which statement about public relations is correct

Such PR efforts eventually led to a treaty with France that helped the colonists win their freedom from Great Britain (Isaacson, 2003). Preserve the integrity of the process of communication. Much like the Volkswagen ads half a century before, Toyota used a style of self-awareness to market its automobiles. Advertising influences brand and product awareness in individuals and in groups. Corporations, conveniently, grew large enough to have massive budgets to spend on advertising. Chapter 1 - History, Impact, and The Big Picture, Chapter 2 - Digital Culture and Social Media's Impact on Public Relations, Chapter 4 - Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) and Public Relations, Chapter 5 - Why Public Relations Writing Matters, Chapter 6 - The Role of Writing in Public Relations, Chapter 7 - Public Relations Writing Basics, Chapter 8 - Ethical and Legal Considerations, Chapter 9 - Tools and Tactics for the PR Toolbox, Chapter 10 - Establishing a Professional Portfolio. Some experts think of public relations more broadly. Working with mass media (television, web sites, newspapers, magazines, and the like) by seeking publicity or responding to their interests in the organization. The main objective of public relations is to maintain a positive reputation of the brand and maintain a strategic relationship with the public, prospective customers, partners, investors, employees and other stakeholders which leads to a positive image of the brand and makes it seem honest, successful, important, and relevant. The company created stories about celebrity proposals and gifts between lovers that stressed the size of the diamonds given. D. Public relations deals only with the activities designed to sell a product or service. Promoting harmful products can be damaging socially, professionally and personally. Regardless of its purpose, a typical campaign often involves four phases. Recently Toyota faced a marketing crisis when it instituted a massive recall based on safety issues. Media relations uses one the press. Finally, the two-way symmetrical model argues that the public relations practitioner should serve as a liaison between the organization and key publics, rather than as a persuader. First, the consumer needs to be made aware of the brand and its products. Advertising in the modern sense emerged between the mid-19th and early-20th centuries. The groups working against smoking were not familiar with media relations, making it harder for journalists to quote them and use their arguments. The image below outlines other differences. In response, the tobacco industry began using PR techniques to increase brand presence. Its. Preserve intellectual property rights in the marketplace. These chats aimed to justify many New Deal policies, and they helped the president bypass the press and speak directly to the people. By attaching the Marlboro brand to such an important cultural event, the company gained an enormous amount of publicity. You can influence other people by what you read and share, and you are encouraged once again to be aware of where your news sources get their information. Handling unfavorable publicity means being honest with consumers and putting public interest first. Now, PR has to work in a digital media system where news reporters and editors are not the major gatekeepers deciding what information will be made public. To protect the privacy rights of clients, organizations, and individuals by safeguarding confidential information. C. Advertising is not useful for persuading an audience. Source: James E. Grunig and Todd Hunt, Managing Public Relations (Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Publishing, 1984). It is often thought of as deception, but this is not always the case. Twitter and Instagram followers and Facebook friends can easily be bought. In their book The Fall of Advertising and the Rise of PR, Al and Laura Ries make the point that the public trusts the press far more than they trust advertisements. 2003-2023 Chegg Inc. All rights reserved. This article from PRSA provides tips to those beginning a career in public relations. Eventually, Nike created a vice president for corporate responsibility to deal with sweatshop issues.2. The two-way symmetric model is useful in communicating within an organization because it helps employees feel they are an important part of the company. Outrage over this testimony helped galvanize opinion in favor of U.S. involvement. Lobbyists also attempt to influence public policy using PR campaigns. relations? Act in the best interests of the client or employer, even subordinating the members personal interests. The purchase decision is ultimately a personal one. Public relations is not considered a management function. Creating a sense of mystery around a brand generates an aura that bypasses the usual cynical take on commercial icons. Under the traditional publicity model, PR professionals seek to create media coverage for a client, product, or event. Knowing that advertising can influence peoples awareness and purchase decisions, we tend to develop a sort of double delusion where we think other people are probably affected more than they are, and we think we are influenced less than we are. This audience may include media outlets, constituents, consumers, and competitors. He was concerned about another World War starting between the United States and China. Practitioners do not conduct audience analysis research to guide their strategies and tactics. Probably the most important difference between marketing, public relations, and advertising is the primary focus. Historically, PR depended on other media platforms such as TV, newspapers and magazines to promote its content. To fully understand the power of inbound marketing, ask yourself if you have ever become a brand advocate. Communications & Public Relations Internship, Atlantic Health Systems Following the third-person effect theory, an individual hears about a storm coming to the East Coast of the United States. Researchers have found it is probably strongest in situations where groups have little understanding of one another and where the messages and perceived outcomes are thought to be negative (note the section on Perloff). All the more reason to maintain good longstanding relationships with your consumers. The promotion of products dates back thousands of years, but the modern advertising explosion tracks explosive growth in industrial manufacturing from roughly the mid-1800s through the entire 20th century. We do not want anyone to beat us to the bread and milk. tool. Chapter 3 - Public Relations Basics - The