our lady of compassion feast day

The Divine Son gave you a mother's heart, in which, as in a sanctuary, He wished to dwell. In order to live, not to myself, but to God, I must bear the cross in union with Jesus. For the small sacrifice of being devoted to you I can obtain a happy death and eternal life. Yet no selfish thought, no bitter resentment has marred your beauty. From the very first, He offered Himself as our ransom and the victim for our sins. There is nothing you want more than to give them to me, since you are even more anxious to save my soul than I am, for you know better than anyone else the price your Son has paid for it and the precious worth of each grace He so graciously offers to me through you. Though the designs of God were unknown to you, you, nevertheless, detached your heart from the world in order to give all your love to God. Blessed are you who believed that what was spoken to you by the Lord would be fulfilled.". Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic Online Saints & Angels Facts Feastday: December 12 Patron: of the Americas Author and Publisher - Catholic Online Printable Catholic Saints PDFs Shop Our Lady of Guadalupe An elder Mexican man makes his way to Mass in the early morning twilight of December 9, 1531. Even from the days of the Apostles you were honored under this mystical title. He was with you not only by His essence, His presence, and His power, as He is with all His creatures. You see me, smile on me, listen to me, stretch your arms out to me, because you hear my prayer and, like a mother, you are anxious to help your child. May the love and peace and happiness of your Holy Family reign in the Christian families of all times. As breathing is not only a sign but even a cause of life, so your name, which is constantly found on the lips of your servants, both proves that they are spiritually alive, and at the same time causes and preserves their life, and gives them every help in their needs. I can picture you alone with your God, following with devotion the life led in common by the virgins of God's house. Joseph was chosen by God the Father to take His own place, in regard to His Divine Son, during the early years of that Son's life on earth. You heard the mob, led by the chief priests clamoring for His crucifixion. When Jesus was conceived in your womb by the infinite power of the Holy Spirit, you possessed the Author of grace, and He so adorned your soul with the richness of His heavenly gifts that you won the admiration of men and angels. Place your gentle motherly hands on those wounds of my soul and grant that through the grace of the Sacraments and prayer they may be healed. continue our lady of sorrows feast day. Saint Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows, Feast Day February 27 Feast, September 15 (Novena, September 6-14) (See the Feast of Seven Sorrows, Friday of Passion Week), Feast, September 24 (Triduum, September 21-23). Through your hands I offer myself with Jesus during the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. With no tendency to evil, but with a deep yearning for the highest virtue, you glorified God more than all His other creatures. Mary, Mother of God, you are the new Eve. Give me a deep sorrow for my sins which have hurt God so very much. This country and every country in North and South America, is born "under God," and under the mantle of Holy Mary, every nation and every person under her . Everything that God may send me, or permit in my life, whether favorable or unfavorable, sweet or bittereven illness, is acceptable to me, for I have resolved, after your example to conform myself to the Divine Will in all things. Virgin of virgins, remember me in my needs, and show yourself my Mother. Their children also belong to God, for they are His gift. How great must have been that longing! From all eternity God chose you to be His Mother that those who could not be saved according to the rigor of divine justice, might be saved with the help of your sweet mercy and powerful intercession. Your life, like that of your Divine Son, was a daily crucifixion and martyrdom, but on Good Friday that crucifixion reached its climax. The climax of that sorrow came when the innocent Victim for the sins of mankind was given, dead, into your arms. Our Lady of Compassion Catholic Primary School On Feb. 11, 2020, I was ordained a bishop and installed as the fifth bishop of the Diocese of Gary. For as often as I offended God by mortal sin, so often have I crucified the Son of God and made a mockery of Him. Thus you became in some way the source of that grace which Jesus would pour forth over all mankind. You are kind and loving for you have a mother's heart, full of pity for the erring. Mary, My Mother, God raised you so high in Himself that He never has created and never will create a holier person more worthy of Himself, of His greatness, of His love, than you, O Virgin most pure. At the marriage feast of Cana He worked His first miracle because you asked Him for this favor. The word compassion derives from the Latin roots cum and patior which means "to suffer with." They had seen Adam created in grace, and John the Baptist, spotless from his birth, because he had been cleansed from original sin before birth. On the appointed day, at nightfall, accompanied by friends, he went in procession to your parents' house, to conduct you to his own home. Only when I have understood your martyrdom, will I understand the greatness