famous cuban inventors

. Leyanis Hernandez wears a pair of bluetooth headphones while skating with friends on Prado, the famous walkway in Central Havana. Many Cubans can't get parts to fix the old American and Russian cars, but adding electronic entertainment is becoming popular. "Alfonso Caso y Andrade: 1896 1970." Learn more: Grace Murray HopperA Legacy of Innovation and Service. Now, in the Internet era there are no shortage of Cuban entrepreneurs aspiring to overcome the technological drought. She holds several patents for the technology to isolate various types of stem cells. Roswell Park is preparing for a clinical trial to test Racotumomab in multiple myeloma, and it's prepping VSSP for three trials -- two in kidney cancer and one in breast cancer. With fans that include Eric Clapton, Derek Trucks, Steve Gadd, Taj Mahal and Quincy Jones, Martinez is the world's first-call rumbero, and a consummate master of Afro-Cuban folkloric music and. Try this: Watch this video to learn more about stem cells and their importance to modern medicine. Known for: This Founding Father was an innovator in more ways than one, and he was among historys most famous inventors. Known for: One of the most famous inventors around, Bell gave the world the telephone. On the Dec. 12 episode of Sundial we are remembering the father of the ventanitas, Felipe Valls Sr. the inventor of the Miami coffee window and founder of arguably the most famous Cuban . Try this: Da Vinci was fascinated by flying machines. "Carlos Juan Finlay (1833 - 1915)." For this reason is it hardly enjoyable for anyone involved, Oroza says. (July 7, 2014) http://www.nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/chemistry/laureates/1970/leloir-bio.html. Try this: Learn how to make your own incandescent light bulb using a glass jar and a battery. But Convit, who was born in Caracas, Venezuela, and died there a century later, extended his hand beyond the confines of the lab or doctor's office. Please check your inbox to confirm. Houssay's research into the relationship between sugar metabolism and a pituitary hormone earned him the 1947 Nobel Prize in physiology or medicine and, more importantly, marked a turning point in diabetes management. But Caso's influence extended far beyond the sciences. "Luis Alvarez: 1911-1988." 9 Afro-Cuban Artists & Intellectuals You Should Know He spent the rest of his career at Cambridge and held dual Argentine-British citizenship [sources: Chang; Nobel Prize; Telegraph UK]. 2023 BuzzFeed, Inc. All rights reserved. She filed her patent in 1966, and it includes innovations still used today. Known for: Petite has made major contributions to wireless technologies, including the components of the Smart Grid. Ernesto Lecuona, often regarded as the greatest Cuban composer Esteban Salas y Castro, 18th century Cuban baroque composer Gonzalo Roig, often regarded as one of the greatest composers of Cuba, "Quiere me mucho"/ Cecilia Valdez Ignacio Cervantes, Chopinesque piano composer Jos White Lafitte, violinist and composer Racotumomab targets a molecule that scientists believe is found on all cancer cells, which means the drug could one day be effective against blood cancers as well as the solid tumors that accompany diseases like lung, breast, prostate and colon cancer. She was formerly digital managing editor for the PBS NewsHour. Raul Castro, Fidels younger brother, has led the country since 2006. He spent much of his career working for NASAs Jet Propulsion Laboratory, and his innovations in aerospace technology are legendary. Known for: Any kid whos ever played with a Super Soaker or Nerf blaster has Dr. Johnson to thank! Ochoa, who was honored with NASAs Distinguished Service Medal, served as the director of the Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas, from 2013 to 2018. The movable type he used made mass printing possible and brought books and reading to the masses. For each one, youll find resources for more information and hands-on activities to help kids learn more about their achievements. But over the years, scientists have developed a variety of different treatments that can transform cancer into a chronic, survivable condition. (July 4, 2014) http://www.dailycal.org/2014/06/17/frank-asaro-uc-berkeley-nuclear-chemist-dies-age-86/, Milstein, Csar. Take these two eminent medical men both born in Caracas, Venezuela, whom you'll meet in a little bit. 1: Franklin Chang-Daz (1950-) and Ellen Ochoa (1958-), Anthropology News. Speaking of the immune system, when using antibodies to combat viruses or bacteria, the human immune system favors an everything-but-the-kitchen-sink approach. Our final entry jointly honors two pioneers of space: physicist Franklin