trimix injection dosage forums

It may not display this or other websites correctly. I also experienced some soreness I will have to ask my urologist about the addition of licodaine. Sometimes it takes a couple of attempts to get over the freaked-outedness enough for it to work. Do you think you hit the right area / angle when you tried the lower dosages? Most patients who have taken Trimix, both in studies and in the real world, have seen significant results. Spelling is wrong yes I know! Time will tell. After the dose is set, I will be getting 30 doses per month for 6 months. It is only used as a secondary treatment for ED because it is typically more potent and effective (and hence slightly riskier). Dude, the wife and I get together at most once a week. For injection dosage form: Adults1.25 to 60 micrograms (mcg) as a single dose once a day. The risk of this outcome increases with higher dosages, which is another reason to be sure to follow your prescribers instructions with regard to how many units of Trimix to take. Just incredible. The majority of patients i have come across that have used it prior to seeing me in our clinic were not well informed and lacking in some serious information they should have been But it not like the good old days. . I was referred to your blog from the Circle and Im so glad to have found you. We believe that the ideal ratio of. Monochromatic, pink and purple tones. if their response is close to a 3 they remain in the clinic for further monitoring. Thanks for all the info and glad it worked so well for you. Im looking forward to us getting better and better now that I found this website. You will inject Tri-mix into your penis using a small needle. ED Forum (Viagra, Cialis, Trimix, Implants). Still only keeps semi hard for 30 minutes or so and then another hour just . By doing so, and observing the precautions, administration instructions, and dosage guidelines set by your prescriber, you will likely see satisfactory erections suitable for sex, without the painful and potentially dangerous side effects like persistent or painful erections, priapism, or damage to the penis. Wait 48 hours before increasing dosage. Such fun! Allow 15 minutes for medicine to work. Penile injection therapy is a well-tested treatment for erectile dysfunction. Just started trimix since my rrp 3mo ago, and yes sure dose work, still alittle apprehension with the needle, but that is nothing when you begin to feel the surge feeling as you start to inflate, and even tho there is no fluid during orgasm, its a prolonged orgasm, great feeling,, i would like to hear from some other users, and your thoughts. One of the things they often fail to tell you is without getting erections you starve your penile cells of nourishing blood and you may loose length to your sex organ. Most men are started on 15 units of the medication, which can slowly be increased up to 50 units, depending on their responsiveness. which makes my penis bigger in girth and it just seems to work better for me.and the girth is there now with my natural erections.I had no problems jumping feet first into this great thing and any man who has a healthy apatite for sex should not be afraid and jump in and please there ladys,, they wont stop smiling!!! These are the two primary biological requirements to sustain an erection. had to go to ER. I'm at 36 units and my doc said I could go up to 40. Is extreme soreness and two hour erection normal? Learn more about the signs of sex addiction and how to treat it. The greatest drug after prostate removal. Eventuallywe found a top-notch ED doctor who gavedear husband an injectible potioncalled Trimix. A1. Although it is kind of like riding a bike you dont really just have to learn that you no longer have to rush it. Intracavernous injection of Trimix (Tx) is indicated for patients unsuitable for prostaglandin E1 (PgE1) injection due to lack of response, pain or cost. Sep 24, 2014. It took me over a month to get to my full wood dose of .70ml which leaves me with over an hour of full wood. For instance, my dose is 0.3 ML and so the 5 CC container is good for about 16 shots. It is only suitable for patients who have had no success with oral ED medications. Alternate right and left side of penis with each injection. I once took two 60mg pills trying to get my erections down, but my erections did not subside. Patients should wait a full 48 hours before increasing their dosage. Dont know if I can mention the compounding pharmacy I use here, but google travel Trimix and it brings up at lease one such pharmacyoffering various formulas with more or less PGE1. Go talk with the doc again. Trimix is a prescription medication, and naturally has risks associated with it. Sorry I make the same mis-print or error. Any other cases of this still reluctant to try needle. Sourcing your Trimix through a licensed and reputable pharmacy, with a prescription, is the only way to go. Hi Guys, You need to seek professional help when using trimix. For you guys that have went to Mens Clinics and are paying outrageous prices for trimix, visit a urologist and have his write a prescrip for trimix, then take it to a Compounding Pharmacy. You can go on forever as long as time is no object. 