what is the highest iq possible

Yet, I was still pretty smart and an all A student. Recruited by an ultra-secretive IQ society at the age of two months, I quickly became its supreme leader. You, my friend, are smarter than you think. Note ages of kids vary. For all the big numbers, a high IQ does NOT equate to COMMON SENSE.I know alot of people with high IQ that havent got enough common sense to come in out of the rain. Be mindful about what you are writing before you post it. It is impossible for a person with a high intellect to then write (or communicate) as if they are still in Middle School. An 11-Year-Old Just Earned the Highest IQ Score Possible That does not mean intelligence, for to measure intelligence, you would have to define it first. Verbal and non-verbal intelligence changes in the teenage brain. Keep up the great work!!! Its in the geological records and therefore man has no effect/ability to counteract global processes such as these in all but infinitesimal cases, as we are but a speck in the vastness of molecules. However when do we really need someone who can immediately solve a problem they have never seen before or when the cause is found, then be able to learn the correct method in a matter of hours. My IQ was just tested by a psychiatrist and was recorded at 194, it is a blessing and a curse. Or they tend to promote the candidate with the degree/highest level of education. I am very creative and have several self taught skills (hair styling, wig making, makeup artistry and practically anything that requires one to use their head and mind). Wicherts JM, et al. Thinking. I am now 12, and seriously, people can be so jealous! I doubt it! scores mean different things in infants to those in early childhood though these have some similar meaning to those in adults. Hello, is an iq of 140 for a nine year old good? The decades-long controversy over IQs wont end anytime soon. Not the fountain trick, a glass so you dont short yourself on volume. Which means they have to have a big enough vocabulary to be able to think. God, I love my dangling modifiers and my complex compound errors. Also, why are you reading college text books? Its what you do with the potential that matters. Take Jack Ma for example, his IQ is not at all high, he barely graduated from a community college with a bachelors in english. I have a shot memory most of the time. The fact that you make that kind of false statement proves it. My daughter became a textile engineer in 2001. after my business failed I went to drexel college night school and earned a bs degree in electrical and computer engineering. If I could have chosen, Id rather choose the opposite. Is it okay. However, IQ alone doesnt tell the whole story. Lao Tzu: If I tell you that I do not, will you believe me?. Camped over much of North America durinf the summers. By the way, why was your God so mean that he/she did not give you a higher intelligence than what you have and also gave a great number of people very low intelligence, increasing the suffering of the human race.. Genesis is no more trustworthy than many different sagas even older than your bible. My friend has an i1 of 140 and he is younger than me by a few months. However, when I eventually decided to have a go at joining MENSA, I only just scraped in with an IQ about 135. Protecting against cognitive decline. A score of 116 or more is considered above average. Good Luck! Looking At Versus Focusing On Faces: What Attracts Our Attention? While waiting for the bus my fellow neighbourhood kids were fascinated when I showed them, all not slide-rule users, how superior the Japanese circular slide rule I had was. Credit: The American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Death to the anti-racists who push the lie that all the subspecies are the same or capable of the same. If I had my way everyone would be made to wear external ID so that people could avoid the arguments of unmatched challengers, and so that I could be left alone and not have to deal with the moronic level of obtuse opinions of out false leaders, (not leading me) and their catering to numbnuts at the middle of the bell curve. Top 10 People Have Highest IQ Scores in the World - IQ Test Because I know! You must be SO SMART! Back when I was fifteen I was tested by Mensa with an exam, in the UK, with a maximum score of two hundred. In all honesty, I was never able to complete more than one year of college but, consider myself smarter than most of my friends who did. I used to teach these guys mathematics during break times. Hawking battled ALS from 1963 when he was diagnosed until his death in March of 2018. Perhaps, I should take into consideration why this comment was made, the probability of this comment being true, and how trustworthy people who have the chance of acting like someone else would be in this situation. EVERYTHING SHOULD BE CONSIDERED WITH DOUBT. . I was tested at a special facility meant for psychological mind inputs. Increasing fluid intelligence is possible after all. Average group I found this place by accident, I was actually googled about something entirely different, but I found the comment sections very interesting. of a County Wildlife Association, Director to the Provincial Federation, Joined a social Square dance group and in a yer my wife and I were leaders in their administration. That is not a ba ba its a bottle and kept it that way. . IQ not to mention michiganu isnt ivy league so its not that hard to get into. 35 People With Highest IQ In the WorldSmartest Person in the One must remember that somewhere over 