university of michigan dearborn electrical engineering curriculum

The course has three lecture hours per week. U-M Dearborn College of Engineering and Computer Science - Electrical and Computer Engineering. The Master of Engineering (MEng) degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering is designed to serve students pursuing a terminal, professional Master's degree. ECE590 Selected Topics 1 to 3 Credit Hours. The course will cover computer simulations of various neural network models and simulations. Students cannot take both ECE415 and ECE5425 for degree credit. The median salary for engineers working the field of engineering services earned a median salary of $87,640. (W). A project is required. In addition, students must maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher in every semester. Study of functions and types of actuators in automotive systems. Elect the thesis ECE 699 (6 credits) to work under the supervision of a faculty advisor; Take direct study by ECE 591 (3 credits), and one ECE course at the graduate level; Complete ECE 505 and ECE 510 as directed by ECE Department if undergraduate degree is not in Electrical Engineering/Computer Engineering disciplines; Take two additional ECE courses at the graduate level. Individual or group study, design, or laboratory research in a field of interest to the students. The course has substantial computer simulation and research project components. Three lecture hours per week. (W), Prerequisite(s): (ECE500 or ECE5001) and ECE544, ECE645 Coop Robots 3 Credit Hours, This course covers advanced topics related to research in algorithms and methods for robots to cooperate. Networks have emerged in a wide range of embedded applications (e.g. ECE515 Vehicle Electronics II 3 Credit Hours. Electrical & Computer Engineering at Michigan Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) PEOPLE POWERING INNOVATION Events FEB 27 MICL Seminar "Energy Efficient Circuits Beyond what have been believed as the Fundamental Limits: Power Converter, Analog Interface and Frequency Generation" 11:00am - 12:00pm in 1200 EECS Building FEB 28 The goal of this course is to provide a comprehensive understanding of the challenges, issues, solutions, and state-of-the-art research and best practices pertaining to the cyber-security of the modern power grids, also known as "smart power grids". Basic concepts of digital video will be reviewed, such as resolution and compression standards. Three lecture hours per week. Restriction(s): Can enroll if Class is Graduate or Doctorate, ECE533 Active Automotive Safety Sys 3 Credit Hours. This course addresses the analysis and design of continuous time (analog) and switched-capacitor filters. The basic limitations and alternatives for communications signaling are studied, using appropriate mathematical tools. Students complete a minimum of 125 curriculum hours and receive a bachelor of science in engineering (BSE) degree in electrical engineering. (F, W). UM Dearborn is a moderately-sized public university located in the midsize city of Dearborn. Students will design and simulate systems encompassing important concepts presented in the course. This course will also cover aircraft actuation, sensors and perception (GPS, inertial meansurements, ranging, and basic computer vision), sensor fusion technique, and motion control of unmanned aircraft. (F, W). Additional cognate options may be approved by the ECE department. However, students may petition for course exemptions in instances where a core course in a graduate program may not be available, may no longer be offered due to program changes, or the student may have taken a course with equivalent content. Pipelining, vector processing, and array processing techniques. Orcid identifier 0000-0001-6591-8515. Three lecture hours per week. UM-Dearborn's new Engineering Lab Building is open and it's definitely meeting expectations. This class includes assignments to reinforce learning and uses industry leading edge hardware to simulate control and monitoring of real world scenarios. ECE587 Sel Top:Image Proc/Mach Vision 3 Credit Hours. Introduction to linear spaces and operators; mathematical description of multiple input-output systems; state variables and state transition matrix; controllability and observability and its application to irreducible realization of transfer function matrices; state variable estimation; controller synthesis by state feedback; stability of linear systems; analysis of composite systems. Complete ECE 505 and ECE 510 as directed by the ECE Department if undergraduate degree is not in Electrical Engineering/Computer Engineering disciplines. Case Studies will be presented to illustrate a variety of applications. The PDF will include all information unique to this page. Three lecture hours per week. Students in RE program must take this course in the first year. This university ranks 17th out of 57 schools for overall quality in the state of Michigan. "Automotive engineering is one of the most technologically interesting . VHDL and commercial CAD packages for VLSI design. Previous undergraduate or graduate coursework deemed substantially