Chang-Daz, the first Hispanic-American astronaut, and engineer Ellen Ochoa, the first female Hispanic-American astronaut (see her picture on the first page). Gloria Estefan, Desi Arnaz, Cesar Romero, Rosario Dawson, Cameron Diaz, Marco Rubio, Jeff Bezos, Eva Mendes, Pitbull, Andy Garcia, Gilbert Arenas, and Ted Cruz are just some of the famous Cubans whom the world knows and lauds. Gloria Estefan. He tested its efficacy in children against diffuse pontine glioma (aggressive and difficult-to-treat brain tumors) across multiple sites in Canada and the U.S., and found that the drug wasnt effective. Ask kids to name famous inventors, and you might get Thomas Edison or Henry Ford. When the one-hour Internet cards sold at hotspots were prohibitively expensive (theyre more than $2double the average daily wage), savvy entrepreneurs started divvying them up and selling shorter, slower allotments. There were major hurdles facing Cubas entry into the technologically advancing world. Photo by Ernesto Oroza & Penelope de Bozzi. "Jacinto Convit." (July 7, 2014) http://www.nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/medicine/laureates/1984/milstein-bio.html, Molina, Mario J. Photo by Ernesto Oroza. (July 3, 2014) http://www.nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/chemistry/laureates/1995/molina-bio.html, Molina, Mario J. "Award Ceremony Speech: Luis Leloir." His methods were so successful they led to an abundance of peanuts, soybeans, and sweet potatoes, and he spent much of his life coming up with new uses for them. Closely following them are Galileo, Pythagoras, Marie Curie, Charles Darwin and Nicola Tesla. Read more about Cuban inventions in How communism turned Cuba into an island of hackers and DIY engineers. (July 3, 2014) http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/05/12/us-venezuela-people-convit-idUSKBN0DS1A720140512, Crutzen, Paul. Gaillard, Gerald. Benacerraf later recalled how the mixture of his heritage and upbringing created difficulties for him both in America and when he later temporarily moved to Paris [sources: Benacerraf; Encyclopaedia Britannica; Nobel Prize]. Today, yellow fever afflicts roughly 200,000 and kills 30,000 people annually, mostly in African areas lacking vaccines. Photo by Desmond Boylan/Reuters RIGHT: Farmer Carlos Frachi invented a crop irrigation system using soda bottles. The late 20th century was marked by the recognition that humans could significantly affect the environment, even Earth itself. Thank you. Read more about Cuban inventions in How communism turned Cuba into an island of hackers and DIY engineers. Oct. 1, 2013. These ulcers can become vulnerable to gangrene (tissue death), and in a worst-case scenario can result in toe, foot or leg amputations. With his robotics training, Fernndez has created a Roomba from scratch using processors brought into the country by his friends. About 1.7 million Americans will be diagnosed with cancer this year, and about 600,000 are expected to die of it. By combining these cells with immortal myeloma cells, Milstein and postdoc Georges Khler produced large amounts of long-lived, identical (monoclonal) antibodies. Known for: Every time you plug your phone in to charge or attach a component to your laptop, you can thank Ajay Bhatt for inventing USB technology. Read more about Cuban inventions in How communism turned Cuba into an island of hackers and DIY engineers. Mario J. Molina was the first Mexican scientist who went on to win the Nobel Prize in the field of chemistry. The drugs Cetuximab and Panitumumab, which are in the same class as Nimotuzumab but are available in the U.S., can cause unsightly and unpleasant acne-like rashes, while international reports about Nimotuzumab suggest its incidence of rash is a lot lower. For as long as there have been empires, juntas and dictators, there have been ideas that are easier to suppress, mock or beat down than to face in open debate. Find out how to build your own Da Vinci-style ornithopter with household items. How a zoo break-in changed the life of an owl called Flaco, Naked mole rats are fertile until they die, study finds. Since then, researchers have applied his technique to other antibody hybrids and produced a versatile array of assays and diagnostics, including tools used in pregnancy tests, biomarkers, cancer treatments, highly specific vaccines, and blood and tissue typing [sources: Encyclopaedia Britannica; Chang; Telegraph UK]. Instead, he spent those 20 years refining his theory, breeding mosquitoes, and conducting hundreds of tests to support this theory. (July 4, 2014) http://www.nytimes.com/1988/09/02/obituaries/luis-w-alvarez-nobel-physicist-who-explored-atom-dies-at-77.html, The