130 IQs become more and more subjective and targeted and often narrow. Mensa International I cant say that made the whole difference, my second daughter didnt say a word till 9 10 months she was taught the same way . This forum is total, absolute waste of time and misleading in toto. More specifically, where did you get the number 190 for Philip Emeagwali? If somehow you manage to stumble across it again, I would love a new friend to have those intellectual and fun conversations with from dusk til dawn. Most everything that you have herein stated is opinion-based and although probability demands that you should at times land close to some semblance of truth in your ramblings, you have definitively beaten the odds. I dont know my IQ, but Im pretty sure I have about 2 and a half brain cells. Theres no proof that cognitive training raises overall intelligence. Bill, a small reminder that you are a United States American, not just an american. Come on my dear Derelict Lujine, what are you talking about? I just figured my parents and other adults saying im smart and can do better is what they said to all children. Im both intrigued and appalled by the level of narcissism on it. Or the basic moderate Muslim forced to act and think stupid regardless of whether they had a brain with a mind when they were born. My parents had a high educatiopn and did not understand that I was very smart. God is of all possible genders, whether or not God even has a definable gender. In theory a 70 IQ human could be much more intelligent than someone with 200 IQ. Does it really matter? Possible Welp, guess you dont know what Everyone has there own opinions means. IQ score: 139.6 Franklin Roosevelt was one of the most influential U.S. presidents in modern times and was the only one to serve three full terms. we can assume 225 to be the IQ of God. Start by going to the faciity where you were tested. I advise that if you wish to respond to this, first take a deep breath. Although I could raise my IQ by trashing some of the others.naaah, Ill leave that delusional rating method to them. degree and B.S. (2014). This sction of comments is just full of people expressing their IQ score, but itll only be useful if you can use your head straight and for the right thing ya know. I once took an English vocabulary test with words drawn from various disciplines and the result put me at a level which only 20 people in the US population would have been able to attain. Which is only true for a boy under the age of 4. I was told that Einsteins was 160 because the measurement basically didnt go any higher. I am so jealous! Further, the fact that the authors name is Juan Ramos in no way allows readers to assume *anything* about him. You can tell if you are a genius if you can succeed at what others have deemed impossible, as I have done countless times. If I met a genius, I wouldnt call them an idiot liar, Id ask for their help, for a small bit of knowledge. Spatial I.Q. Ive met people with average IQ whom i consider to be more talented than i am in many things. If you think about it, many smart kids have smart parents. A couple years later when my family moved from California to Utah I was give various tests and found that I was just bored with the level of instruction and then advanced from 3rd to 6th grade in one year. If you suspect your child has a learning disability, getting them tested is the first step. In summary it makes my life interesting and diverse. I do not often feel very comfortable crushing others illusions, but your self-applauding foolishness deserves a little beat-down. Family photos show i was walking & talking by age 7 months, & self taught to read by age 3by age 4 i was reading adult level & could read bits of foreign languages as wellbecause i could also read and write upside down & backwards, with both hands simultaneously, i skipped kindergarten & started first grade at age 4..first grade was pure torture, everyone else was learning the alphabet & how to read..i was terribly bored until high school, where the library was a little more advanced..i am a speed reader & finished the library by the end of my second year.i have a degree in Computer Science & in Graphic Arts, studied Nursing but refused to test when i realized the medications we were expected to give patients were little more than toxins & that was unacceptable..to harm instead of heal was to my mind Not what it was all about. I was also an all A student, that was until I realized that no one cares in the real world. e.g. But life has never been easy for me. A person with IQ which is 10 billion to 1 can still be born with current global population; its just the probability of this thing happening is very low. They even thought that I was autistic. This was 44 years ago. He didnt have an easy time in college, later moving to Texas where he became a teacher. I remeber everything. See I can play make believe on the internet too! By this time was a Capt. societies; have remained a member of the most selective of all; and was for many years listed in the Guinness Book of World records. I saw it with so many babies being brought up having to learn useless crap for 2-3 years then start over and try to catch up while their supposed to be learning. I hope you will all share your time here with me and tell others show great I am and if they want they can join us next time, aslong as they can handle me next time I come! While mathematical contructs such as statistics are reasonably good at predicting general outcomes, they are rarely good at predicting anomalies, which anyone with