Centennial Summer
A century ago, the climax of a war was reached that would see illustrious empires wrecked and new empires emerge. Today, the sun beats down upon as as we move up into the first line trenches, ready yet again for another round of Paths of Glory. It’s been a long slog, but there are eighteen of us still in the fray. Some of you have been idle for several months, others have been playing POG non-stop. In either case, I hope both the will and way remain to get you through yet another round of tough competition!
BPA POG Round 6 Kick-Off
Without further ado, here are the matchups for Round 6. Your games will be available on ACTS within the next 24 hours. (The GMs are assuming that no one will voluntarily drop out of the event at this point.) A few comments:
- All matchups were randomly made while preventing any repeat matches. The ACTS Tourney Admin Log is our way of ensuring transparency to GM activities – don’t hesitate to review!
- We have but three undefeated players remaining: Paul Hubbard and Tom Gregorio (both GMs) will face each other while the remaining undefeated player, John Sutcliffe, drew the dubious pleasure of facing Michael Dauer. Seven other B-Pool matches are scheduled from which only seven players will advance to the next round.
- The duration of this round will be 134 days. We are still awaiting the outcome of one match; Julian will play Philip or Moritz who are currently on turn 20.
- Thirteen of our remaining eighteen contestants are in the POG Top Twenty as recorded in AREA. Given how deep into the tournament we are, this also means that we have at least five participants who you will not want to underestimate based on AREA ratings!
- Round 6 of the BPA VII POG Tournament will end on November 11, 2018, one hundred years after the Great War ended historically.
Game ID
Player 1
Player 2
Paul Hubbard
Tom Gregorio
John Sutcliffe
Michael Dauer
Chris Byrd
Tom Drueding
Steve Koleszar
Ted Torgerson
Marvin Birnbaum
Bill Pettus
Julian Dalla-Barba
Philip Watkins or Moritz Eggert
Hank Burkhalter
Mauro Gasbarroni
Jeff Heidman
Alex Gregorio
Nick Anner
Scott Burns
GM Advice & Admonitions:
While the existing rules seemingly allow the discarding of CCs after the new cards are shuffled in and the next card draw taken, it’s become apparent that this ‘exception’ is not well known, inconsistently followed, and does not add anything to the game. (And, of course, it requires some extra shenanigans in ACTS.)
While I was ambivalent about, and amused by, this ‘exception’, the other GMs and some other players were sufficiently persuasive about the merits (and lack thereof) of the existing rules in this area. It will not be supported by the Deluxe Edition rules nor will we use it at WBC. Item #16 on the tourney FAQ page will be stricken: Effective immediately for Round 6 and the rest of this tournament: No more ‘late discards’ of Combat Cards after the Limited War or Total War cards are added to the deck.
World Boardgaming Championships (WBC) 2018 Preview
A little more than three weeks from now, many of us will compete in person in Seven Springs Pennsylvania at the annual WBC. The POG tournament will start on the first day of this nine day gaming-pallooza and we expect to crown the 2018 WBC victor about three days later. While many of the PBEM players will be there, let us not forget that some POG sharks prefer to lurk in the deeper waters – you won’t see them playing e-mail or on wargameroom, they like to take the measure of their opponents face-to-face. Yes, the play is intense, but the fun is even more so: New-comers and aficionados of all skill levels are welcome. Event highlights:
Single elimination format with a Mulligan round on the First Saturday at 3PM. If you show up by then, you’ve assured yourself of at least two matches with the second round being First Sunday at 9AM.
The Historical Scenario, as featured in this PBEM event, will be used. More details regarding this years tournament can be found on the WBC POG Event Preview.
A summary of last year’s event can be found here. David Bleu is expected to return to defend his title; don’t be lured into complacency by his relaxed and friendly demeanor.
Even if you don’t have the availability to participate in the later rounds, feel free to join in on either of the first two rounds on the first weekend. I will be bringing an initial map proof of the upcoming POG Deluxe Edition so please drop by to revel in the aesthetics of the new map.
Round 5 Recap
The match summary for round 5 can be found here. A few quantitative outcomes:
The CP have 7 matches and the AP won 7. Seems pretty balanced in terms of outcomes and there is but one match result from Round 5 still pending.
The average bid was 1.1 for the AP, the median bid was 1, and both the CP and AP demonstrated they could win with any bid.
Five games went to turn twenty.
Some qualitative assessments around game outcomes:
For games that went the distance, CP wins heavily featured Russia being knocked out while AP wins involved Russia holding out.
Games that finished early often featured Western campaigns that were catastrophic for one side or the other.
One game was decided by numerous GE armies being OOSed while another saw the CP throw in the towel when the NE collapsed.
May Puzzle Solution:
Last month I’d asked folks to maximize the chance the CP would eke out a last turn win by preventing the AP from taking two VP spaces in the west based on the following situation and two CP OPs being available. It was known that the AP would only have 2 OPs to work with on T20AP6.
Sadly, the solution ended up being trivial and only required 1-OP: Move an army from Metz to Sedan to lock in the win. With only two OPs being available, no combination of attack results would allow the AP to take both Brussels and Sedan given the constraints associated with attacking with only two spaces.
This puzzle was a disappointment for this GM. I know that I spent more than an hour setting up this situation and an appropriate solution based on a real game situation, and I had no fewer than two correct responses within an hour. In fact, all four of you who tendered solutions came up with a winning solution that gave the CP 100% chance of winning so I’m going to give credit to the first, Matt Johnson, and resolve to try to come up with a less ‘obvious’ challenges in the future.
POG BPA VIII Tournament Preview
Yes, we’re going to run an eighth POG BPA tournament event and, yes, we’re not going to wait for BPA VII to finish. (Sadly, the current event has has a chance of not finishing until March 2020!) That being said, it’s likely that BPA VIII will start mustering up late this year and start early next year: Stay tuned, mobilize your comrades, and practice!
Good luck to all Round 6 contestants and may the rest of you enjoy a peaceful summer For those of you in the US, have a great 4th of July holiday this coming week!
Michael Dauer
Tom Gregorio
Paul Hubbard