Telegraph (UK). Born in Camaguey, Cuba, in 1948, Adalberto Alvarez was a famous Cuban pianist, musical director, and composer. "Alfonso Caso y Andrade (1896 - 1970)." Born in 1870 in Washington D.C. to a Mexican diplomat father, Mexia spent many years as a social worker before enrolling as an undergraduate at the University of California Berkeley and discovering her passion for botany. He died in 2020. mon - fri 8.00 am - 4.00 pm #22 beetham gardens highway, port of spain, trinidad +1 868-625-9028 New music is taking over for salsa in Havana's hippest clubs. Top 100 Famous inventions and their inventors 3 years ago Salil Ahuja . According to an article in the Harvard International Review, the country invests 1.17 percent of its GDP in technological researchmore than the U.S. and on the same level with Israel. Since 2006, Cuba has had a drug for foot ulcers called Heberprot-P that prevents the need for amputations. You are also agreeing to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. The VSSP research is so preliminary that Cuban scientists' documents still have to be translated from Spanish into English, says Dr. Kelvin Lee, chair of Roswell Park's department of immunology. Moved after encountering the disease's poor and stigmatized victims during medical school, he soon dedicated himself to helping treat them and to combating the social stigma under which they lived [sources: BBC; Chinea]. Finlay noticed that yellow fever epidemics roughly coincided with Havana's mosquito season, but his mosquito-transmission hypothesis was met with disdain for decades until he convinced American military surgeon Walter Reed (like the hospital) to look into it. In 1961, he headed a new molecular biology department in the National Microbiological Institute, but resigned a year later in reaction to Pern's persecution of intellectuals. "Luis Leloir -- Biographical." The most famous symbol of Cubas embargo-innovation balancing act are the vintage American cars. This happened after years of debates, protests and lobbying by Mexican-American people who had historically been forced to record themselves as Spanish-speaking, having Spanish origin or white on the census. Top 100 Famous Female Inventors in History & Modern Women Inventors Born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Miguel Angel Ondetti has been granted more than 100 patents, including U.S. Patent 4,105,776 for "Proline Derivatives and Related Compounds" also known as angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors to treat hypertension. Convit also developed a vaccination against leishmaniasis, a protozoal skin disease linked to poverty and malnutrition. The Treasury Department's Office of Foreign Assets Control has authorized the importation of some Cuban medicines in the past, but only enough to conduct research and clinical trials, according to a spokeswoman for the Treasury. (July 3, 2014) http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/1984458/Jacinto-Convit, Encyclopaedia Britannica. (July 7, 2014) http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/383094/Cesar-Milstein, Encyclopaedia Britannica. in the subject to his philosophy master's degree and law degree, all from the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) [sources: Anthropology News; Encyclopaedia Britannica; Gaillard; Smithsonian]. Before Argentine physician and biochemist Luis Federico Leloir did his groundbreaking research into the transformation of one sugar into another, combustion was well-understood, but synthesis remained a mysterious, largely guessed-at phenomenon. March 26, 2002. Vol. "As far as Nimotuzumab is concerned, at least in the pediatric oncology setting, there isnt any study that has been successful enough to influence the FDA to allow it [to] be licensed or approved for pediatric use in North America," Bouffet said. Brilliant, bold, and brave, his inventions revolutionised the industry and changed the face of commercial cars forever . It has been updated for 2021. He studied in Mexico and abroad, and made his groundbreaking discovery concerning CFCs during his postdoctoral stint with Rowland at University of California, Irvine. Over time, he worked to develop the daguerreotype, the precursor of modern photography. A pacifist, he refused a series of defense industry positions during the Cold War arms race, instead conducting research and teaching physics at the University of the Redlands, Baghdad University, MIT, and Harvey Mudd College. Bats and agaves make tequila possibleand theyre both at risk, This empress was the most dangerous woman in Rome. Physicists had already constructed cloud chambers and bubble chambers, which spotted speeding, charged particles via