lacerta files part 3

A los malos se les permite actuar y hacer su papel para ayudarnos a despertar y a volvernos proactivos y en control y responsablidad de nuestras vidas. Im very interested in this manuscript. Thank you for these interesting informations. Can you say something to this? If so, the writer is a genius. And the way she describes their bodies, and how they works, that they dont need a tail, etc. The following is certainly difficult to understand and to believe for someone who hasnt experienced it, but I was really in contact with her mind and Im now completely sure that everything she said during the interview is the absolute truth about our world. At the same time, it proves that magic does not exist but esper does along with Godel God Theorems. This interview was done in person as far as the story goes. Amazing story, I have seen the power of collective thought and telekinesis in real life. It is suspected one or both craft lost high speed navigation control after its guidance system was intersected by the new extremely high-power Radar Bands, causing the craft to crash near after making contact on Mack Brazels farming property and coming down in Corona, NM (100 Diameter x 18 disk); the other near Kingman. She said that only a reptilian can reveal themselves but we cannot willfully meet a reptilian. which deceiveth the whole world: To classify that as good or evil is really quite primitive, for the survival of any species argues for many varieties, among them your own, as well as for even the most varied of the worst or negatively-directed deeds. Do you really think that there could be a small active sun inside the planet? Generally speaking, a picture is all the more a fake, the clearer the outline and the colors are, because a levitating ship is generally hidden in a shifted-field condition that even distorts the colors or the forms according to alignment. There is even a medical dispensary and a meeting room located there. What effect has this to your organism? I have a few comments on the above. This is very difficult and certainly painful and it can harm you, so better dont try to resist but it would be the only possibility you have. Many people said, your words made no sense. The reptilian renegades have been removed from the planet by the Galactic Federation. As long as you will not understand and believe my words I tell you the truth because we are not your enemy as long there is danger for your species. Farewell. Its in fact our planet and not yours it was never yours. Answer: I ought to explain that to people? The superiority complex of Lacerta is a reflection of the authors general disdain for humanity, especially in his anthill example. The main difference between you and us is that we must eat flesh, because our body needs the proteins. Im not saying it is impossible but in comparison more exists than the other. Answer: Yes. The humanoid species seemed to be successful during the first time, but in a last battle the reptilians decided to use a mighty experimental weapon a special kind of fusion bomb which should destroy the life forms on the planet but should not harm the valuable raw materials and the copper. In the next war humans won't be the issue, it will be between the race of aliens that want ultimate control over the raw materials on this planet and while we may not ultimately mater to her race a war here will involve her kind. Later on a person who had edited the English translation contacted me to ask me to remove her name from the post because that was affecting her ability to find a job. The three species nefarious to humanity are: 1. This is a useless rudiment of the tail of our ancestors, but it is not visible from the outside. Enter author Luis Prada. We don't say: Well, duck you are not as evolved as me, so it doesn't matter if you die. Well, I guess that most of you just plain dont understand it, and those who do will not say anything about it to the general public. This shifting causes a tilting of the repulsing quasi-bipolar force, which now no longer flows to the interior of the force field, but rather flows partly to the exterior of the field. At home theyve had enough time to have had their ships crossing back and forth. If what she said is true and we have no mental shielding the human race is nothing more than an ant mound waiting to be stepped on. The advanced reptilian species came not from this universe but from a well, how should I explain it to you. There is so much I want to learn from them: Their biology, their medical practices, their religion and culture. Im glad to hear about it. An illustration of a 3.5" floppy disk. Thanks for taking time to transcribe the conversations, I found it very informative, I am looking forward to hear more from you. However, they have broken the tone barriers and can now send below human sensing frequencies out. The worst is to keep shut up conforming to authority and the System without questioning. It is of an old saying that a stranger is potentially simply a friend that we have not yet met along our life's journey. In terms of your chances against a more highly developed species, you have none at all. Im able to say them but it would hurt your ear if I tell you the names in their original way. In the years 1946 to 1953 in your time scale, there were five cases where extraterrestrial ships crashed to the surface of the Earth. In the sphere of influence this causes simultaneously an automatic command from the consciousness/awareness layer to the para-layer to interact with the matter layer of the pencil. To answer your question: it depends on the strength of the human mind and on the strength of the sending reptilian. What youre referring here to is the reptilian renegades that work with Deep State and who are mentioned by David Icke in the possession of politicians and power elites. Everything paranormal is dualistic, and it exists in the space that matter inhabits as well