similar to MSE core courses may qualify to exempt students from those core courses. With 9 top-ten engineering departments in a university with 95 top-ranked programs, we offer you thousands of opportunities to make a difference in the world. Various analysis tools will be covered, including the Fourier transform and windowing techniques. This course is intended to expose students to fundamentals of security primitives specific to CPSs and to apply them to a broad range of current and future security challenges that such systems are facing. ECE5770 Autonomous UAS 3 Credit Hours, This course will introduce the basic concepts of autonomous unmanned aerial systems. Three lecture hours per week. & Sys. & Sys. The program is a one-year pilot project led by MEDC's Talent Action Team, a public-private partnership of major Michigan employers, academic institutions and Michigan Works! Manipulation will include grasping, optimal planning, and dynamic manipulation. Restriction(s): Can enroll if Major is Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Computer & Information Science, ECE572 Sequential Machines 3 Credit Hours. Three lecture hours per week. Must be taken in the first year. ECE681 Adv Digital Sig Processing 3 Credit Hours. ECE516 Electronic Materials & IC Proc 3 Credit Hours. ECE650 Info Theory in Elec Comm 3 Credit Hours. ESS (especially batter) management, power electronics in HESS and motor drive, HEV component optimization, HIL and SIL, vehicle power management future trends, and so on. Students are expected to have knowledge of high-level programming language and will be required to accomplish a research-related course project. Please confirm your cognate course selections with the ECE Department, via e-mail, prior to registering. Three lecture hours per week. Seek out a major that aligns with your interests and values through one of our engineering programs. Representative topics include: Intelligent systems design, training and evaluation, decision trees, Bayesian learning, reinforcement learning. Modeling and simulation will also be covered. Students will gain experience in terms of designing, simulating and implementing electronic circuits and systems. Random Variables using probability density and distribution functions, functions of a random variable, and conditional and joint probabilities. Students will become familiar with the mathematical tools needed for digital signal processing such as the Fourier transform, frequency response, the sampling theorem, and z-transform method. Restriction(s): Can enroll if Class is GraduateCan enroll if Major is Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, ECE5001 Analytic and Comp Math 3 Credit Hours, Full Title: Analytical and Computational Mathematics Exemptions and transfer credit are granted at the discretion of the program chair. Restriction(s): Can enroll if Class is GraduateCan enroll if Level is Doctorate or Rackham or Graduate or Can enroll if College is Engineering and Computer Science, ECE5421 Grid Communication and System 3 Credit Hours. (F), Restriction(s): Can enroll if Class is GraduateCan enroll if Level is Graduate or or DoctorateCan enroll if College is Engineering and Computer Science, ECE545 Intro Robot Syst 3 Credit Hours, Full Title: Introduction to Robotic Systems Students with inadequate background in Electrical/Computer Engineering may be required to meet with the department graduate advisor to determine the need for preparatory courses. Restriction(s): Can enroll if Level is Doctorate or Rackham or Graduate or, ECE584 Speech Processes 3 Credit Hours. The University of Michigan, Dearborn campus operates one main suburban campus with an estimated land size of just over 200 acres along with the subordinating Fairlane Campus containing the Fairlane Center North (FCN) and the Fairlane Center South (FCS) amongst a few other buildings. Kinematics will include forward and inverse kinematics and their analytical and constraints. (AY). Control will include the classic PID control, position and force control, and trajectory tracking. Restriction(s): Can enroll if Class is GraduateCan enroll if Level is Doctorate or Rackham or Graduate or Can enroll if Major is Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Industrial & Systems Engin, Computer & Information Science, Computer Engineering, ECE614 Ctrl Networks for Embedded Sys 3 Credit Hours. Course work includes building up a SaaS project. Electrical engineering is a dynamic and progressive branch of the engineering profession which has pioneered the development of the modern science-oriented engineering curriculum. ECE798 Doctoral Seminar 0 Credit Hours, After attaining candidacy, every Ph.D. student is required to attend and actively participate in research seminars given by CECS Deans office or individual departments in CECS. Orcid identifier 0000-0001-6591-8515. Topics include: an overview of embedded processors and microcontrollers, digital signal processors, field programmable gate arrays (FGPAs), sensors and actuators, embedded operating systems including various Linux and Android platforms, and embedded networks. Three lecture hours per week. Topics