condensing vapor or boiling liquid. By studying burial offerings there, he proved that the Mixtec people succeeded the Zapotec as masters of the city. All rights reserved. Known for: The Lumire brothers gave us one of the most popular inventions of all timethe movies! About 73,000 U.S. adults with diabetes had their lower limbs amputated in 2010, according to the American Diabetes Association. (July 4, 2010) http://www.nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/medicine/laureates/1980/speedread.html, Parodi, Armando. Ted Cruz is the first Hispanic-American to serve as U.S. To wit: Mark Cuban. This designation is granted to promising drugs that are not yet licensed in the U.S. One of the first Black women in U.S. history to receive a patent, she expanded upon . X-Ray Reflection Microscope Mexican American physicist Albert Vinicio Bez co-invented the X-ray reflection microscope. Unauthorized use is prohibited. These drugs aren't as fully developed as CimaVax, says Lee, but they appear to have great potential. Note: The first person of Latin American origin in space was Cuba's Arnaldo Tamayo Mndez in 1980, as part of a team from the Soviet Union. As an archaeologist, he fought against a prevailing idea that Mesoamerican cultures must have developed from the expansion of ancient Egyptian or Chinese cultures. In contrast, China has completed or is currently conducting at least 25 Nimotuzumab trials. He attended the National School of Arts in Havana and later went on to become a music professor in the 70s. Known for: Bloodmobiles are a common sight these days, thanks to Dr. Drew. Learn more: Thomas Edison National Historical Park. Yale Journal of Biology and Medicine. Learn more: Alexander Graham Bell (Brittanica). He was the first African-American to hold a patent for a process known as dry scouring. Today, we call it dry cleaning. This article aims to delve into important inventions and their inventors from the perspective of the SSC CGL/CHSL and Banking examinations. Photograph by. Travis Daub is Director of Digital at PBS NewsHour. In 2006 Palmaz earned a place in the National Inventors Hall of Fame. Known for: Ford not only invented the automobile; he also designed the assembly line. Molina is credited with discovering the chemical impact of CFCs on the environment. In 1969, Liotta developed the first total artificial heart to . Music isnt the only art form transforming as Cuba opens. She was nominated for the position by President Barack Obama. His father hailed from Spanish Morocco, but he was greatly influenced by his French-Algerian mother's culture. "Award Ceremony Speech: Luis Alvarez." Known for: Marconi changed the way humans communicated by developing the first effective system of radio communication. Experiment with the classic tin can telephone, Put together a blood model using beads or candies, Grace Murray HopperA Legacy of Innovation and Service, The Farmboy Who Invented Television (Smithsonian Magazine), learning how to build your own door alarm, Ralph H. Baer, National Center for Simulation, Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak, Lemelson-MIT, deconstruct it with your class to learn about the pieces and parts inside, Ann Tsukamoto, Necessity is the Mother of Invention, Watch this video to learn more about stem cells, Check out this video to learn more about the Smart Grid, all the devices that use USB ports and technology, 16 wonderful women scientists to inspire your students, get all the latest teaching tips and ideas when you sign up for our free newsletters, 12 Tips, Tricks, and Tools for Creating Amazing Flipped Classroom Videos, 15 Memes That Show What Its Like to Teach the Week of Halloween. Cancer is not one disease, but a collection of hundreds of different illnesses. Biographies of famous latin or hispanic inventors from the latin world: Narciso Monturiol, Ellen Ochoa, Baruj Benacerraf, Carlos Finlay, Bernardo Houssay, Luis Federico Leloir, Milstein, Severo Ochoa de Albornoz, Santiago Ram Cajal and Miguel Servet. Born in Buenos Aires in 1968, physicist Juan M. Maldacena studies the relationship between quantum gravity and quantum field theories. (July 7, 2014) http://www.jsc.nasa.gov/Bios/htmlbios/chang.html, NASA. Learn more: Biography of Johannes Gutenberg, German Inventor of the Printing Press (ThoughtCo). Much as fad diets might tell us to cut them out, energy-packed carbohydrates are essential to most life, thanks to two opposing chemical processes: combustion, which allows us to break down carbs and release energy needed for vital bodily processes, and synthesis, which enables us to use various sugars to build substances we need to live. Many of the greatest Hispanic scientists are people you may not have learned about in school. 