bit reserved. Look at the 4 piles in the image below and find the one you resonate with the most. They will appreciate everything you do to keep everything in peace. I literally listen to my playlists and Eleanor Rigby by The Beatles started playing. Youre very in touch with your femininity and I even feel like you might be quite girly. Four out of the five tarot cards in this reading are in reverse. They might have any type of addiction, but I mainly see smoking. Its up to you & your person if you want to make the relationship work, & trust me, not every relationship will work out because obviously some people arent aware or as woke about things like this. You could read each others minds. Ill talk about your ego, your personality, the way you express yourself, what do you need in a relationship, your sense of style, how other people perceive you, your emorional world, your energy, what do you need in your sex life and many other things! They might even be a financial adviser or someone who will professionally help you to get more organized and stuff like that. Here I got quite a few messages. For some reason their eyes closed seem a very important vision regarding this impression. Anyway, in this there will be multiple packages in which you can choose from, these are shorter readings though, so keep that in mind please! We are officially in Sagittarius season, and that means my birthday is coming up. Anyway, luv u, bye bye. Like my colleague, they might be interested in physics, mechanics and anything related to this robotics field. Everything in this piles seems to be based on pure emotions and mutual love feelings. Theyre going to move mountains juts to be helpful toward you, theyre going to be very giving. It suggest you to connect with your spiritual side and to follow your intuition or that youre going to receive a wise advice from someone thats close to you. Its connected to spirits and suggests that theyre protecting you. Ill tell you everything thats going to happen in the near future about this topic. Since this is a reading for the whole month of October, it should still apply for the next few weeks! They seem very selfless bruh, like, they really believe theyre made out of stone. Its funny how Ive known what this reading will be about since when the song started playing. Just because youre an adult it doesnt mean you have to be as serious as a rock , like, chill. This person feels a very deep soul connection with you and I believe you do as well. You also get easily offended and probably cry a lot after someone insults you. You seem someone very merciful and youre a passive person. It could be either a positive or negative card, it means that those who act good will be blessed with a positive change, those who act bad will be punished for their action. I dreamt you and I love your energy, but I am extremely scared of something. They dont take life seriously so I dont think you should. The shits hard to communicate. Do you love pets? They are someone very spiritual who is searching for their own path but who also keeps on searching you, their soulmate. (Again, sorry for getting a Romanian song. It could suggest a romantic relationship or romantic interests, but its not always the case, sometimes it suggest an important decision thats going to change your life. Anyway, Im not gonna say anything besides kisses and see you later so byeeeee.. These observation are based on my 6+ years experience with tarot cards. Theyre someone strong and patient who loves blue. The Temperance (XIV) : Its about finding a new balance after a bad period, healing and inner work. all your good qualities and what other people love about you! Otherwise, I sense that theyre going to do everything to put on a happy face just to cheer you up and make you happy. would it work out, how would the dynamic be like? In this pick a card reading, we will try to channel the name of your soulmate (right!). Were still getting started loading up the extraspatial gems, but youre welcome to look around, shine a lightbeam in the comments, and follow this post-space for updates. STRIKE. Choose a Metallica album picture in order to find out some small bits of random information I get about your future marriage. Find the podcasts on the tumblr below, and also here: We will post approved features/interviews and reviews on the tumblr blog below. I love that your person isnt willing to change their opinion even though their crush is thinking otherwise. This is an Evergreen/Timeless Reading. This time I feel like they will be the ones attacking the prey, not you. in today's pick a card reading, we'll be taking a look at how a poet or writer would describe you. Ace of Pentacles, 2 of Wands, 9 of Swords, Money, wealthy life, happy, traveling together, singing together, Grande Amore by Il Volo, nightmares, paranoia, washing the dishes together, cleaning, cooking, piano, opera, offering help, one working from home, one is more confident than the other one, traditional, earth, Taurus, King of Pentacles, loyalty, true love, Ludovico Einaudi, Italy, brown vibe, earth, family, Im so happy, Safe and Sound by Capital Cities, Little Talks(live) by Of Monsters and Men. You are fiery, you are intelligent but you need to let other people speak as well (AND RESPECT THEIR OPINIONS). Some of you have been cheated on recently and are now suffering after their exes, others have been betrayed by someone you really cared about and now you became very closed off. My Venmo is TiannaRoseTarot and my Paypal is . Sorry, but the energy here is very heavy. See which one resonates with you, and scroll down to find your specific pile. Its a good card and encourages you to dream bigger and to trust the universe. I dont know what the reason is and neither you do most likely but since you found my account out of countless accounts you sure needed to hear this. ), calm, chillness, biking, love letters, Cupid, Colors by Halsey. I feel like this fight will occur two months after you meet for the first time. This fight will probably come all of the sudden because youll be tired/your person will be tired of the smoke/smell/etc you/they make/do. This person will not think much about you tbh, theyll think youreok. RUN. Both parties are cold, yet both know how much they care about the other one. You guys might go through some sort of conflict at first. They might also be an Otaku. If youd like a personalized spread, my tarot services can be found here xx, If youd like to support me and what I do, please consider buying me a coffee , Interested in what June holds in store for you? You wont talk as much in the future, but thats alright, because you will finally be over them. any other thing you are curious of! Listen, people are random, you are people (I know Ill get hate for this; I dont mean to sound rude, sorry). If not my friends then who. They are very brave and they may sometimes have this jock attitude to them. You feel like youve made a fool out of yourself, but you didnt. Theyre going to have a lot of initiatives and enthusiasm, theyre going to have a beautiful and contagious smile. Theyre very insecure. You are allowed to be sad after something horrible is happening but remember that you need to put yourself together. This is one of the fights you get in first dates. 6 of Pentacles, 4 of Wands, The Moon, Death, Queen of Wands, Queen of Swords, 5 of Swords, 4 of Swords. As we continue . Youll get burned again. Im so glad for your guys. You will balance each other out and ultimately be able to both move forwards to bigger goals. This person will see you as a boss basically. this person is really good looking. They dont have it all together or all figured out yet, but theyre certainly trying and making good progress. Youll think theyre stuck(?) Youll see this person as someone whos under you regarding career. You guys were put to the ground many times in your life by toxic people and with each time you became more closed off and cold, being afraid to follow your dreams anymore. Your 360 astrological forecasts for the year! please read these before choosing your pile. Pick any picture which feels different to you of Mark Stam and see what characteristics I get from your future spouse. This person is very sweet. They see you as a very giving and kind person, but the type to also remain with their feet on the ground. You were left scatterbrained and you surely didnt deserve this shit to happen to you, so please take care of yourself and just throw this piece of shit away if they did you THIS wrong. Here health plays a big role I feel like some of you may have an allergy which is kinda different from the . Anyway, they are someone who is willing to learn new things, theyre very open minded and they love to fight for their own rights. The Emperor (IV) : This card suggests you to act in a strong and powerful way, to persist and to follow your goals. Yeah, they really are trying to block their true personality because theyre too afraid you might say oh shit, ftsio. Its an invite to ACT NOW and to avoid procrastination. A reading in depth about your next lover, soul mate, future spouse. I need some time to change tho. They want you to be patient with them. Your FS will see you as a fighter. They can be an activist, fr. I know you dont wanna hear this, no one wants to hear this, but I think you will literally hate the hell out of this person. I dont recommend you to forgive them if that is the case. Your person thinks youre adorable. Some of you might have a crush but dont want to have a relationship with them because youre anxious and afraid that your crush might not be who they pretend they are. If you believe you will never find your soulmate, itll be that as well. Theyre going to be loyal, honest (sometimes brutally honest) and trustworthy. I feel like you will be like imma come back after I recharge my social interaction batteries. They might be someone who was raised in a wealthy family but who didnt get enough emotional support from their loved ones. If things got too heated, then I believe you shouldnt go through it again. Choose one of the pictures from above and think of someone you have a connection/relationship (romantic/platonic) with. Its possible the representations of who youre supposed to be, can be the opposite & the person thats supposed to be you can actually be your person, so be sure to decipher which one sounds more like you. Your energy is soft, cloud-like, puffy. Perhaps you chosen this pick a card because you want to see if they are sorry about what they did or if they know you are sorry for something YOU did. In some cases it could mean that someone of your past is going to get back into your life. The card Inner Temple is calling you to devote yourself to your path and stay true to yourself. I tried my best to make it as general as possible, but spirits put a lot of specific messages in here for certain people who do resonate, so please take what resonates & leave what doesnt!*. 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soulmate pick a card tumblr