1 to 40 mcg intracavernous injection into the lateral penis given over 5 to 10 seconds. Used I assume it is 20 or 30 units or 2/10 or 2/10 cc 1. Get the TRUTH about Trimix. First time I tried it with my wife, the was AMAZED and her first words were I can work with this!!. This is in response to Steve, May 21, 2011, just to clarify. If it does cause a trip to the ER how long does any residual pain last? It is a teeny-weeny dose, but it is sufficient for me. However, in my case, phenylephrine was the most ineffective. What If A Healthy Man Takes Sildenafil RDT? though my condition is different from what i have read here, i share a side effect. My clinic provided me with 34cc of medication which should be injected into the penis at either 10AM or 2PM using a manual injector with a safety device to assure the injector is fully depressed against the penis, before initializing the ejector button. Trimix, once injected, starts to work right away. I noticed it was coming up on an hour. It is trial and error getting the right dose.. You start low, and go slow. we can have someone call you within 4-12 hours and give you Only issue was getting my erection to go away and I started to panic after 3 and a half hours. By this time i felt they maybe taking advantage of men with ED and left without purchasing either. So I've tried Trimix 5 times with varied results. I have been using Tri-Mix for about 2 years now. Some mixtures of the medication are diluted with saline, to make dosing and measurement easier on a larger scale, though the effective dosage units/amount also scales. Do not waste your time on the gel. . Happy first anniversary which I trust you and Ted will celebrate well. They will treat and adjust the medication so it works for you. Men, Follow These Simple Tips to Improve Your Sexual Performance, How to Deal with Erectile Dysfunction in a Long-Term Relationship. The Art of Titrating and Optimizing Penile Injection Therapy for Patients with Erectile Dysfunction. That is true, regardless of how many units of Trimix are in a given injection. My first injection made me swell up. It also happens to be my birthday. The key here is that the response can be unpredictable, erratic, and risky if the vial is not THOROUGHLY mixed prior to EVERY use to ensure uniformity of solution. What are the short and long term side effects of using trimix/bi-mix? manually stimulate a man. Thanks! Intracavernous injection of Trimix (Tx) is indicated for patients unsuitable for prostaglandin E 1 (PgE 1) injection due to lack of response, pain or cost. I believe it is papaverine, phentolamine and alprostadil (prostaglandin). With injections I found adding some constriction around the base of the penis while doing the injection and for three minutes after, makes a big difference to the reliability. No, not for me. Smaller volumes should be used in children and patient with severe cardiovascular disease. But in the real world, it can take some time, and many have reported erections that neared priapism. But in the real world, it can take some time, and many have reported erections that neared priapism. Needless to say, I think he's going to be giving up on this. You should not take Trimix more frequently than specified or inject it anywhere other than in the appropriate part of the penis. One more huge point: TriMIx now comes in a gel which, with a special syringe, is forced into the urethra. The antidotes for these erections are pseudoephedrine, norepinephrine, or phenylephrine. TriMix is a miracle drug for me. Depending on the dosage your doctor recommends, injectable medication may be as little as $5 per dose, according to GoodRx. Surely you are not taking 10-12 cc of tri-mix! And with Trimix *you* are in control. This has got me thinking tonight may be Trimix night, but no minute by minute diary posting here from me. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. It worked, and what a RELIEF! For example, a 10% solution of Trimix for the same effective 20 mcg/20 units dose would come with instructions to administer 200 mcg or 2 ccs/mLs of the diluted medication. TriMix Injection Dosage The initial Trimix Injection dose should be .05cc to .2cc, depending on the patient's level of ED. So I rhapsodized a bit about it in alt.impotence and Almost out the door to the hospital numerous times. Q2. Here is information on how to use TRIMIX injections to get a hard erection: Penis Injections for Hard Erections . they immediately went into the sales pitch for trimix and a auto injector. But when after almost 4 hours, it wouldn't die down no matter what, not even with two sudafed 30mg pills, I had to go to the clinic and they drew some blood from my penis and injected an antidote of the same sudafed. see, see, told ya! 62% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 24% reported a negative experience. mcg or micrograms a measure of mass, equivalent to 1/100, units in the case of Trimix and other injectable medications, this is a term synonymous with micrograms. I suggest that you join the group called PC and intimacy. Yeah, totally endorse and relate all you have reported. Never where inject in the top or the bottom as this could cause injury. I am told from other forums this is extremely high and should keep me hard for at least 2 hrs. Poor hygiene may increase the risk of developing infections, and overuse such as taking too high a dosage increases the risk of priapism/erections requiring emergency medical care. The syringe should have two scales on it, the one in Units is probably insulin units, but it also has fractions of ML indicated. Because its generally more effective and powerful (and therefore, somewhat riskier), it is reserved as a secondary treatment for ED. This is not working for my husband, he has three bottles frozen and we are