6: Luis Alvarez (1911-1988) Father-and-son research team Luis and Walter Alvarez peer through a star dome, which shows the orbit and location, relative to Earth, of stars and constellations. 65, no. Biographies of famous latin or hispanic inventors from the latin world: Narciso Monturiol, Ellen Ochoa, Baruj Benacerraf, Carlos Finlay, Bernardo Houssay, Luis Federico Leloir, Milstein, Severo Ochoa de Albornoz, Santiago Ram Cajal and Miguel Servet. Known for: At a time when most Black men in the United States were slaves, Jennings was born free in New York City. But she believed that one day theyd become more widely used and became one of the earliest computer programmers. LEFT: Cuban inventor Yolando Perez Baez demonstrates his engine-starting device which can work in the place of a starter motor-a component that frequently fails. Try this: Put your students to work with these fun assembly line classroom activities. famous cuban inventions. famous cuban inventors Jan Matejko (1838-1893): He was a famous history painter and portrait painter. He became an American citizen in 1977. Occurrences of yellow fever have ramped up in recent years [sources: WHO]. Learn more: Ajay BhattThe Inventor of the USB. Ruiz pays contacts in the U.S. to buy and bring the necessary technology to Havana. The Most Famous Cubans and How They Made Their Name - Culture Trip They may not have to wait long: Raul has promised to cede power in 2018, and a likely successor is Vice President Miguel Diaz-Canel, a frequent Facebook user. Head and neck cancers make up approximately 3 percent of all cancers in the U.S., affecting about 52,000 Americans every year. Routledge. The first, a child of Spanish immigrants, spent his life in his homeland and dedicated himself to the treatment of leprosy there; the second, born of Spanish Moroccan and French Moroccan parents, spent his formative years in Paris and most of his life in America, and studied the genetic causes of autoimmune diseases. Read more about Cuban inventions in How communism turned Cuba into an island of hackers and DIY engineers. Photo by Ernesto Oroza. Try this: Screen movies using a homemade projector built with a cardboard box and a magnifying glass. Ideas, Inspiration, and Giveaways for Teachers. Rum And Coke Rum and coke, also known as Cuba Libre, was invented after Cuba gained independence after the Spanish-American War. After all that excitement, he retired from NASA in 2005 [sources: NASA]. Invented by scientists at the Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology in Havana, the treatment, which its creators describe as an epidermal growth factor, is injected near the affected area and can accelerate the skin's healing process, closing a wound safely over the course of about three months. Try it: If you can get your hands on an old computer thats no longer needed, deconstruct it with your class to learn about the pieces and parts inside. 2023 Minute Media - All Rights Reserved. "Csar Milstein -- Biographical." She went on to become the first Black female millionaire in the U.S. Cuba may not have had the technology, but its had the drive for innovation. Page 77. Perhaps the most well-known Cuban innovation is the vaccine CimaVax. Learn more: The Legacy of Dr. George Washington Carver. Known for: Though hes often said to have invented peanut butter, Carvers many achievements didnt actually include that popular product. She invented the first compiler, a program that translates programming code to machine language. How did this mountain lion reach an uninhabited island? "Csar Milstein, 74, Who Won Joint Nobel Prize in Medicine." The pair have attracted devoted fans that follow their shows across Havana. The electronic DJ duo Pauza, comprising of Zahira Sanchez and Paula Fernandez, play at a restaurant across the street from the U.S. Embassy in Havana. After earning his medical degree from the University of Buenos Aires, he worked at the Institute of Physiology with Bernardo Houssay. Although he was among the 150 educators sacked during Gen. Juan Pern's 1943 military coup, he became one of the most influential physician-scientists of 20th-century Latin America. Learn more: Thomas Jennings, Smithsonian Magazine. The electric engine from the widely-owned Soviet Aurika washing machine is commonly repurposed. Over the centuries, many remarkable scientists have emerged from Spanish-speaking lands, cultures and ancestors. This makes finding one "cure" difficult, if not impossible. As a child in Mexico City, Molina admired his aunt, a chemist, and emulated her by converting a spare bathroom into a makeshift chemistry lab. Photos by Ernesto Oroza. (July 3, 2014) http://www.nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/chemistry/laureates/1995/crutzen-lecture.pdf, Encyclopedia Britannica. By most measures, the United States' business-friendly environment has proven to be fertile for medical innovation. Known for: Edison is one of the most famous inventors of all time. Eco-friendly burial alternatives, explained. Ochoa researched information processing at Sandia National Laboratories and NASA Ames Research Center and listed as co-inventor on three patents in optics, object recognition and image processing. Celia Cruz The most popular Latin musical artist of the 20th century was born in Havana, Cuba but spent most of her life in the United States. 