as in the sphere of influence {Feldraum}. Answer: The Illojim came from this universe, from the solar system you call Aldebaran in your maps. "What would you do if you were observing an ant colony and someone were to walk over the ant colony, you leave or move on to the next one". That doesnt mean that it does not also exist here as well as flesh, blood, bones in the form of matter strings or atoms, but not only that. Question authority. We do not know details about the interviewer. We as humans have so much to learn. But they evolved very slow as it is normal for a mammal and if nothing extraordinary had happened to your kind, we wouldnt be able to sit here and talk because I would sit in my comfortable modern house and you would sit in your cave clothed with fur and trying to discover the secrets of fire or you would maybe sit in one of our zoos. Note of the Editor of Brother Veritus' Website: These English translations were edited to correct English grammatical errors but message and intent were left intact. Is there a second sun inside our planet? This is evolution of the body. You've mentioned many facts about the ancient war between the aliens 65 million years ago. Any contribution adds up. The testing program reported defective sectors where strangely enough there were only data which dealt with illustrations and completed textual material from the interview. You claim that your primitive ancestors lived together with the dinosaurs, survived the as you called it artificial cataclysm and evolved then over 40 million years and your evolution was completed 10 million years ago. Lacerta said in the interview. lacerta files part 3. keras image_dataset_from_directory example . The pupil is slit and can change its size from a small black line to a wide-open egg-shaped oval, because our retina is very light sensitive and the pupil must compare this. You are, after all, free spirits. I will try to explain it in short. I know exactly whats needed to prove forever that the claims you have made are actually true: Provide scientists with a meaningful description or mathematical model of something scientists can confirm. Humans in power in this planet for the last 13 millennia have been nasty power elites, bloodlines, invadors and secret societies in service-to-self. In the last time, there were some rumors about a new, fifteenth species which had arrived on Earth just 3 or 4 years ago, but we dont know anything about their intentions and we were not in contact with them till now. K. is correct? We have many question, with consequences I and Im sure my friend is willing to face. Fandom Apps Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. I will not say that I completely agree with Lacerta, but I believe she believes what she says. Your programmed mind is obviously not able to handle with such large time scales. I dont need Lacerta to teach me about God or any other creature. When they returned, they brought your (now more human) ancestors back. Beyond the outer ring of the colony, there are zones in which animals are keptyou know, we MUST consume flesh as nourishmentand the gardens in which plant nourishment and mushroom culture are cultivated; there is also hot and cold running water there from subterranean sources. Los campos obligatorios estn marcados con,,,, Eveil Homme Laffaire Lacerta : Entretien avec une Reptilienne lintgralit des pisodes,, Like you, I have a head, two arms, two hands, two legs and two feet and the proportions of my body are like yours. I think it would be important for her to understand that in our multi-plural society there is no single response to any test balloon provided by her. I delineate the coming changes in my book Brother Veritus Community Plan. These are parts of a transcript of an interview Ive made with a non-human and reptilian being in December 1999. Answer: First, my kind was of course seen and described (and worshipped) many times in your primitive past, for example in your religious writings like your Christian Bible. This story is ridiculous and physically not possible (even your species should be intelligent enough not to believe this.) I really would like to know which reaction out of this interview Lacerta wanted to see by whom. And once again, if someone doesn't find a way to contact her or someone who knows her soon, we have no chance. I have many questions for her. That is Neve McIntosh covered in special effects makeup to play Restac in the excellent Doctor Who episodes "The Hungry Earth" and "Cold Blood". As Ive grown and read so much on the internet I realise with a heavy heart that the chances are the dreams were prophetic. Humans need to work together, to evolve I believe is the point here. The current theory is, that both species had ceased to exist during the millions of years. Lacerta File II It is these people who will guard and preserve the visitors presence." That is as primitive as it is ridiculous. You cant even contact us directly, we have to contact you, just as I did with E.F. Those kinds of contacts however are not the rule but are very rare occurrences. Can you kill with those abilities? Brother Veritus Community is exactly the opposite to a cult since everybody is entitiled to have their own opinion and study and believe what he likes, obviously with exceptions in the community, like we do not accept atheists and fanatical extremists or people with bad attitudes towards others, who reject good spiritual principles. I never saw anyone get into or out of the car. By the way, the words of people who have characterized me as a Creature of Evil have their basis in the belief in occult powers and magic both of which things DO NOT exist. His story of Roswell is markedly different than what was portrayed in this story. Published in this website on December 26, 2004. In order to influence you people, we need a certain amount of time for practicing, despite your simple structure. The drive is operating correctly, to be sure, but the field fluctuates in all directions and because of that, the ship can crash. Now, lets call it primitive curiosity; I wanted to talk with the person in this cabin and so I knocked on the door. If you havent believed anything of the things Ive told you before, then you should really believe and remember this. It's just I try so desperately to talk to her. Paste the Youtube URL into the search box and then click "START" Step 4: Choose the MP3 format and the quality, then click "CONVERT" button. Lacerta does not claim her kind eats human flesh. Question: How many creatures of your kind live in this colony? Hello, I would like to know more information on this matter. Comentario * document.