Evolving World - Unizin Be honest and accurate in all communications. Public relations people can use these various platforms andchannelsto publish press releases. To prevent its potential decline in the product lite-cycle, Disney runs a lot of commercials featuring Mickey Mouse showing you the fun times you could have in visiting Disney World again with your family, The commercials run throughout the year, though sometimes the amount of advertising can vary depending upon vacation season, weather and the economy, This example represents select all that apply): Use of a personality symbol Reminder advertising Sales promation Media scheduling based on flighting Madison & Vine. Question 1 1 pts Which is an accurate statement about public relations? a- The most common publicity-based tool is the news How does the bread and milk effect work? limitations. If Nike introduces a new Air Jordan, the branding is easily handled. Rather, this is a tested theory demonstrated in multiple studies. Professionals and academics examine and manipulate all four components to isolate which changes correlate with which behavioral effects. Branding, once a technique used by companies to sell their products, has become an everyday means of communication. please help me to solve these When a public relations practitioner is working in the field, they build a list of relationships that becomeassets, especially in media relations. Actively pursue personal professional development. This renaming helped New York City eliminate tons of sewage by shipping it to states that allowed biosolids (Stauber & Rampton, 1995). PR techniques have been used in propaganda efforts throughout the 20th century. A great deal of Apples success comes from the companys mystique. In 1953, studies showing the detrimental health effects of smoking caused a drop in cigarette sales. It is important to map out potential negative scenarios and have a PR plan for each one. (Public relations View the full answer Transcribed image text: all AT&T 2:49 4 Exit 1 Which is an accurate statement about public relations? Rather than displaying one commercial for several months, the BTL social media campaign might be made up of dozens of targeted videos, tweets, influencer posts and online ads. b. a collection of techniques for persuading news organizations to give space or time to people or products that are not inherently newsworthy. A sponsorshipis when a company pays to support an event or a mass media production in exchange for having its brand promoted alongside the activity or content. b- The most common publicity-based tool is the press PR can focus on the company and the corporate narrative, the story of how the company came to exist and how it represents certain values and ideals at least in theory. Whether you're looking for a new position or a new employee, start your search on the PRSA Jobcenter. relations? Sponsorship is often used as part of a public relations campaign. Line agencies perform tasks and administer programs, while staff agencies furnish advice and give assistance. b. Protecting the integrity and reputation of an organization is important, but putting public interest ahead of the organizations interest is key to gaining consumer trust and loyalty. Positive, assertive communication focuses attention on the most important aspects of the problem and moves the process forward to resolution, even in the face of antagonistic news media. For most of the 20th century, the shorthand definition of PR was that it was like advertising only instead of paying a media outlet to run a message, you sent the message out to journalists and other gatekeepers (see Chapter 7) in the hopes that they would share the information as news. At the same time that the concept of brands was developing, mass-media platforms such as daily newspapers and radio broadcasts grew their audiences and spread their influence geographically. Now the concern has become a self-fulfilling prophecy. Marketings four Ps often described as product, price, place and promotion (or position) encompass much more than making messages to support brands and products. PR campaigns promoted the image of the Saturn family, associating the company with powerful American values and giving Saturn owners a sense of community. After considering all of these factors, practitioners are better educated to select the best type of campaign. This section describes a few notable PR campaigns over the years. To improve, adapt and expand professional practices. PR is about promoting good relationships with your consumers, your employees and the communities where your products are made. In many ways, marketing (particularly content marketing) bridges the concepts of advertising and public relations because it includes content production similar to advertising and it establishes relationships with consumers, which is the ultimate purpose of PR. The PR program must describe its target audiencein most instances, PR programs are aimed at multiple audiences that have varying points of view and needs. Finally, we presume that they will behave in certain ways because of the message and because of our preconceptions about different groups. The most common . This explains why negative news gets so much more attention than positive news. Advertising is challenging enough when products do not raise ethical dilemmas. The company should never try to minimize a serious problem or smooth it over in the hope that no one will notice. The Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) defines public relations as a strategic communication process that builds mutually beneficial relationships between organizations and their publics (2016, para. Since its modern inception in the early 20th century, PR has turned out countless campaignssome highly successful, others dismal failures. Building and managing relationships with those who influence an organizations or individuals audiences is critical in public relations. PR campaigns occur for any number of reasons. E. This was a way of breaking down mass influence beyond advertising. Costco and Sams Club even put limits on the number of large bags of rice people could purchase. However, the communication pattern is still one-way. The level of public trust PRSA members seek, as we serve the public good, means we have taken on a special obligation to operate ethically. In this model, accuracy is not important and organizations do not seek audience feedback or conduct audience analysis research. Solved Question 1 1 pts Which is an accurate statement about - Chegg Helping people to survive is one of the primary functions of journalism. A company sends out customer satisfaction