of the love of Jesus for you and the intensity of your love for your Son. You are so tender and compassionate, so watchful to relieve the needy, that it would seem you had no other desire, no other concern except this. Mary, My Mother, you and good St. Joseph were married to become the models of family life. Mary, Mother of God, your name is most glorious and most powerful. After the most holy and adorable Name of Jesus, there is no name more glorious and more powerful than yours. All souls belong to you and your Son. All these souls were given to you by Jesus on the crossthey are your children. The angel said to you, "Hail, full of grace, the Lord is with thee: blessed art thou among women" (Luke 1 28). Dec. 12: OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE MASS PRAYERS AND PROPER READINGS. You were charged with dispensing the supernatural life to men because this was fitting. September 15 | Recurring Event . 1. Therefore, you gave your praise to the Creator and Giver of every good and perfect gift. We have the sublime dignity of being children of God by adoption; Jesus alone is His Son by nature. When your cousin Saint Elizabeth greeted you as blessed among women, you answered, "My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior because he has regarded the lowliness of his handmaid" (Luke 1, 46). Mary, My Mother, through your divine maternity you procure for the three divine Persons a new and singular glory. Mary, Mother of God, you are our Mediatrix. The Feasts of Our Lady Note: Only Universal Feasts have the Month cited with each Feast; Local Feasts, etc., are cited by date within each month, unless the particular Local Feast begins a month. With this job opportunity, you will be able to foster compassion, character, knowledge and service for all. You stood by its side never turning your eyes from Him. In your contemplation of God, you behold our needs with our prayers, and you beg God to grant these favors to us. Mother Mary - Our Lady of Compassion September 15th Feast Day Liturgical Color: White The feast day of Our Lady of Compassion is every 15th of September. The corresponding feast, however, did not . However, my sick soul is entitled to more vigilant care, for Jesus reminded me, "What does it profit a man, if he gain the whole world, but suffer the loss of his own soul" (Matt. There were two great altars on Calvary; one in the Body of Jesus, the other in your heart; for on that mount, at the same time that your Son sacrificed His body by death, you sacrificed your soul by compassion. May I be found worthy of your frequent visits with Jesus to my heart in this life and of the invitation to come and live with You both for all eternity in heaven. How strongly Jesus reminded me of this: "As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself unless it remain on the vine, so neither can you, unless you abide in Me. This humility was richly rewarded. But much as your compassionate heart sympathizes with man's sufferings from bodily sickness, you certainly show greater care to relieve the spiritual sickness and weaknesses under which we labor. You learned to read the sacred books by yourself and tried to penetrate their hidden meaning. She holds a lamp for the fires of Imbolc, is known. He is the Master of His creation. It impels my mind to self-exaltation, because I am proud. Home Feasts & Holy Days Our Lady of Guadalupe (Mexico) Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe. Not all the affection you pour out upon countless other souls lessens your love for me. Feast Days of Mary | Marians of the Immaculate Conception When you agreed to the proposal made to you by the Angel, you gave Jesus to us by your own free act. The angels saw a soul which had never been touched by original sin. As a child runs to its mother in every need and finds comfort in her glance and kind word, I can turn to you for help when I need it, for you are truly my Mother, whose heart is overflowing with kindness and mercy. 1. As the surest refuge for a child is the heart of its mother, so your Immaculate Heart is my refuge. Our Lady of Guadalupe - Saints & Angels - Catholic Online May my soul always find comfort in your holy name! Mary, My Mother, may the faithful recitation of my Rosary show my gratitude to Jesus for having redeemed me on the cross and for having given you to me as my spiritual Mother. When you later returned to your home, you were under the loving care of your mother, Saint Anne. Without God I can do nothing. For if I have any ability, any worth or goodness, the glory is not mine, but God's. The Communion was your life of union with Jesus in the Eucharist after His Ascension. Penance and reparation is the one sure way of winning God's love and blessing for a misguided and sinful world. our lady of sorrows feast day. You are not only the Mother of the guilty but also Mother of Jesus, their Judge. Today is the Feast Day of Our Lady of Sorrows I beg you to pray for me that by the light of the Holy Spirit and your direction, I may see my duty, and by God's grace and your help I may fulfill it. You found the cross very heavy during the three years of His public life, for then He had to leave your side that He might be "about His Father's business,"the sanctification and salvation of souls. For that reason you were conceived by your mother, Saint Anne, without even the shadow of sin. You are the loving daughter of the Father, because, before all creatures, you were predestined to be His