the loud house, lincoln yells at ronnie anne fanfiction

Between the time that Lynn and Lincoln were born. Bobby Santiago: Exactly! *Nuzzles him*, Luan, Lana, Lola, Lisa, Lily: *watch in guilt*. It's ridiculous! Lucy Loud: That's not all, Lynn said something about that hurt his feelings. When she sees Lincoln outside his house. He tried to tell us the truth, but we didn't listen. What on earth happened!? You're safe now. Lynn Loud Jr.: After you got arrested, I had an argument with him and it was his fault for calling the cops on us. Lincoln is the first character to change voice actors/actresses due to their voice actor hitting puberty. Ronalda "Ronnie" Anne Santiago is a supporting character from The Loud House and the protagonist of its spin-off, The Casagrandes. Get away from that jinx! ], Classmate #4: [reading the note] "Happy Sloppy Joe Tuesday, Lame-o. There is the occasional food break, of course, where the reactors recount what they learned. One Christmas Eve, the Ghosts of Christmas Present showed the effects of Flip's swindling on his customers. He close the door behind him instead of replying to her. He really needs to tell her something that is important. Around ages two and three, Lincoln took a bath with Lynn who was around four and five years old at the time. Luan Loud: My pranks are terrible to him. I was about to go fashion center, but then there was some screaming and banging. Lynn looked at her mom and dad crossing their arms. There's gotta be another way. With Grey Griffin, Lara Jill Miller, Jessica DiCicco, Liliana Mumy. He sometimes gets out of chores by deliberately doing them badly, so that his parents give up and do it themselves. Luna Loud: Lynn, we're sorry that we blamed you. Lori: *Furious to Lola* Why don't you SHUT THE HELL UP, Lola?! I should've believed you. She turn the keys to turn off the van and looked at her sisters. Lori Loud: It's okay Leni. Bobby Santiago: Yeah, he did. Loudsmith | The Loud House Fanon Wikia | Fandom Okay! On Lincoln and Ronnie Anne Vlog #15, these two best friends send each other care packages to unbox on camera! Experimental One Shot. Lori walked over Leni and comfort her by hugging her second sister. Lori Loud: It was all Lynn's superstition! Me, Lori, Leni, Luna, Lucy, Laney, Lily & Ronnie are now Lincoln's roommates! Ronnie Anne Santiago: Anytime lame-o. Around age two, his father, Lynn Sr. took an embarrassing photo of Lincoln while potty-training him. He is not as good as his sisters in what they do, but he is competent enough to impress and help them in what they are doing: such as helping Lucy write her poems, being one step ahead of Luan in her pranks, preventing Lisa's experiment from exploding by adding a chemical, assisting Leni with her fashion designing, and catching Lynn's football in "Project Loud House". Sometimes, he hangs out with other kids, but the rest of his social life has not been explored, and other kids can tease him depending on the circumstance.[13][14]. Lincoln's ideal superpower is to have one of each. His favorite song is "Grab Life by the Lips" by SMOOCH. In "Sleuth or Consequences," Lincoln dresses as Ace Savvy for a convention, but unfortunately gets grounded and misses the convention. It doesn't matter whether it's good luck or bad luck. Now they all felt sympathy for her. And if you don't, I'm going to have to tell the teacher about this! Lincoln made a decision. You didn't know the truth until it was too late. He quietly closes her door leaving them sleeping peacefully. Lynn Loud Sr.: I guess I'll tell him later, but what did she say something to Lincoln? 'Not A Loud' | The Loud House The Loud House 1.61M subscribers 42K 7.6M views 2 years ago #LoudCasa #TheCasagrandes #TheLoudHouse It's Lincoln's turn to present his birth story to the. Lincoln: *enraged* Leave me alone, you scumbags. Ronnie Anne is first mentioned, but does not appear onscreen, in the episode . Thank you for being honest with me and doing the right thing. Thank you so much for understanding. Loud house | The Loud House Encyclopedia | Fandom As soon as the door close, both parents glanced at each other and smiled. Some belongs to the respectful owners. She turned around and walked back to the van. Luna Loud: Lynn, you're not a failure. Lincoln Loud: I know that, but I don't know how long my parents will be in jail. Lincoln: *furiously yells* I SAID CUT THE SHIT! You really are my hero. [17] This makes him the second smartest of the Loud siblings, after Lisa. Lincoln appears to have three different designs as a baby: The first is on the "Baby Steps" title card, where he has hair and is wearing footy pajamas (Chris Savino). Luna: *Furious* I have a better idea, Lynn. On Lincoln's seventh birthday, he had a magician themed party. To be an astronaut, cartoonist, detective, video game tester, or ghostbuster. Who does that! One by one. I'm sure everything will be back to normal for further notice. He typically uses the bathroom at 7:03 AM. Lincoln: *beyond furious* IF YOU LOVED ME, THEN YOU WOULDN'T HAVE LET THIS NONSENSE HAPPEN! Why do you always harass me with these unwanted pranks?WELL?! As with most characters, Lincoln is very skinny and has a large, round head with short white hair (light blond in live-action), with a large tuft of his hair sticking upwards on his left side and two strands sticking up on his right. Luna: *To Luan, furious* And guess what Luan!? The Loud House: Save The Date (HISHE Edition) - FanFiction Wiki Her only brother in this family. Lincoln has had broken back teeth about since he was 5 years old.[7]. No self-insert oc this time. Tomorrow by nine, the lady will be here to interview whether you treat them well or not. Lori Loud: I didn't know when this happens! Sid, Adelaide and I just to came over to tell you the story! Reacting to The Loud House is an ongoing series of The Loud House and The Casagrandes fics written by J Tom (or JTom09) in which many characters from both shows watch episodes of said shows. Lincoln thinks she's like any other girl, since she's just like her new sisters. After refusing maple syrup on his pancakes by claiming that he is "syruped out", Lincoln was banned from Canada for three years, which matches up to his duration of middle school. Lynn Loud Jr.: He's not my brother anymore. Just give him some space when it's time. He could get kidnapped or get killed by some burglars?! Savino's the ninth of ten children. You and your stupid superstition! Lola Loud: I had a bad dream too! ", Ronnie Anne: [imitating Bobby] "You don't have a bad side, babe." Lisa Loud: Just a halfway there and he is getting close. I thought I could trust the four of you, especially you two, Leni and , I guess when push comes to shove, you're just as bad as everyone else. As the only boy, 11-year-old Lincoln is in the middle of all of the chaos. None of this is real. We chastised Lynn for what she did to you, but then she threatened us to join our side! At some point in his toddlerhood, Lincoln chipped his front tooth. Meanwhile from the outside of the house, Lincoln's sisters are still in the van to find Lincoln. While Ronnie Anne goes next to take a shower, Lincoln was in her room that he has never seen her room before. Maria Santiago: I'm not so sure. Laney: *Furious, to Lynn* You brought all this on yourself. Bye. see what Lincoln is like through his late teen years. The ghost Lincoln mostly resembles his human counterpart, but wears a green elf costume and a ghostly tail. He has never tried pizza with any sort of poultry on it. Bobby Santiago: No! Well, I guess all those silly pranks I pulled on you was my own way of saying, Youre a pretty cool guy for a lame-o". Lincoln: "Uh, I don't know about that. DON'T TRY AND DENY IT! It features Bobby and Ronnie Anne Santiago as well as their . In the episode "One of the Boys," when Lincoln wishes he had a life with ten brothers, he is sent to an alternate universe of such. It eventually comes out, and it's a sloppy joe with a note on it. Forget it. Lori Loud: Look, its not what you thinking Bobby Santiago: (snapped) Think about what?! Things are crowded in the Loud household, with 11 children -- 10 girls and one boy -- causing craziness in the house. Ronnie Anne is shocked. YOU'RE NOTHING BUT LIARS AND SCUMBAGS! Like Clyde or Ronnie Anne for example. Most of the time Lincoln is quiet and relaxed, but sometimes he gets upset when he is annoyed, or when something goes wrong. She knew that she was in big trouble. He does not know that there are other types of wood and screwdrivers. So we encouraged him to give her a kiss, and when he did, she gave him a black eye. !, Lincoln: Would you like to be my friend?, Bobby: Aw, you two look so cute