not having sex. It WORKS It is a very potent mixture of three effective ED drugs, including phentolamine, papaverine, and alprostadil, which are only available by prescription. An open discussion on Erectile Dysfunction. Best Wishes, SueJean. New to trimix. You must make sure the needle penetrates the Caverness. Dr prescribed Trimix in April. How watching pornography can cause erectile dysfunction. As many as 95% of men reported satisfactory erections for penetrative sex thanks to Trimix, even after treatment with oral ED medications had failed them. Angeline. Got as high as 1.5 but 1.2 seems about. No pain or significant bleeding from needle, just a dull ache from the prostoglandin. Not sure if this will be of help but I notice it helps to massage a bit before the injection to get it a bit enlarged. A unit is specific for each drug, not a standard volume. it took 3 seconds why i thought this was a problem i don't know. It turns out, my first dose was a bit high. I have been teaching the use of injections for over 18 years now. An injection is usually in the middle third of the penis shaft, on alternating sides and avoiding all veins, around 20 to 30 minutes before sexual activity. I tried Trimix for a few months, but stopped after learning and experiencing the following: Nobody will give you the exact composition I have erections that last a couple of hours, depending on stimulation. You drop the needle in and press the button. Once a patient decides they want to proceed with treatment they will purchase their medication and return for the 2nd step, a trial dose in the clinic. Initially, the dosage will likely be low, which can be increased until the desired effect is achieved. This is a reply that may apply to many regarding Trimix and Penile injections in general. There is no standard dosage, and it is usually incrementally tailored to the individual via feedback between the patient and the prescriber. I finally started to inject at 11 or 1 oclock and have not had one misfire since. If you so desire. Thank you so much, you cant imagine how much youve helped people. This stuff is wonderful! That is the prostaglandin and in my blend, for instance, it is 10mcg. The erectile dysfunction medication Trimix has been shown, time and time again, to be an effective remedy for men who havent had success with oral ED treatments. as a corner store clerk it was 6 months before i had the free capital, $200, to make the appointment. But after Dr. Melman gave him the first shot, his fears vanished. They range from live demonstrations, to how-to tutorials using animations or props. A dose for me is around 2 units, so I get about 22 injections. It has 120mg of Pseudoephedrine. First, its useful to go over some of the basics of Trimix what it is, how it functions, and so on. d. Turn the vial with needle and syringe inserted upside down. Im glad there is encouragement and support out there however I will tell you this is very scary. This way a prescription will be written, forwarded to the compounding pharmacy that is linked to being filled, and then delivered to your house for effective administration. I tried Trimix for the first time this weekend, 10 units, the injection was way better than anticipated, its a godsend, was erect in 10 mins and it lasted over an hour. The antidotes for these erections are pseudoephedrine, norepinephrine, or phenylephrine. Hi, Has Radical Postectomy 14 months ago. I am 74, and my wife is 69. Erections came in XL and above only. Medals ? Let's explore a little bit about how patients commonly use Trimix before going into the specifics of how many units of Trimix might be recommended. I found for best result to use a retention ring at the base of the penis. None of these videos is pornographic and all are purely instructional with some of them featuring members of this forum. I have a strip of Allegra-D just in case. it didn't even bleed nothing so im . I get about 25 doese for $125, supplies inc. Attempt 1: 5 units (.05ml) decent erection lasting around a half hour. Woke up with priaprisim and wound up in ER. I am a flower childin the sense that there is nothing I love more in the world than some pretty blossoms. Can someone answer me this? They still leave with a starting dose and titration scale for home but it is reduced. based on their response their starting dose for home is determined and they are given a titration scale for home to adjust as needed. Increase by 0.025 cc to 0.050 cc until a satisfactory dose is reached. Same amount of drug can produce either an erection that lasts less than 2 minutes, so of no use, or one that goes on and on for hours. For some men, erections during the effective time period go away following orgasm and ejaculation, whereas for others, they do not. It contains three vasodilators: papaverine, phentolamine, and prostaglandin E1. I have been using Tri Mix for several months. So, given the above, the first thing patients should know regarding how many units of Trimix they should take is what a unit is a microgram. I was pretty much in the same boat. Did not help. I pay $80 for 11.5ml (Atro 52mcg/ml, Phen 0.9mg/ml, Pap 26mg/ml). It is stated to NOT freeze these hormones on the instructions as such will destroy the effect. Is there any concern about that? That equates to 0.10 to 0.50 ml.. And increasing dose by a half unit at a time sounds ridiculous to me. I lowered my A1Cs to 5.6, but still had these problems.

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trimix injection dosage forums