relevant to the design and analysis of VLSI circuits are investigated. The study of intelligent vehicle systems includes system architectures, sensors, and algorithms. Numbers and coding systems; Boolean algebra with application to logic systems; examples of digital logic circuits; simple machine language programming and Assembly and C/C+ programming language; microprocessors programming (both assembly and C/C+) for input/output, interrupts, and system design. Devices include diodes, bipolar junction transistors, MOSFETs and operational amplifiers. ECE5752 Reconfigurable Computing 3 Credit Hours. in Electrical and Computer Engineering, The Regents of the University of Michigan. An oral presentation and a final report on the research effort are required for completion. Term project. Our excellence and impact comes through in the work of our two divisions. (F), ECE546 Electric Vehicles 3 Credit Hours. Real Time Kernels. Design of real time systems. Students whose undergraduate background is in a field other than Electrical or Computer Engineering may be given conditional admission and required to take preparatory courses in electrical and/or computer engineering. (F). Case studies. Three lecture hours per week. SIMD and MIMD structures. Much of the course addresses Industrial Control Systems and smart grids. EECS 330: Electromagnetics II. Dearborn, MI 48128. This is an introductory course on electric motor drive systems and their control. in Electrical and Computer Engineering, Request for Graduate Transfer Credit application, Download the MSE-Electrical Engineering Curriculum (Effective Fall 2022), Download the MSE-Electrical Engineering Curriculum, The Regents of the University of Michigan, ECE 500 Mathematical Methods in EE and CE (Required. The ECE Department offers an evening program of 30 credit hours, leading to the degree of Master of Science in Engineering (Electrical Engineering). Students are expected to be able to analyze and design electric drive systems for various applications including automotive power train applications. signal processing and control concepts. Three lecture hours per week. Students may be placed on probation, if their cumulative GPA falls below 3.0. Programming concepts for DSP processors such as addressing, instruction set, execution control, pipelining, parallel processing and peripherals are discussed. Reliability & Fault Tolerance. Review of probability and random variables. Examples involving various types of applications (automotive, communications, computers) will be discussed. Overview of embedded operating systems, cross-development techniques & tools. Three lecture hours per week. Part of the coursework involves a project concerning the analysis and design of a multimedia-based system. Message-based operating systems. Starting with rigid body motion, we will learn a systematic way to describe a robot system that consists of multiple links connected through different kinds of joints. & Privacy for Smart Grids 3 Credit Hours, Full Course Title: Security and Privacy for Smart Grids (F), Restriction(s): Can enroll if College is Engineering and Computer Science, ECE502 Electromag Theory & Simul 3 Credit Hours. The following abbreviations are used to denote the frequency of offering: (F) fall term; (W) winter term; (S) summer term; (F, W) fall and winter terms; (YR) once a year; (AY) alternating years; (OC) offered occasionally. Selected examples include applications such as voltage regulators and battery chargers. Topics covered will include the design of digital filters (IIR and FIR filters), characteristics of analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog converters, the spectral analysis of signals, and discrete filters. Theoretical aspects and algebraic structure of sequential machines. Restriction(s): Can enroll if Class is GraduateCan enroll if Level is Rackham or Graduate, ECE525 Multimedia Data Stor & Retr 3 Credit Hours. In addition, the student will learn how to perform computer simulations of various statistical and neural network models, and learn how to select appropriate model parameters, such as network architecture, hidden layer size, and learning rate. The student will learn how to mathematically pose the machine learning problems of function approximation/supervised learning, associative memory and self-organization, and analytically derive some well-known learning rules, including backprop. This course will also discuss some specific topics in robotics research, including robot manipulators, mobile and walking robots, and robot hands, in which we will see how the above principles and methods are being used together. Course includes lectures and case studies. In CECS, we are committed to excellence. The course will be organized as a combination of conventional lectures, workshops-style discussion, and design review sessions. Vehicle power management basic concepts, vehicle propulsion system modeling, vehicle power management approaches (analytical approach, wavelet transform technology, DP&QP, and intelligent systems methods). College of Education, Health, and Human Services, College of Engineering & Computer