2004. Known for: When the Wright Flyer I took off from Kitty Hawk and flew for 12 seconds, the Wright brothers made history! Michael ZagarisMLB/Getty Images. Symptom reduction remains the only treatment; untreated, the disease has a 50 percent mortality rate. The White House is continuing to lift trade restrictions between the U.S. and Cuba. When asked if he regretted not winning the Nobel, Convit reportedly replied that his great regret was not curing cancer [sources: BBC; Chinea; Nobel Prize]. Similar, yet worlds apart; that's this list in a nutshell. The Great Fever. (July 7, 2014) http://www.jsc.nasa.gov/Bios/htmlbios/ochoa.html, NASA. Cuban inventor turns trash into farm tools | Reuters Routledge. After studying robotics in art school, Yusnier Mentado Fernndez started working on his own creations using processors from Italy. As economic and diplomatic relations between the U.S. and Cuba continue to normalize, here's hoping that these promising Cuban medical treatments can be investigated fully in the U.S. Americans have been waiting long enough. Underground DJs like Joan Coffigny and the female duo Pauza spin at clubs like the Fabrica de Arte Cubano and house parties. Jenny Marder. Her stories have appeared in the New York Times, the Washington Post and National Geographic. Ada Lovelace (1815-1852) Ada Lovelace decided to add her own notes while she was translating the notes of Charles Babbage, a mathematics professor. The groundbreaking promise of cellular housekeeping. In 1991, he launched the World Wide Web, and the internet as we know it was born. IUBMB Life. (July 3, 2014) http://www.the-scientist.com/?articles.view/articleNo/37619/title/The-Leprosy-Bacillus--circa-1873/, Special Offer on Antivirus Software From HowStuffWorks and TotalAV Security, Franklin Chang-Daz (1950-) and Ellen Ochoa (1958-), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Missed in History: Luis Alvarez Part I (podcast), Missed in History: Luis Alvarez Part II (podcast), 12 Deadly Diseases Cured in the 20th Century. Caso's exploration of early Oaxacan cultures led him to the monumental discovery and excavation of Tomb Seven at Monte Albn. A charger for non-rechargable hearing aid batteries. A mans world? During World War II, he invented several radar applications, worked on the Manhattan Project and rode in a chase plane during the Enola Gay's Hiroshima bombing. Photo by Edel Rodriguez.Read more about Cuban inventions in How communism turned Cuba into an island of hackers and DIY engineers. 6. "Role Models in Science & Engineering Achievement: Bernardo Alberto Houssay." famous cuban inventions 10 Hispanic Scientists You Didn't Learn About In School Joseph and John weren't the only black inventors involved in agriculture. "Mario J. Molina -- Biographical." 7 Groundbreaking Inventions by Latino Innovators - HISTORY Unfortunately, all of this creativity is motivated by profound poverty and desperation. Try this: Looking for a cool science fair idea? (July 3, 2014) http://www.nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/medicine/laureates/1988/, Nobel Prize. 8. Famous Hispanic Inventors Who Changed the World | Direct Auto Invented by researchers at the Center of Molecular Immunology (CIM) in Havana, CimaVax targets a growth factor in cancer cells in a way that can arrest the spread of the disease. But despite early disappointment in U.S. trials, Dr. Dimitrios Colevas, a medical oncologist who specializes in new drug development for head and neck cancer at Stanford, says that Nimotuzumab may be unique compared to other cancer medicines that also target epidermal growth factor receptors, in that it doesnt seem to have the same toxic side effects. Carlos Juan Finlay, the Cuban physician who first linked yellow fever to mosquitoes in 1881, has received both tributes. Learn more: The Farmboy Who Invented Television (Smithsonian Magazine). Known for: Woz and Jobs are two of the most famous inventors of the 20th century.

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famous cuban inventors