daughter at the same moment that He decreed the Incarnation of His Son. 3. In your humility, you looked upon yourself as His lowly handmaid. The Holy Spirit gave you the heart of a bride, all burning with a love pure and ardent. Saint Juan Diego and Our Lady - Catholic Education Resource Center It was fitting that you, a Virgin Mother, should conceive the Man Who was also the Son of God. Responsorial Psalm Ps 119:1-2, 4-5, 7-8. To you I entrust the preparation of my soul for the coming of my Savior on Christmas Day. 11, 29). After the fall of our First Parents, earth which was to be paradise, was changed into a valley of tears on which the curse of God fell. Mary, Mother of God, I turn to you in all my pressing needs and difficulties as to a most sure refuge. It is true that we could go directly to God and ask Him for His grace without your help, but God has not willed it so. He forms Himself in me by supernatural principles, which He implants in my mind; by supernatural intentions and meritorious actions. The picture you imprinted on the cloak of the Indian at Guadalupe was the image of the Immaculate Conception. Led by divine inspiration to His house, you prepared yourself for your sublime dignity of Divine Motherhood in silence and solitude with God. You are truly the pledge of Divine mercy. Today is the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe - Manila Bulletin How God has loved you by making you His Mother! I consecrate to you my very being and my whole life: all that I have, all that I love, all that I am. How generously you offered Jesus, your dearest treasure, as a Victim to the justice of His offended Father! From all eternity God chose you to be His Mother, and in time He adorned you with every spiritual charm. At the very beginning of His public ministry, you observed the hatred and jealousy of His enemies and the false accusations which would bring about His death. And Mary said: "My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord; my spirit rejoices in God my savior. This event has passed. This was a declaration that all Christians are your spiritual children. Having heard the prophecy of your Son's suffering, you almost rejoiced to hear that you would share His suffering. Your Son will deny you nothing. The first characteristic of humility of heart is a humble opinion of oneself. You obtained that grace for me. Let me feel some of the sentiments of loving expectation that you felt while waiting for the birth of your Child, so that I may prepare myself for His coming and the graces of the mystery of His Nativity may bear fruit in my soul. In the spirit of loving confidence we have recourse to you. 1. Thus you associated yourself yet more directly and intimately with our salvation. . St. Joan of Arc Feast Day May 30. - Our Lady of Compassion | Facebook 1. How earnestly, too, you want to help us in all our needs! Mary, Mother of God, the miracle of the Marriage feast of Cana shows that you are the Mother of Divine Providence. The wisdom and power of God was constructing a living temple for the Savior of the world. Mary, My Mother, yours is a queenship of conquest. The Church regards you as the rising dawn. Our Lady of Lourdes - Feast Day - All Saints Museum If you receive me under your care, I shall fear nothing because devotion to you is an unfailing sign of salvation. Collected by the web master from various calendars; if you have a Feast that I missed, please let me know, so I can include it. He made you immaculate in view of the fact that Jesus Christ, the God-man, was to take His Flesh and Blood from you. How wonderful were the workings of divine power to make you a fitting dwelling for the Redeemer of the world! Mary, Mother of God, I believe that the most sublime of your privileges is your divine maternity. At the same time you had to offer the most intense human suffering, in union with the Passion of your Son. I desire to place under your protection all my efforts in my striving for holiness and all the works of my daily life. His Heart is a loving Heart, and that love is symbolized by the flames which St. Margaret Mary saw coming forth from it. They then left a small offering of silver required by the Law of Moses. In the temple, you returned to Him His gift by consecrating your Child to His honor and glory. Mary, My Mother, How perfectly you have followed the inspirations of the Holy Spirit and acted on divine wisdom! Jesus is the new Adam and you are the new Eve. Before you were crowned Queen of Heaven you became the Mother of Sorrows. In your humility you refused praise, giving all the praise and glory to God. 1. Mary, My Mother, your first presentation to God, made by the hands of your parents, was an offering most acceptable in His sight. "The altar was designed by Mr. W. J. Devlin and executed by the well-known firm of Boulton of Cheltenham. In your humility you gladly suffered contempt with Jesus. During this long period of concealment in your womb, you perfected His bodily faculties for our benefit. But saints and writers of the Church speak of devotion to you as a sign of perseverance in good and a happy death. Be pleased to intercede with Jesus, your Son, for Christian families. We ask you to procure for us, by your prayers the great grace of final perseverance so that those who are joined to honor you in the kingdom of your Son on earth may be together always in heaven.

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our lady of compassion feast day