together!, Lincoln/Ronnie Anne (blushing): She's/Hes not my girlfriend/boyfriend! Lynn Loud Jr.: I really wanted to apologize for what I did. He dislikes sitting next to Lily, Luan, or Lynn in Vanzilla because they throw objects, pull pranks, and play rough games respectively. As for my parents, they did sign me up for sports without any constant. This is the second part where I continue the story where I stop by where Lincoln is comforted by the Santiago Family. Bobby walked to the living room and sit on the chair. I convinced you all and kicked him out from our house! (started to sobbing) This is the worst day ever! Your superstition has gone too far enough. FanFiction Wiki is a FANDOM Lifestyle Community. My third fanfiction. Care to elaborate? WE LOVE YOU! Back at the Santiago house, Lincoln Ronnie Anne, and Bobby have already eat their pizza for dinner and went to get themselves clean. Ronnie Anne Santiago: I need to be honest with you, but do hate them? It won't took any longer when the door was open and it reveals her boyfriend. Bobby Santiago: (raising his voice) All this is about that baseball game?! Leni began to cry. Rita Loud: (livid) Ugh! Lynn Loud Sr.: (sigh) Well, guess I'll have to make a quick phone call from your boyfriends house Lori glared at her dad for mentioning Bobby. You're making a big mistake! Maria Santiago: I know that sounds shocking, but your father told me that he and his wife were released from jail. It resembles the monster. Leni: *Upset & begins to cry* IT'S TRUE LINKY! But doing this isn't right! Lucy notice when Lynn was standing by the door. Her sisters were remained silence. When Lincoln turns his head, the strands in his hair never turn with his head, instead they stay in the same spot. They're half way there as the beeping goes faster once they reached him. Lincoln: Ill be honest, thats a pretty messed up way of thinking., Ronnie Anne: Ill say. In "The Whole Picture," Lincoln remembers a time he dressed as Ace Savvy for Halloween in the past. Their daughters were gasp. Ronnie Anne Santiago: Hey, you okay for that? The girls mentioned for their nightmares are most of fanfiction stories I read. And by then.. Lynn stop for a moment. Lincoln: *Smiles* Thanks Ronnie. Rita Loud: Alright everyone, let's get so we can talk to you. We knew it was our fault and we didn't want this to happen. His sleepwear is an orange nightshirt with matching pants, but sometimes he wears an orange t-shirt and his underwear. Animation. She shook her head in disappointment. In "A Flipmas Carol", Flip dreamed of two Ghosts of Christmas Present, who resembled Lincoln and Clyde. Luna and Luan glances at each other with nodded. Meanwhile from the outside of the house, Lincoln's sisters are still in the van to find Lincoln. The troop then prepares to fight against a garbage monster. ", Lincoln: "Ohwell, remember when you and the guys said that when a girl picks on me, that means she likes me? Lynn Loud Sr.: (snapped) Lynn Junior! If he could have a wish, it would be to be left-handed, since he thinks it would be cool. Hope you enjoy. Luan realized what Lynn meant. Lynn keeps crying. Ronnie: *Furious* Oh, no words?! In Lincoln's room, there is a toy that looks like a green-headed dragon without arms. On Lincoln and Ronnie Anne Vlog #15, these two best friends send each other care packages to unbox on camera! . Good, now there is something we like to tell you. Lynn Loud Jr.: (livid) He got you two arrested! (hangs up) Lincoln? Lincoln: *Smiles tearfully* Thanks moms and sisters. I don't want anything that happens to Lincoln or my sisters! ", Lincoln and his siblings altered history, causing their parents to decide not to have any kids in the future. If this is true, then it's her truly fault. It seems like he inherited it from Pop-Pop, but Pop-Pop most likely has white hair because he's old. She couldn't believe what he said to her about the breakups between her relationships. They didn't notice when Lori is crying because her makeup messed up until they heard a sniff. They snuggle in for her bed sheets. Before Lincoln could say anything, Lynn stepped out of the house.