surveys; company Facebook groups and message boards. C. Public relations has the same objectives as product and service promotion. After the overall campaign has been determined, PR practitioners enter the evaluation phase. The goal of the public information model is to release information to a constituency. To earn trust and mutual respect with clients or employers. We provide a voice in the marketplace of ideas, facts, and viewpoints to aid informed public debate. An example of earned media is when Apple released a new iPhone, and news organizations provided coverage of the lines that wrapped around city blocks as people waited for the latest gadget. Often software algorithms are used to decide who sees which targeted ad and when. Here, practitioners are negotiators and use communication to ensure that all involved parties benefit, not just the organization that employs them. Responding to concerns, informing, and motivating and organizations current employees or members. Apple has also employed this type of branding with great effectiveness. Encourage clients and customers to determine if a conflict exists after notifying all affected parties. The Blackspot logo is a simple round dot that looks like it has been scribbled with white paint, as if a typical logo had been covered over. Whereas advertising is the paid use of media space to sell something, public relations (PR) is the attempt to establish and maintain good relations between an organization and its constituents (Theaker, 2004). Common PR activities include speaking at conferences, seeking industry awards, working with the press, communicating with employees, and sending out press releases. Grunig and Hunt (1984) developed four models of public relations that describe the fields various management and organizational practices. Click here for more information on what you can expect in a public relations career. Investor relations are also often carried out under this model. People are, in fact, buying up the bread and milk. Roosevelts personal tone and his familiarity with the medium of radio helped the Fireside Chats become an important promotional tool for his administration and its programs. Front groups: A member implements grass roots campaigns or letter-writing campaigns to legislators on behalf of undisclosed interest groups. Experts are tested by Chegg as specialists in their subject area. Behavioral phenomena, particularly changes in behavior, are driven by many variables, as we have discussed several times; however, if you want to begin to look at an advertising campaign, film or news documentary to examine its effects, this is the model to start with. C) Special events are a type of public relations. a- Marketers cannot control whether the media choose to publish The term public affairs is also used by government agencies to describe their public relations activities and by many corporations as an umbrella term to describe multiple public relation activities. For example, can we represent the interests of loyal employee groups while our shareholders demand layoffs in favor of low-cost offshore suppliers?. Branding has been used to great effect in recent elections. The top of the funnel areas of awareness and interest will not need as much focus as the decision and action areas, the down funnel aspects of a campaign for a well-known and well-loved brand. The group can review their campaign plan and evaluate its potential effectiveness. You should be aware as an information consumer that there are ongoing battles for your allegiance. A major goal of PR efforts during a crisis is to try to make people forget there ever was a crisis. A. Part 2: Public Relations Writing - Skills and Basics, The Evolving World of Public Relations : Beyond the Press Release. Note here that social science theories are based on many observable facts. Professional agents seek media coverage for a client, product, or event. A member spreads malicious and unfounded rumors about a competitor in order to alienate the competitors clients and employees in a ploy to recruit people and business. In some cases, PR has begun overtaking advertising as the preferred way of promoting a particular company or product. relations? Solved all AT&T 2:49 4 Exit 1 Which is an accurate | Chegg.com We can say with a degree of certainty that some people are directly influenced by some ads some of the time, and we can say that many people are indirectly influenced by ads almost all of the time. In a sense, content marketing allows a brand to create a more human profile in digital spaces. In 1992, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency adopted the new term and changed the classification of biosolids to a fertilizer from a hazardous waste. A member changes jobs, takes confidential information, and uses that information in the new position to the detriment of the former employer. Creating and maintaining investor confidence and building good relationships with financial community. Although there are similarities, there also are key differences. Mass audiences may be in decline but entities who know how to build mass networks of users and how to successfully, if not always ethically, use their information are only starting to show their power. Be in good academic standing. This statement presents the core values of PRSA members and, more broadly, of the public relations profession. c. He thought a relationship with China might drive a wedge between the Soviet Union and China. Besides the conflict during crisis situations between journalists and PR professionals, there are PR battles that go on between competing brands and between non-profits, corporations and government officials all the time. The scenarios outlined in the Code provision are actual examples of misconduct. The big picture of marketing is briefly addressed before the chapter concludes with sections on public relations and propaganda. The single explosion on BPs deep-water oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico essentially nullified the PR work of the previous 10 years, immediately putting BP at the bottom of the list of environmentally concerned companies. Systematic process and planning of an organizations promotional efforts, Larger umbrella term that includes public relations and advertising, Focused on the promotion of products and/or services in order to drive sales, Audience is primarily customers or potential buyers, Paid media: companies have to pay for marketing efforts, Focused on creating a favorable public image through relationship building and reputation management.

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which statement about public relations is correct