Science, Automotive Noise, Vibration and Harshness, Electrical, Electronics, and Computer Engineering, Engineering of Electrified Vehicular Systems, Intelligent Systems in Engineering Applications, CollegeofEngineering&ComputerScience, The Regents of the University of Michigan. Three lecture hours per week. The course will cover topics such as electrified powertrain configurations. This course gives in depth study in advanced technologies in the electrified vehicle powertrain. digital controllers, diagnostic systems. Source models and source coding, channel and channel models, information measure, mutual information and entropy, coding for discrete sources such as variable-length codes and optimum variable-length encoding procedure, discrete memoryless channels and capacity, techniques for coding and decoding such as parity-check codes, cyclic codes, and Hamming codes, quantization and error analysis, coding techniques such as DPCM, run-length coding, sub-band coding, transform coding. Design circuits such as switching circuits, power suppliers, amplifiers, oscillators, non-linear circuits. The College of Engineering and Computer Science (CECS) offers 6 doctoral programs: 4 full-time Ph.D. programs and two Doctor of Engineering (D. Graduate students electing the thesis option, working under the general supervision of a member of the department faculty, are expected to plan and carry out the work themselves. Introduction to stochastic processes; stationarity, ergodicity; auto correlation and cross correlation, linear systems with random inputs, spectral analysis, Wiener filtering, Kalman filtering. Restriction(s): Can enroll if Class is Graduate, ECE510 Vehicle Electronics I 3 Credit Hours, This course discusses the principles of electrical engineering and applications of electrical and electronic systems in automobiles, including resistive, inductive, and capacitive circuit analysis, semiconductor diodes, junction transistors, FETS, rectifiers, and power supplies, small signal amplifiers, biasing considerations, gain-bandwidth limitations, circuit models. This course will include programming and simulation work and students will be required to accomplish a related course project. A high level-overview of different types of mobile robots is presented first. ECE569 Computer-Based Automation 3 Credit Hours. This course aims to cover attack surfaces, threat modeling and attack vector executions for commonly used sensors and develop countermeasures to defend against them. (F). Various sound synthesis strategies will be introduced: wave tables, additive synthesis, subtractive synthesis, frequency modulation, and granular synthesis. This course covers more advanced topics including a focus on networked and ringed systems, generation protection, grounding and protecting distribution networks with two-way power flow. program in electrical and computer engineering 8/2/2021 Doctor of Engineering programs are an increasingly popular Ph.D. alternative for working professionals who want applied research expertise. This course cannot be taken with ECE500. View on Map. An approved course exemption does not reduce the total number of credit hours needed to satisfy program requirements. PN junctions, bi-polar and field-effect transistors. Combinational and sequential logic design, minimization of combinational and sequential circuits, functional decomposition, reliable design and fault diagnosis; incompletely specified sequential machine design, asynchronous sequential circuits and interactive methods. (F), ECE555 Stochastic Processes 3 Credit Hours. Restriction(s): Can enroll if Level is Graduate or or DoctorateCan enroll if Major is Computer & Information Science, Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Software Engineering, Information Sys Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Automotive Systems Engineering, Industrial & Systems Engin, ECE5425 Fundamentals of Power Electronics 3 Credit Hours. ECE588 Robot Vision 3 Credit Hours. Restriction(s): Can enroll if Level is Doctorate or Can enroll if College is Engineering and Computer Science, ECE695 Master's Project 3 Credit Hours. Topics include cyberspaces, techniques for generating virtual worlds in engineering applications, building blocks of virtual environments including hardware and software. Special topics on product testing, reliability assurance, accelerated reliability testing, product lifetime models, and automotive environments will also be addressed. The Integrative Systems + Design Division offers the opportunity for students to achieve INCOSE certification. All three courses may be taken from one specialization or a combination of any of the specializations. Grades below B- are not counted and no more than two B-s are allowed. ) and switched-capacitor filters, instruction set, execution control, and granular.., and granular synthesis, reinforcement learning planning, and design of continuous (! Parallel processing and peripherals are discussed Processes 3 Credit Hours on the research effort are required for.. 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university of michigan dearborn electrical engineering curriculum