a significantly high IQ becomes, even statistically. This is somewhere a little above 6.8 standard deviations. Nobody has never been able to show that his/her God really exists or that this particular God created the universe. All low and useless people have no sense of humor about most things including themselves. While some of the scores below lie well above an IQ of 200, there is a debate about whether an IQ above 200 is theoretically possible (practicable). All people with high intelligence already knows this. Go look it up to see if the symptoms and presentation jives? My conclusion is that intelligence and God should not be discussed in the same context , at all for the simple reason that there is no God .. or there have been thousands of Gods created by people with higher intelligence and fantasy. You should be proud of yourself and your friend should be too. All that matters is hard work. They do compete in different leagues of chess. Theres also no shortage of debate on the accuracy of scoring. My mother was more sympathetic. Adolescent Self-Efficacy Is Shaped By Family, School, And Peers. Youre lucky Don. Cmon, that is as unscientific as atheists seeing a God creating all of this out of nothing. But I debate that (I wrote the EQ book stole by a teacher and wrote the SQ book that I decided not to publish) and believe that living around normal people that seem like they have never closely observed anything that matters, (hand sweeps over my head) has lowered my IQ a couple points. Yes, there is a predictive part of IQ calculation, but thats only because its not possible to measure each and every persons score. Just like people talk of zodiac signs, likewisethey talk IQ. Babies are like sponges they learn baby talk then you struggle to teach them the real words for everything they learned the first 3 years of life . I can be rather blunt at times. Even a moron can see that is fair, yet capitalism rewards those with inherited resources and they oppress/suppress their intellectual-superiors at every opportunity out of competition. Your not capable of much more than someone that works hard. Everything is funny but most of all know this, High IQ is hell on the planet of the ape level intelligence, and lonely, and no guarantee of material success, other than myself because I well nevermind, AND we all make mistakes unrelated to the high-speed high-resolution minds we have that often know the answer before the question. I went and got 27 college credits in music and 19 in science and physics (aero as dad was a helicopter genius with many firsts) by graduation. If the lowly plumber fixes the geniuss faucet for $700, who has the greater intelligence? calm down your below average IQ score isnt that bad. Credit Gert-Martin Greuel via Wikimedia Commons is licensed under CC-BY-SA 2.0. The model also assumes a normal distribution, which is unlikely to be accurate. I really did transition, but thats because Ive always been a woman. Full on adult conversations. Someone who was mature wouldnt care if people who obviously had reason to doubt what they wrote on the internet thought it was dumb. WebLeonardo Da Vinci had an estimated IQ of around 220, which is the highest IQ score ever recorded in human history. Verbal ability tops out around 30-40 years and remains stable till about age 70 and decline beyond this age is highly individual. . Derrrr, Actually dyslexics have better memory than most people. Exceptionally smart and extremely wise are two different abilities. Humor. One other point I would like to mention is that there are numerous games on the market designed specifically for toddler age children. It blew my mind because I New I was different because I cant really connect with people and they dont seem to understand me and my way of thinking. You forgot an apostrophe and misplaced two spaces. Im just saying, if you were as mature as you deem yourself to be, you would have constructed the comment in a slightly less offensive way in order to not make the people with average IQ not feel bad. Don't see the answer that you're looking for? Given a rough estimate of the world population of 7 billion, one can back-calculate what IQ is expected for the smartest person on the planet given the normal distribution. Sure. Depending on their genetics, it is possible. I suggest you take an English class where you are taught how to diagram sentences in English. He enrolled for ophthalmologist at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. No one really, yknow, cares what a child of near-genius level is capable of. However, experts assumed that 2. At the time, Lewis was employed by the United States Army. To being a electronic, s tec to a vast understanding of law .ect its up to the person to expand their mind most schooling cant give you all you need to be smart. Now, having ascertained clear clarity, I see well in the dark. Won over three promotions in a few years, then boss said I had to get at least a GED high school equivalent, or wouldnt be able to get any more promotions. He is famous for being the best chess player of all time, winning more chess games than anyone else. Dear Sir : I.Q. James Wood - (180 -184) Image: gettyimages.com Source: UGC Who has the highest IQ in the world? So not a genius, but not dumb either. Just as the human body can be strengthened and toned through regular exercise, so the mind can be stretched and sharpened through a programme of Brain Building. Brain Building In Just 2 Weeks by Marilyn vos Savant.

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what is the highest iq possible