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "ada2c395c82320db64669062f8cd22f3" );document.getElementById("b15fa0f07c").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); New Age Website Dedicated to the Dissemination of TruthF. Oh, our embryos have tails during the first months of development, but these tails disappear before they were born. With the necessary physical knowledge and the corresponding technology, the consciousness/awareness matrix, or soul, can also be separated from its field of rest. I do not have contact with Lacerta as I said before. Major sites of us are beyond the Arctic, the Antarctic, Inner Asia, North America and Australia. Do you mean something like a hollow Earth with this? 1997Sitio Web de la Nueva Era Dedicado a la Diseminacin de la Verdad, Translation by Chris Pfeiler, Editor and Translator. It has always been gold. They do this for their own reasons and do not regard themselves as evil; were your structured way of thinking more linear and more focused as theirs is, then you would also behave in such a fashion. Can you take a look at the pictures and tell me in which of them actual extraterrestrial aerial craft can be seen? Dogma is indeed a great enemy of the human beings since it blocks the mind from seeing other realities and paradigms. Free YouTube converters will let you save videos from the world's biggest video hosting site, ready to watch offline later whenever you want. I was never very good in that mind things, but we all have these primary abilities and can use them for example for our protection or even for attack. I already know the story from your narratives, but could you repeat it here once again for this volume and for the new transcript? When I talk about our subterranean home, I talk about large cave systems. Maybe there is hope for your kind. Is there a way to gain more information? Interstellar traveling is a normal method to traverse vast universes and galaxies and will be a reality on this planet after First Contact. One possibility they have is the destruction of your social system by influence on political leaders, another is the use of advanced weapon systems which can cause earthquakes or volcanic eruptions or other disasters (including weather disasters) which may seem natural to you. You humans only enjoy being in the sun but for us it is the greatest pleasure you can imagine (maybe like your sexual excitement.) Once again, all of this may sound strange and paranoid, like a fantasy from a cheap science fiction film; however, I can only repeat to and assure the reader once again: all of this is the unadulterated truth. Will there be any further contact with Lacerta? Question: How many alien species are active on earth at the moment? Note of the Editor of Brother Veritus Website: These English translations were edited to correct English grammatical errors but message and intent were left intact. You gave them raw materials, you gave them secured locations for their bases, you gave them access to your most secret defense data, you gave them access to your DNA and much moreand all just to quench your greed for power and information. Awareness or consciousness in this case is a simple energy matrix, divided into different layers of your field in the sphere of influence nothing more, nothing less. There are special cave areas and tunnels with a strong UV light in every city and we use that places to heat our blood. I also noticed some of the words used in Lacertas answers were of English-slang or best known use in England. She seemed very sad spending her lifetime in caves under ground, in the planet that is long time home to her kind. wolf large 3 tier jewelry box; psychology of crisis management decisions; riverside county tract maps. Your conception of the physical world is based upon a simple material illusion. Should I respond?". This group includes generally your genetic relations except one of them had decided to left this group and your connection with father and mother is often the strongest. The diameter of the dome according to your measures is about two-and-a-half kilometers. Worshiping God is not a religion. I believe that you are not Bad, not Devils. In this position I am quasi-immune against certain restrictions. I'm concerned because her behavior towards the interviewer made her opinion on us seem really passive. Your opinion is intelligent and I personally would think likewise. This means not that all in that group are genetically related to you, because these groups are usually very large and contain between 40 and 70 of us. Despite of our presence on this planet, the aliens decided to help the apes to evolve a little bit faster, to serve them in the future as some kind of slave-race in coming wars. Our destruction of this planet is to due to our economic and material systems which inflict damage on an aggregate scale, but on an individual level humans dont generally want to harm other life. Most of them in politics and running the show. Those flames apparently do not go out and they burn the body right down to its last constituents. BVW is only in English and Spanish in the main website at present time.

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lacerta files part 3