*. What are Lincoln's parents hiding and why will no one tell him the truth? The girls listen to Lynn about her nightmare. Why would I even have a girlfriend who pull down my pants, puts garbage in my locker, and physically harasses me with punches and sloppy joe's in my pantsfor three weeks straight! In "Time Trap! Got it? His favorite comics are Ace Savvy, David's Castle, and Comix Jokes. Bobby Santiago: I'm afraid that I'm gonna have to break up with you again. Again with your superstition! Likewise, he dislikes sitting in front of Lori (because she gets carsick) or Lana (because she owns a peashooter). I am a bad luck! His least favorite subject in school is Math. Subscribe for More: Watch More from Nick: SpongeBob on YouTube: NickRewind on YouTube: All That on YouTube: Whats On TV? The Loud House Fanfiction #3- Inklon - DeviantArt ", (Ronnie Anne then starts to bawl her eyes out. In Lincoln's room, Lincoln is hard at work deciding what to toss out and what to keep. Fury of Lincoln Loud, a loud house fanfic | FanFiction Lincoln wears an orange polo shirt, blue jeans, gray socks with blue and red stripes, and white sports shoes with red stripes. Lori Loud: I think it's the best that I can go talk to Bobby alone. As a parent in this house, you're grounded! He open the door and walked back in as he slams the door behind him leaving Lori crying heartbroken. Lynn Sr. and Rita were arrested and put on probation for neglect. Seeing as Lucy was present and not a baby at the time, he would have been between the ages of five and ten. *Bops her nose*, The eight of them are about to leave, but the other four sisters, except Lynn, stop them.*. I don't know why she's being so mean to him. Lynn Loud Sr.: Of course not, she's going to interview with you for tomorrow. Lincoln: Yeah! His white hair is a very unique feature that Lincoln has. This is not what I wanted! Lynn stop crying for a little, but tears still flowing. I had my daughter to watching over him while we're at work. Sid: I wonder how Clyde and I are in love! (raising his voice) Would you rather kicked your younger sisters or even Lily out from the house and leave them outsides for these criminals like what you did to Lincoln!? It's not right for them to treat him like that! (Rita gives Lincoln is allowance, $30, he takes it and he stuff it in his pockets, he runs to his room and find a gray box under his bed, he opens it and it contains $40.50, bring his total to $70.50. The first balloon animal that he ever successfully made was a kangaroo. Lucy: *Upset* It's true. His mother looked at him worried while Ronnie Anne gives Lincoln some tissues. Her boyfriend had broken her heart. After offering his cape, the two became best friends. I started to get mad and yelled at him for not listening. So what will it be? It was all because of me! Welcome to the family!New videos are released every Thursday, Friday and Sunday! They can never forget about you. She is Bobby Santiago's younger sister, as well as the other best friend and former classmate of Lincoln Loud. He appeared again in "Tricked!," when he and Clyde dressed as Ace Savvy and One-Eyed Jack were trick-or-treating. Ronnie Anne Santiago: I'm just saying that do you love your family or not. Lily: *reaches for Ronnie* Thwank you, Wonnie. [Ronnie Anne chuckles and then puts her arm around him while lifting out her other arm as if she's taking a selfie right now as he imitates Lori again] "Don't get my bad side, Bobby! In "10 Headed Beast," Lincoln imagines himself as a warrior named Linc the White-Haired. I had a terrible day. They're half way there as the beeping goes faster once they reached him. On a blisteringly hot day in late August, Lincoln and Ronnie Anne Loud returned to Royal Woods for the first time in months. Lincoln has trouble with woodworking, which causes him to lose his eyesight, the feeling on his legs, and his ears start ringing. She was speechless. Lynn has pennants hanging on her side of the room, while Lucy's side has a mirror, and a writing desk. Around age six, Lincoln and his friend Clyde made a secret hideout in a cave at Tall Timber park. At currently seven voice actors, Lincoln has had the most English voice actors out of any character in the franchise. I was against Lynn from the beginning and she threatened me. Luna: *smiles, hugs Lincoln* We do. Lincoln Loud: (sniff with lower voice) Thanks, I just hope they can forget about me and go back to their normal lives.

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the loud house, lincoln yells at ronnie anne fanfiction